Grid thread

Grid thread


good fapping material

post uncensored ass pls

these are by far the saddest threads


kys, nigger

extremely basic core
do you have a personality?


sauce on bottom right

there threads always suck dick

How do you put images on these things? lol


is it even possible to get that bleached hair if u have brown currently? I am afriad if I tried it would be yellow

Obviously, you'd just need to bleach it a few times. My hair is naturally mid/darker brown and I'm currently platinum blonde.

ahh fuuuck. Been on the edge so long, your template is LITERally exactly what I want.

Just go for it, if this is your first time having it done differently pay for it to be done by a hair dresser since attempting it yourself is a little difficult to get right first time.

dont judge my taste in women



mirin the authenticity of this one

>porn op

shift + click

who is that dude with all the tattoos in the body section? can you post the full picture?