So This Is The Power Of Millenial Fasshion

So This Is The Power Of Millenial Fasshion

She's cute.

If you’re on this site you’re a millennial unless you’re an old ass man or underageb& FUCK

Gen Z here. We will exterminate millenial thots and you jew fags who support them. HH

ooh mami

Fuck off /pol/

thats more like female architecture student core

21 and under are Gen Z

sorry hun

go to bed

fuck you millennial fag. I do cocaine and will destroy you limp wristed losers. wahhh, boomers hurt us. THEN KICK OUT THE IMPORTED LABOR YOU RETARDS.

You can't import labor when the boomers exported it all to Karachi, you waste of genetic material.

WHO IS THOMAS SOWELL? what is marx's irish question?

17 and under, champ. 21 is still Millennial. The cut-off year is 1999 for Gen Y; Gen Z starts with 2000.

This has been discussed ad nauseum and it's annoying how often it needs to be corrected.

>I do cocaine
oh shit dude I didn't realise, I'm sorry

thats right bitch *sniff*

would bang

her back looks like its gonna give out soon

she literally looks like a bird

>cutoff is 2000

Is that an A V E R A G E girl in the background?

Why the fuck to people keep thinking millennials are the people that are kids now? Is it because we had "Gen Y" established so they assume it means "the gen after Y?"

O my god. So cringey. I hope you hide your power level in real life

average american? yes

the "skinny" girl is a rare breed in the land of 50 something mutt states

who is this qt3.14

thats pretty good ive had sex with that lady