What's Veeky Forums's thoughts on being overdressed?

I'm not sure of how many of you can relate to this but:

>Be me
>18.5 years old
>Still in high school (Swedish school system)
>Everybody wearing peak performance, Ralph Lauren, vans etc.
>wanting to buy coat like pic but hesitant because it's really dressy relatively speaking

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I understand. But its something you gotta sort yourself, the older i got the less of a fuck i gave about what the dressing culture of my surroundings was and just started to wear what i wanted and i never get shit for it.

>be a brown guy who hates the west and white people due to self loathing
>complain about diversity then write all your shows to have you with a white gf
>dress like a caricature of a white person 24/7
aziz you need to go back m8

So what's your advice? Should I just dress how I like and buy the coat and fuck what people think or should I let that mentality come naturally (as it did for you)?

Honestly I just really like the coat and we have pretty similar sense of style.

are you brown?
also you can dress how you want if you live in a big city but if you live somewhere rural or flyover you should dress as is acceptable there

sounds defeatist but that's the way it goes, if you go to a funeral you wear a black suit, if you go to a house party you where whatever you want

flyover and rural states are a proverbial funeral

I appreciate the advice although I'm still indecisive.
Yes I'm brown.

You cab dress that down by layering a grey hoodie

sweden yes

honestly I get compliments whenever I dress up slightly.
It's not really my primary aesthetic (I'm more of a lunarcore/80s guy) but on occasion I switch things up and go for a dressy look.

I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you're completely confident wearing it

such a nice fit desu. Go for it OP

who keeps a book what this means? wear what you want.

Not only do you want your country to be filled with shitskins, you want to dress like them too
Sven, you are the reason your children will be minorities in their own 10,000 year old homelands. Stop worrying about what brand of cuckold clothing you spend your krona on, hit the gym, start reading proper books, stop believing your suicidal, self hating government's propaganda, have some pride in yourself and make sure you're ready to take back your country with your countrymen. Frankly I think a brainlet like the Golden One on Youtube is 10x better dressed, cooler, more admirable and successful than a kid like you, no matter what you wear, because he is willing to stand up and say "No, Sweden is not an arab or nigger country, feminists are idiots, the Jews are leeches who damage us, we are a people with a right to our own destiny and sovereignty!"
Sort yourself out Sven, there are better things in life than worrying what your fellow cuckolded classmates think about your jacket

Start by reading this, something they desperately don't want you to read in Highschool. A simple website with some simple facts that you will never be taught by your school

Wake up Sven.


The man makes the clothes, user. If you want to wear it, what else is there to care about?

>be me
>from Sweden

Fuck I would not want to live in that shithole, what the fuck is your government even doing

I haven't seen that Library of Hate link for a long time, it's pretty out of date (pre 2014 migrant crisis)
25% of crime in Sweden was committed by immigrants, and 20% more was committed by children of immigrants. Source: thelocal.se/20051214/2683
Sweden is the rape capital of the West, likely due to immigration. Source: gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape
85% of rapists in Sweden were non-Swedish immigrants. Source: gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape
North African migrants to Sweden are 23 times more likely to rape than native Swedes. Source: gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape
African migrants to Sweden are 16 times more likely to rape than ethnic Swedes. Source: gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape
Iraqi migrants to Sweden are 2000% more likely to rape than native Swedes. Source: gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape
16% of Swedish girls are not allowed to determine who they will marry. Source: archive.is/fUVK#selection-661.160-661.256
In Sweden, immigration has increased income inequality. Source: diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:819935/FULLTEXT01.pdf#page=3
One in four Swedish women will be raped in her lifetime. Source: americanthinker.com/articles/2015/11/islam_rape_and_the_fate_of_western_women.html
Immigrants to Sweden make 60% of what native Swedes earn, and this number has barely changed in 25 years. Source: aei.org/publication/ikeamerica-should-the-us-really-be-more-like-sweden-a-qa-with-economist-tino-sanandaji/
Immigration to Sweden is a net cost even in the long run. Source: tino.us/2015/12/langtidsutredningen-ett-bombnedslag-i-invandringsdebatten/

dont do it in high school. find things that seem kinda close, nothing with lapels, but fabric & cut and you can wear it, don't go fuckin strutting around in a blazer if no one else is

It depends if you want to commit to it or not. I started sorta the same way except I did it after military service and minus peak performance. What I did first is start thrifting and dressing that way so people could see it's a genuine effort. Later on I went from buying at cheap places, to Men's Wearhouse, to thrifting to custom clothing in a span of almost a decade.


Just go full Our Legacy, I dont mean you should boy every item from them, just get inspo since they make really good clothes for adults which is not faggy menswear whatever this disgusting style is called.

Mfw Sweden is great

Eyy lmao

You DO realize OP said he's brown earlier in thread right?

>30% of iraqis marry their cousins

I'm an Iraqi Kurd living in the Netherlands and out of all the Iraqi families I know none has a family member who married their cousin. And I know quite a lot.

>combatting government lies with more lies

People wear Ralph in higth school in Sweden but you're worried about being overdressed in a tweed jacket? What kind of Ralph is this?

It all just depends on how you feel about sticking out.
It's not really "overdressing" but I used to go to HS in a cardi+oxford when everyone else was in tees/hoodies, at first it felt weird but in the end not many people cared.

Polo shirts probably. I'm not swedish but i know how those swedes dress like. There's nothing formal in ralph polo shirts

>18.5 years old

Nigga you're not 6 years old to be saying your age like that

Who gives a shit about your personal anecdotes, actual studies have been done about this sort of thing.

i love his channel so much