MFW radical feminists, college marxists and leftists ruined Doc Martens

>MFW radical feminists, college marxists and leftists ruined Doc Martens.
>TFW can't do skinhead core or milspo without people thinking i'm a faggot.

just wear a shirt with a swastika on it

>tfw some retarded faggot on anime fashion forum cares too much about what other people think again

Kill yourself to get back at those crazy liberals for not hating everything you hate. It might work.

Even if it doesn't, still has the benefit of you not fucking existing anymore. It's win/win for everyone.

Doc Martens have been worn by raging faggots 100% of the time since the late seventies / early eighties at least. You obviously don't know any skinheads or mods or any of those sorts of pussies who sometimes make laughable attempts at appearing tough. Honestly OP, you'd do well to avoid that brand at all costs - it's always been the mark of idiots

Dubs of truth

Except for the whole mods wearing docs thing.

If you ain't Aries Rising or Aries Venus. Don't even bother with the aesthetic of power. Now stop whining.


>t. mixed mutt

>doc martens
Please learn about subcultures before you comment

pretty sure doc martens were ruined by being shit quality plastic crap

kys my man

Literally nobody cares or thinks this just wear the boots

If they think your a fag for wearing a pair of shoes ya just might be

....just wear timberlands or SADF waxies or some other boots you idiot. Doctor Marten has dementia, I wouldn't trust him.

>wow young people like doc martins now? a fashion company that isnt political and wants to be in style?
>young people must be leftists. they ruined doc martins by making it partisan
>now i cant cosplay as a 1980's era uneducated white supremacist subhuman with poor hygene now
>damn educated young people!

>That weird frontier between neo-Nazi milspo core and campus leftist aesthetic.

Skinheads are effay as fuck.

lmao what does this even mean?

actually fucking kek'd for once on this trash board

I will not explain it to you jackass.
