Can someone explain to me why black women are obsessed with weave? how is this fashion for them?

can someone explain to me why black women are obsessed with weave? how is this fashion for them?

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They want white hair, it's that simlpe


Though i get what you mean, i like black womens natural hair its crazy how like 75% of them ive met have weeves in.

your /pol/ is showing, you must mean straight hair?

you know i always wanted wooly hair growing up because i always wanted greasy afro's and jerry curl's and flat tops. have you ever seen the movie "coming to america"?

In Australia since around 2000 we have imported Somalis and Sudanese. Most of the time when you get new immigrants they set up restaurants selling their ethnic food. I've seen maybe... One African restaurant.
What the blacks do is set up barber shops and weave stores.
The thing to note about this is these are "fresh off boat" Africans and they still want weave.
You can't argue that being submerged in a white culture for generations conditioned them to want it.

reddit get out

Yes, it's just that simple. Has nothing to do with them trying remain employed/included around their white counterparts. It's not like natural hair was shunned at all in the past.

the light ones look so much better with puffy afros imo. but the darker ones look better with straight hair

It was black people who were shunned in the past, not their hair.

What you're saying isn't necessarily wrong, but it's also just an explanation for why
is right.

Cause long coil-y hair is near impossible to style outside of dreadlocks or something similar. Dreadlocks arent particularly feminine either and afros are seen as out of style. People feel like they would fit in better with straight hair, the same reason why white girls use hair irons.

Because they're too lazy to look after their hair

>Cause long coil-y hair is near impossible to style outside of dreadlocks or something similar.

Not true.

> It's not like natural hair was shunned at all in the past

It still is shunned in most white collar fields.

You can't argue that being submerged in a white culture for generations conditioned them to want it.

Hollywood movies and U.S. television is what most people see, even if there's a black actress in the film she's likely to have straightened hair or extensions. They're going for what they think is the popular and luxurious style to wear your hair in. And ofc when they finally reach the western world what they've seen on t.v. is usually confirmed, so they keep relaxing their hair.

First explain why every nigga dude is bald.

>An African person in an African nation surrounded by their own people is powerless against US media.

You're not giving black people much credit.

You're not giving the media and money much credit. It's the same reason asian people love skin bleach, and eye lid surgery. Every group of people falls prey to the media, even white countries that produce it. Most white women want to look like their favorite celebrities. It's always been like that.

Asian peoples of all stripes wanted pale skin before Hollywood came along because wealthy elites didn't have to work out in the sun so they were more pale than the others.
This is true of South Asians, South East Asians and East Asians.

True but double that up with influence from media and commerce with the western world. How do most people in Asian countries dress, and style themselves now? They do it through and in the style of western fashion.

on top of what is already said african hair is really hard to care for. It takes a ton of time to make it look good especially when it gets long. You have to braid it every night ,moisturize it throughout the day, sleep on silk pillows/wear a scarf. It's definitely why a lot of time you see girls get weaves,braids because its a hell of a lot easier.

>Because they're too lazy to look after their hair
Yet they go out of their way to buy the weave. Makes you think

thanks for explaining, i didn't know that

Some of them buy it because their hair is short. There were a lot of girls that I knew in school whose hair was long enough for a ponytail, but it was too short to be a legit one. Idk why but it seemed like they were unable to grow their hair, for months or even years. My sister has long hair down to her shoulders, and has never had an issue growing hair.

black women are also shunned cause they did not meet european beauty standards

same reason they would rather have it cut short than to embrace their natural hair

Looks like Bart Simpson

Because their own hair is not attractive or at all feminine, so they get prosthetic hair to impersonate humans. as far as why is this fashion? it's just useless ornamentation, vanity and shit-eating ego like other sorts of fashion, if "fashion" is even the right word to begin w/

man imagine being this much of a sperg

The hair is dry and breaks off too often to grow out. Using heat or chemicals to straighten their hair does this, ontop of black hair being dryer in first place.

Black hair is hard to maintain. Too brittle too dry and it could up to like half it's length.

Nope. Most weaves come from Indian and South American heads and it's a lot thicker and volumptuous than white hair
