Can I use this on my dick

Can I use this on my dick

Yeah, but it'll be sticky and uncomfortable unless you just apply it in the evening, wear boxers all night and wash it off in your morning shower. I used that shit on a chemical burn I received on one of my forearms, and honestly it worked really, REALLY good. I was like 75% healed after just one night. Actually, I kind of swear by that stuff now, even though I only used it once for a few days. But it has a consistency very to Vaseline, which I think would feel too squishy and weird underneath pants in the daytime.

Let us know how you get on.

>tfw use it as lube and have used the same container for years

Is this good against acne?

>buying from jews to fix problem caused by jews

what's aquaphor?

uncut senpai

Sadly no(well not yet, anyway). I mean going straight up sci-fi and using this Foregen thing I've been hearing about, and regrowing it. A few years away though, sadly.

Don't believe /r/skincareaddiction's lie and put it on your face. It clogged my pores.

For me, no. I hear about it working all the time though.

It's nitric acid

Who /parents cared about them/ here?

>tfw /parents didn't care about them/

Halfway tempted to beat the shit out of them whenever I use the bathroom.(Had meatal stenosis(small dickhole, hurt to pee sometimes) I was too afraid to tell doctor about, as I knew it would require surgery(and that if i told them there's no way i would be able to back out), but I luckily grew out of it, but still causes occasional pain)

Forgot to mention that I found out meatal stenosis is caused by slicing shit up anyway, along with improper care afterwards, so my parent's were even more retarded than I thought. That, and the guy fucked up and there's hair on the shaft.

Fuck, I forgot my reaction.

being uncut is fucking great, but there are still things you can do to make the most of it

>put aloe on the head and under the foreskin at night before you go to sleep, wash it in the morning
>make sure you wash every day but don't use volatile or harsh soap bc you'll just dry it out

and here's some advice for everyone

>trim your pubes
>shave your balls smooth and put baby powder on them

can we get some /dick/aesthetic inspo?

isn't that a /soc/ type of thing?


For pooping, silly.

LOL I actually got aquaphor just for the dick, saw a derma recommend it for dry skin dermatitis

why put aloe on the head?

Is this any good?