Admit it, prep looks good

Admit it, prep looks good


We understand the world through stereotypes. Every 20 guys I meet in prep perhaps 1 is a decent human being. This reinforces my stereotype of prep-wearing people as self-centered, sheltered assholes. If you wear it, you are also wearing the prep flag and are identifying yourself with the prep stereotype in the eyes of others.

Pretty much my entire wardrobe is prep clothing.

Went through a phase of wearing really baggy vintage clothing and "wavey garms". Couldn't imagine myself wearing anything else now though.

It does, but that guy doesn't.

I say this someone who lives in New England but doesn't dress prep because I'm just a normal dude from a middle class family. LARP'ing as someone you're not is always in bad taste.

Yeah i couldn't agree more, i wear a lot of prep clothing and i honestly feel like people just look at me and think i'm a cunt.

I'm just trying to do me but i cant help feel judged for what i wear.

prep does look good, in many instances. the dilemma we face , however, is that we do NOT want to be associated with douchey frat boys wearing vineyard vines, boat shoes and khaki shorts every day , who all look the same. I am not one of these people. I want to dress in a classic way, but I feel like the look is being tarnished by modern prep

It's a pretty basic fit, what don't you like about it?

shirt is way too slim, shoes are ugly. Ugly belt. Those glasses are horrendous and his hair god don't get me started on his hair.

Pic related is a similar look but 100x better looking, not because of who he is but because of how he wears it.

I think there are plenty of elements of older prep that can work in a modern context. Just avoid, like you said, VV (or any branding really), boat shoes, etc. Stick to classic loose fits, muted colors, older style sweaters, etc and you're fine.

why is he wearing sunglasses. it's cloudy there

Is it possible to have long hair and dress prep?

yass and girls will think u have money

Depends how long it is. Laxbros are pretty preppy

What qualified them as a decent human being vs. not?

He is just autistic.. Don't listen to him

>not wearing sunglasses 24/7 to be cool


post more inspo friend







much appreciated - I'm not 100% clear on what qualifies as "prep" desu


he looks like someone who snorts a fuckload of cocaine and self-identifies as a sociopath

Agree on the belt and glasses but I actually like those shoes desu


boat shoes are garbage

In what sense is this "prep"? It's just traditional Western menswear. There's a ton of overlap there, but you can make a distinction.


Because of the faggy no socks meme

>shirt is too slim
I know prep relies on roomier fits, but the shirt looks fine on him. KJP(?) is still shit, though.

"where's my hug?"-core

I just said I didn't know for sure what prep was? What would you define it as?

is it possible to pull off a necktie in a non-professional setting, in this day and age?

maybe in 2010 when #menswear was still a thing

now it's for tryhards and autists

Only if you're fit. Then again so does anything.