These are the most important nations that fought in WW1 according to a very successful franchise of video game that...

These are the most important nations that fought in WW1 according to a very successful franchise of video game that will serve as primary source of information on WW1 for an entire generation of people across the world

Do you agree with that list?

It's a fan edited wiki and the game isn't even out yet. I'm pissed they haven't shown the French but I'm sure they will after they hear enough complaining.

No. France and Russia were much more involved than England or the U.S.

Missing France, Rusia and Bulgaria

Bravo Sweden

> no france
> no russia
Just... why?

If you take historical information from a Battlefield game at face value then you fucking deserve to be hilariously misinformed.

>sperging out about a historical accuracy in an FPS to your sekrit kool kidz klub board on Veeky Forums

How dare you not realize this is whitewashed history and this war was really about african-americans? All the footage and pictures you see where suppressed by the WHITE MAN to erase our history! France and England were primarily BLACK at that time, before the WHITE opressors gained the upper hand. The war was fought and won by MEN of COLOR, who also staged the Communist takover of Russia, giving rise to the name of the RED PARTY, which was originally the BLACK PARTY, but the media didn't want to report that so they changed it to a more neutral color. They also changed all the names, doctored all the photos and footage, and ransacked all the graves of the BLACK heroes who fought to preserve our freedom from the WHITE Nazis. The white man replaced the bones with the bones of his own dead, showing how far he was willing to go to suppress the TRUTH.

It's acceptable. I can deal with having America overtake France since it probably serves as a marketing ploy to the EA's overwhelmingly American audience. Besides, France will be in a dlc which makes up for it. I can also understand having Italy in the game since the Italian front was a major theater that most people who've learned about WW1 will know about and it offers mountainous terrain for maps. Although I am disappointed that Russia and the eastern front are not in the game.

we wuz saviors of europe

we saved da evil white mang from destroying each other


It's BF3 reskin, don't bother.

To be fair, Itality has Arditi.

What the fuck did France have?

I have 1500 hours in bf3

I'm not apposed to this

Atleast it is WW1 themed instead oof just WW2 again. Even if it's retarded I mean did you see dat zeppelin.

it looks like a ww1 themed ww2 game to me


There never was a кpacнaя пapтия, fuck off nigger history revisionist bait

Well that's not true at all. You might be right if you were talking about the Second World War, sure, but in the First the British fought on a dozen fronts all over the glove.


Don't the numbers speak for themselves? France mobilized twice what Britain mustered in manpower, and France saw twice more perish in its army.

That said, on the allied side, we should all be thankful for british contributions by aiding in the western front, and driving back the ottomans at Suez. Moreover, it's believed by many that the british blockade wounded german morale substantially.

Came across this though while searching for my image.

Christ, this is horrifying.

Brits were fully involved.
I'd replace Italy and US with France and Russia.

Which country did that poll target?

Americans I'm guessing if that isn't made obvious by the results.

>who contributed the most to the Entente victory in WWI?
Austria Hungary :DDDDD

What's an Austria-Hungary? Can you like eat it?