How do I improve my look Veeky Forumsgs?

How do I improve my look Veeky Forumsgs?

no joke u literally have neckbeard

Lol yeah forgot to shave it. Will do user. Thoughts on the rest?

Yeah shaving is a good start

Should I clean shave or just the neck?


better fitting shirt

Don't roll the shirt sleeves above the elbow, rolling is good, but not too far up, makes you look like you are at work. Tuck in the shirt a little tighter, looks cleaner and smarter and wear a belt, always, asides that I don't think you are doing too bad. Maybe get some brighter colored shirts, like pink, white, blue ect.

Thanks mate. Will do.

You should wear a belt if you want to wear shirts

get higher waisted pants. no matter how uncomfortable skin tight shirt you get it will look like shit tucked into low rise

>loving your parents

Are you Indian?

Yep. Why?

using snapchat,lmfao

Then don't bother

larkyyy, i don't know about india but in pakistan art hoes love your type of boys. i hope you're hitting that pussy right user

Lol Indians cannot be Veeky Forums. No matter what you do, to westerners you're a silly 7-11 worker who sends sexual comments to random girls online. And you always will be.

Check your mental health
Go outside

It's pretty much the same here too, because I live pretty close to pak. I'm trying to do just the same user ;)
