ITT: Can fat be effay?

FACT: It is impossible to be both fat and effay

Prove me wrong

Nope. That guy actually looks like a bearded lesbian. Only way for a fat guy to look fa is an outerwear or a suit

some more fatspo

You can't be proven wrong it's literally a fact
u can even hardly be fashionable with muscles
not high fashion anyway


Muscles themselves are fashionable in a sense. Your physique is the ultimate form of self-expression; clothes come secondary.

Basically if you look like shit then no article of clothing will make you "effay"

How can you express yourself through muscles

Not that user, but a great physique can say as much/more than a tasteful outfit. See someone who obviously works out and you know that they're disciplined, healthy, and probably happy.


But how is that self expression better than your clothes? You can say much more about yourself with a fit


I guess we have different opinions on this, but I think having good hygiene and being in shape says much more about a person than anything they can wear.
Some (most) people just don't care about clothes, and it has no impact on their daily life. They wear a uniform to work and "whatever's comfortable" any other time. Not taking care of your body shows a lack of investment in yourself, it's disappointing to say the least.

I'd say yes, but it helps if you're a musician like pic related.

Makes sense


But isn't cardio the healthiest way to exercise, with lifting on the side? Isn't that the opposite of bulking? How many athletes that have top tier cardio, organ health, and big bulky super hero bodies?

I didn't say you had to be huge, just "in-shape". There's a lot of leeway in fitness.

Agreed. I would add by saying that this directly translates into the clothing you wear, assuming of course you stick to the basic rule of fitting clothes according to your body proportions. Both your body and the clothing you wear mutually dictate and influence each other and signify your lifestyle and personality. There's absolutely no reason to disregard one or the other if you're seeking to realise your maximal potential in fashion (unless your goal is to be a walking talking swear word).

Cardio + lifting is the best way to go about it. You can be more serious about one or the other obviously. Having a solid diet and doing both of those regularly will guarantee a nice physique. You don't even have to go crazy with it.

He looks like a cool guy, but I wouldn't say he looks good/fashionable.

w2c but for skinny dude

i think fat people can dress decently but it will require a unique style, thicker fabrics and layering, carefully chosen silhouette. just wearing normal people fits isn't gonna cut it

they could never be effay in that sexy "chicks want to bone you" kind of way... but certainly they can be effay in that "cobain screaming his lungs out to a small but enamoured pub crowd" way

i'm not fat but i'm fairly ugly so i can only ever aspire to be that second kind of effay. and for that reason i find fatties, uggos and fellow human garbage to be really heart warming, you know? being effay is a real challenge for us

>late Jim Morrison

Effay as fuck

Dude wears bedsheets w/ snapbacks. He makes me laugh, but def not fa.

i feel like fat people under a certain size can look alright, as long as you're over a certain age and are suitably masculine. my dad is kinda fat but he dresses in a way that works well for him, def looks better than most people his age and size.

that guys clearly on roids, js

The guy you've just posted is huge though, unless he's also like 5'7
We're reaching body dysmorphia levels that shouldn't be even possible

The trick is to understand you're fat and basing your style around that. No slim or skinny fitting clothes. Baggy everything. None of that /r/streetwear meme shit

He’s 5’10” 170. Maybe that’s huge here but not really t-b-h