How much is this Louis Vuitton bag and how can I incorporate it to an outfit? (I'm a male)

How much is this Louis Vuitton bag and how can I incorporate it to an outfit? (I'm a male)

Also what do you think about the bag?

I think you're gay

please be 5'0''

I'm 6 ft 2 inched


It looks like a purse.

It's a tote bag I can loosen the straps


Doesn't matter. Still looks like a purse.

Then what do i do with it

you want to use it just because its LV and what you want people to think you are rich? kek

you will look like a gayboi with your purse

Don't know, don't care.

I live in LA and I want to differentiate from the average fuckboi with distressed jeans,oversized shirts,and ultraboosts

I want a style something like this

Don't wear distressed jeans, oversized shirts, and ultraboosts, fuccboi.

If you wear an lv bag too you'll just be a fuccboi with an lv bag

>I live in LA and I want to differentiate from the average fuckboi with distressed jeans,oversized shirts,and ultraboosts
me too. difference between us is I am not wearing a purse to try to be unique

what you described is a specific subset of people and not what everyone wears

Is there any way to put the LV bag in my outfit to differentiate myself?
I'm thinking of wearing some ysl or fuck Owens stuff

That bag probably cost around $1200

you sound like a fuccboi. if you question yourself this much then fashion is not for you

sorry lad

No. The bag is boring but expensive. Also Jesus christ please lurk more before you buy Rick and ysl

I'm just asking for feedback
I'm going to use the bag regardless but tell me what you think

La normies don't wear tricky rick

Who gives a fuck. If you like it wear it. Stop being a faggot and caring about what other people think.

I think it looks retarded and like something an LA fuccboi would wear. That's pretty much the extent of my thoughts

so a purse

how much money you wanna bet five of the people in that picture are sub 80 iq

I've met stupid people who are fashion gods and smart people who wear Nike shorts with Walmart graphic tees and gap jackets