Why is Loki accepted by the Æsir gods and even as Odin's adopted child when he's not even Æsir and causes so much...

Why is Loki accepted by the Æsir gods and even as Odin's adopted child when he's not even Æsir and causes so much trouble? (killing Baldr just as a start.)

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because hes intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor

Same reason Freya and Freyr were?

Freya and Freyr are Vanir gods and remained Vanir gods. Loki was born Jotun and is now treated as Æsir even though he's the source of a million different problems in Norse mythology.

iirc, odin and loki are blood-brothers (no idea if that's what it's called in english), so he is sorta obliged to put up with his shit

loki did also fix a bunch of the shit he caused (helping thor getting mjolner back from trym, fixing asgards wall without marrying off freyja, winning skadi's bet)

he's also the reason why mjolner, gungnir and sleipner even exists

Nordic mythology has a lot to do with pre-determined fate doesn't it?

Wasn't he locked in a dungeon and part of the bad guys since he killed one of the gods?

There is no germanic or scandinavian priest from 0-800 AD around anymore who could enlighten us on that question.

Only LARPers.

It's not like we don't still have the prose eddas, poetic eddas, and the Icelandic sagas to tell us.

Loki was also fucked by a horse.

Slepnir is Loki's babby octohorse.

Odin: I've had it up to here with your renegade antics Lokowski, you gotta learn to play by the rules!


Odin: Ok. I'll let it slide this time but one of these days your mouth's gonna write a check that your ass can't cash and when that day comes, don't go cryin' to me or Thorson to bail you out because you've been warned. Now get out of my office.

Loki's Odin's blood brother, not his adopted son. He's accepted among the Æsir because of his blood-oath with Odin. Why they made that oath is unknown, not all the myths survive. But Loki wasn't always an asshole, he also helped the Æsir at times, but after Baldr's death they had enough of his shit and imprisoned him.

yes he is sleipnir's mom

"It's not like we don't still have the new testament and the old and the israelites to tell us"
Said the american protestant as he reaffirmed annoyed that the earth was indeed 6000 years old and the Nephelin were giants who lived with dinosaurs before the flood.

Meanwhile Petrus cringed in heaven.

You see?
We dont know shit about what they believed as the context is dead.

Ancient Israelites and Christians before modern science actually believed that though

Aren't those mostly written by christians?

>christians before modern science

Not really.
While Celsus a pagan philospher of the 2th century AD and firm opponent of christian theology was annoyed that plebeyan christians did so, he knew that the educated ones didnt and argued with them on a logical level.

If even the enemies of christians back then said they werent that retarded to believe it literally, we can suspect that they indeed were not.

severely underrated post


Yes really, it was universally accetped that the world was only thousands of years old, they had no reason to doubt it really. All the earliest Christians also defended the historicity of things like the flood, even people like Augustine.



" Augustine spent five pages answering skeptical objections about the Flood covering all the highest mountains, the Ark being big enough, Noah having the ability to build it, and the feeding of carnivorous animals on the Ark"

Ok this is hillarious, I need to find this scripture and see how he managed to talk himself out of that corner.

Yeah, guy upthread should have mentioned no educated early Christian thinking the Earth was flat, even though the Bible can be taken as stating so.

Augustine objected to the Earth being spherical because everyone wouldn't be able to see Christ descending from the heavens at the Second Coming.

Reminder that Thor is a half-jotun mutt.

ummm no? didn't u see????? Thor is a woman now?

well we will be able to do so in the age of lifestreams.
All in gods plan.
Checkmate atheist!

Odin's also half-giant.

That makes Thor 3/4 Jotun

Norse gods were very multi-cultural. Out side the Byzantines and hungarians the norse are pretty much the only people who value having sex with foreign women

Ok so let's talk some things about loki so first we have to understand a heathen (Germania pagan) mindset. Key to this is the concept of Frith which can be understood as mutual selflessness. Think the care parents have for their children and the lengths they'll go to protect or care for them. Or soldiers doing ludicrously dangerous things to help their comrades even death

No Frith can't just appear, it not something truly declared and it cannot be broken or revoked. So it's typically found within the family unit and occasionally among battle brothers. Now that is why Loki is tolerated among the gods.

So why not break frith? Well you can't really without a huge loss of face and social power or extreme circumstances.

>your brother murders a man who he claims stole his cow.
>he comes to you for shelter and while there the murdered man's family and a posse arrive
>they demand you hand over your brother

If you do so you have broken frith with your brother. Society would look kindly upon you fate (a tragedy) and be more inclined to help your widow/kids if you die helping your brother. Note the posse might be inclined bu your home or to spare you or merely try to wound you

And remember loki is bound to Odin by being a blood brother. It's not a bond that is easily or readily broken. It takes him abusing the hospitality of another to finally get punished and it's largely by her, Odin doesn't interfere as its largely her right to do so.

He objected to people living on the other side of Earth.

It's refreshing to see a non-Abrahamite thread on this board.

what if jesus turned the atmosphere into a giant mirror so the light from his descent hit all over the world

i would like to see that!

Loki is basically the joker. He just wants to watch the world burn.

Loki may feel conflicted about being part of the Aesir while also being Jotun.

Not so sure on that point aegir and skadi were jotun and lived among the aesir as equals. Many of the aesir have jotun blood or jotun lovers at one point

There's a hypothesis that the Norse worshiped the Vanir before the Aesir and the Jotun before them, maybe they were trying to demonstrate that the old gods are unfit for worship.

Yes, the earliest sources are from the high middle ages.