What is something that all of Veeky Forums could agree upon?

What is something that all of Veeky Forums could agree upon?

The cancer in human form that is the German must be exterminated from the face of this earth once and for all.

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

Blacks have contributed nothing at all to humanity

Time is a flat circle

The perfidious Turk must be opposed at all costs?

My dick is pretty big.

Anglos are the devil.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel was a pretty nice guy with some good accomplishments.

OP is a faggot.

Butthurt Frenchman detected

This desu

Veeky Forums is /pol/ and /int/ with dates

I'm OP, and I can agree.

Butthurt Germ-man detected. Get back on Abdul's cock kiddo ;^).

The battle of Lepanto occurred in AD 1571

>not CE

The Turks are just somewhat evolved cockroaches.

how are the markets today, merchant?

This hasn't been funny, insulting or quirky for a long time now.

Well that's like, your opinion, man.

Get out Ateist

>being atheist and still using a Christian calendar because you call it different

Cucked as fuck

>he thinks CE is an atheist invention

You want to know how I know you've never studied history?

>being this easily rused

Political posters are bad.

>using a "PC" neutral term

>while still using a Christian dating system with the supposed birth of Jesus as the 0 point between the earlier period and the later period


whos being funny? I was politely asking my semitic friend how business is doing in a civilized manner.

really the only thing insulting and quirky is wanting a group of humans to be exterminated i.e. germans

its pretty rude and the poster was probably trying to be funny

Africa is a mess

Except some good music

Communism doesn't work

definitely this

Fuck /pol/



That this board is full of faggotry

A world without Turks and Germans is a world without roaches and rats.


We wuz kangs n sheit

Fuck you.



t. perfidious turk himself
