Need some inspo on tattoos. Planning on getting Venus De Milo, what do you think Veeky Forums is it effay?




what the hell?


I thought was a photoshop job, apparently not.

On a related note, why?



He looks like a wake and bake guy, he knew he'd live life on welfare, so might as well just snuff out all hopes for a job.

for xanarchy

so anyone got any opinions on these??

Stop spamming these threads with your shitty comment you inbred fuck


well, i like it a lot. might steal your idea desu

how painful is a tattoo?

Whats that supposed to mean?

3,5 hours for my tattoo... So... not that painful or else I would've ran away. And I've got a pretty low pain threshold!

Top kek user
Only 90s kids

depends on the area that you get it on.
I got one just above my ankle yesterday and it was my most painful yet, while getting one on my triceps didn't hurt at all, in fact, I fell asleep during that one.

In general, the thicker the line, the more pain, since the artist then uses more needles simultaneously.

ruh roh

thats going to age really badly

So this chart is quite accurate then?

you must be over 18 to post on this board




why are you even here

just hide this thread? why are you so angry little man?


That looks like pretentious garbage to be honest, if I saw that on somebody in real life I would roll my eyes

source me on this one please

then why are you posting?

extremely painful

Gummy Sneed

is this your new trips or are you another retard?
Is this what are you going to do everytime when most poeple filter you out?

I'm thinking of getting one tattoo representing each day of the creation, for example the sun on my shoulder and the moon and stars in my arm in negative space for day 4. In my forearm i'd do the sky, sea, land and vegetation completing a firmament sleeve and days 2 and 3. In my belly i'd probably do a fish and a bird for day 5 and Adam, or Adam and Eve, somewhere with an animal. What i don't know is how i'd do day 1 or 7. Thoughts on how to do it and on the theme as a whole?

Wow rude desu

Shit like this makes me wonder, is there a tattoo artist code of ethics?

My fav so far.

a tattoo artist who respects the craft won't do shit like that

>every thread

Ikr, big fan of it.. still looking for the guy who tattoed it on his forearm

for you

Knee and head hurts like a bitch, the rest of the body in black and grey is okay, color anywhere hurts.
I would rate 3/10 in general pain

does this have any origin or is it an original design?

Why does colour hurt more

Is there a general rule about how much separation has to be between two lines in order to avoid overlapping due to time?

Also, how do you think a tattoo like this would age?


looks gay anyway


the shadows on the mountain will blend over time, the trees will look a bit more fuzzy. otherwise okay since it's pretty thick lines and not too much detail.

i hate this geometric trend. kys

>I hate something
>Nobody should be allowed to like that thing anymore








that's right

What does /fa think about minimal tattoo?

lol dis shit

total shit mate

only good one

wanna do my forearms up in medival script but im too much of an idiot to know any cool literary quotes so id put like a passage from the morrowind manual or mayhem lyrics or some dumb shit like that

Stick and pokes of abscure band logos are the most Veeky Forums thing i can think of

explain how it is bad without using the words meme or edgy

Here are some fun Baltic designs


its an edgy meme

As far as i know its justa design made by someone of Veeky Forums, original dude got it on his forearm but i didnt save the pic


hey Veeky Forums what do you think about stick and poke tatoo style ?
Not the best example but still

i got 2 when I was 15. They were my first ones and after getting several others over the course of the years, I have to say that I don't regret them but I will definitely have them covered up

depends on area and your sensibility. my first one was an 8 hour session on my lower leg. Shin hurts like shit, rest of the leg is okay. Pain varied between like 4/10 to 8/10. Extremely painful areas are ones with many nerve endings or ones with a bone right underneath it.

mayhem lyrics would be pretty cool.

Thinking of getting the Lance of Longinus from Eva on my forearm. In black outlined in red. Is this a good idea?

Josh is such a cutie

ey ey latvians we out here, so sad that swastika is ruined as a symbol

a quote from the morrowind manual would be brill, man

stupid and gay


I'm thinking of getting this little fella running away from my groin

after 10 years you usally get a new tattoo

I really like this, been thinking about saving up to get something similar

gotta agree of all the meme tattoos these are the lamest

I don't have one of these geometric designs nor do I want one, but you guys are literally saying "I don't like something because other people like it" and it's literally the stupidest kind of virtue signalling I know. If you get a tattoo, it's there for life. Your life. There are no other people involved in making the decision for a certain design for you.


and people who get those tattoos are only following a trend

because that is how the vast majority of humans make their decisions: general acceptance of a certain practice or thing.

Don’t listen to people hating on them. It wasn’t long ago that Veeky Forums would have sucked off anyone with a minimal tattoo. They only hate it now because everyone started doing it. I guarentee everyone on here will hate woodcarving tats before too long. Lol

>tattoos are

depends where you want. I got a chest tattoo. so when the tatto was next to my nipple, it was fine. When it got closer to the center i was grimacing.

no. upper chest hurts more then lower. and center chest hurts more then outer.

Getting this in two weeks with "AN APPEAL" above it and "TO HEAVEN" below it.

every single one of you is going to regret this whole tattoo business by the time you turn 30 and get a decent job with some actual power at a good company

yeah, maybe if you have neck/face/hand tattoos, but most businesses wont care if you have a small sleeve or shoulder/back tat when youre wearing a suit erryday

>trying this hard to have a personality


I think it looks dope

Yeah that sounds really cool!