Since everyone and their dog has a tattoo now

Since everyone and their dog has a tattoo now

Is having clear natural skin more rebellious?

not more rebellious, but yeah body modification in general seems to be on its way out

99% of tattoos are edgy af and so are piercings. Show of bad taste. Like g star denim jeans or volkswagen

My younger sister has this same tattoo. Shame I couldn't talk some sense into her

was it even ever rebellious, to me always felt like a poser thing trying to imitate inmates or sailors


I actually can understand when people make very personal tattoos (and not the "John + Alex

Any year any century mutilating your body faggot where you at


This actually annoys me. Literally every single female and at least 70% of guys at my Uni have tattoos somewhere, and if they don't its because they're too poor.

I'm like 1/3 people I know who isn't tattoo'd and I have a feelings faggots are going to start calling me a hipster in the next 5 years

>too poor for tattoo
>uni students
>what is stick and poke

anyone considering a tattoo should be forced to look at Anthony Keidis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers for 5 solid minutes

tttooos display how stupid you were as a young adult; that's all

>Worst girl

damn i googled 'anthony kiedis 2017' and he looks like an emo band singer fucking snapbacks

>not giving a shit where your alignment falls on the ever changing contrived hipster authenticity spectrum
God tier

face tattoos

His tattoos don't look shitty, he just looks and dresses shitty

Yeah man wtf

They're a cry for attention and a weak attempt to be unique.

Don't diss my rabbit.

Kleidis looks ok....Flea on the other hand

>Is having clear natural skin more rebellious
This has been true for a long time now, tattoos have been mainstream since the late 90's in the UK at least.