Is there any way to smoke a pipe without looking like a neckbearding faggot?

Is there any way to smoke a pipe without looking like a neckbearding faggot?

be 65 or older

Is this truly the only way? Why can't young men smoke pipes anymore? They've done so in the past?

just do it user. as long as you don't draw too much attention to it or act like an autist you should be alright.

>tfw like pipes because they remind me of dad.
>allergic to ciggy smoke.
Can I just get one and keep it in my mouth when im trying to concentrate?

>allergic to ciggy smoke.
Literally impossible. That's not how allergies work.

you have to smoke them like you're ashamed of it and trying to hide it. you'll get Veeky Forums meth head vibes

if you try to confidently pull of pipe smoking when you're not 60+ you'll look like a complete hipster gimp

do it in private, or as privately as possible, without coming off like your hiding something. see , Veeky Forums meth head vibes don't exist

People have had allergic reactions to some of the additives in commercial cigarettes.

Me and my friends have a pipe guy we often that comes into our bar. He has a beret and types short sentences into his macbook before deleting them. It's definitely a spectacle.

Come on, it's LARP of a gentleman, even our dads did not smoked from pipe.

Just drink French wines and wear brown sport coats if you really want to be of that type.

if you're not larping as an intellectual and don't look like a faggot i don't think it's too far from cigar tier

You could do it ironically

Do it way out in the woods where you don't look like anything to anybody. Although it's the best way to enjoy tobacco, you're correct in recognizing that it's going to make you come across as a massive asshole.
Irony doesn't exist.

You know what. Honestly don't. The last thing we need is people like you insecure fucks ruining an enjoyable hobby like pipe smoking.

>Is there any way to smoke a pipe without looking like a neckbearding faggot?
As long as it's a crack pipe, yes. Otherwise, less so.

>Even our dads didn't smoke pipes

Uh, what? My dad did, my two uncles did, multiple men my father's age that were around smoked as well. If you're going to talk out your ass just don't talk at all.


Time to kill yourself, bud

This. Sucks to be raised by soymen I guess

Not that guy, but pipe smoking really does have that connotation for a lot of people, dude. And for once it's something that is actually negatively perceived by normal people, the way fedoras are - it's not just Veeky Forums assholes shitting on it, the way it is with virtually everything else that people on here like to call "numale" or "hipster" or "reddit" or "soy" or any of the thousand other retarded insults that Veeky Forums has for perfectly normal articles of clothing.

Personally I think that's dumb as fuck and I'm going to continue smoking a pipe regardless, because it's a straight-up superior alternative to cigarettes.
1. It's not as bad for you (still bad, of course, but at least it's less damaging to the lungs).
2. Tastes better and doesn't leave you and your clothes smelling like shit the way cigarettes do.
3. It's often cheaper; certainly it's much easier to do in moderation. (I don't know what it is about cigarettes, but they're like potato chips. Somehow smoking one always leads to another and another and ...)

But you KNOW that lots of people roll their eyes at young (e.g. early to mid 20s) pipe smokers. (Maybe that doesn't describe you, but it's the dominant demographic on here.) You fucking know it. It's not a great look. Nobody's impressed by that one 25-year-old who carries around a pipe.

Personally if anybody figured out how to smoke a pipe without drawing attention for it I'd be all over that. I don't smoke to look effay. Like I said, I smoke because I like smoking sometimes and cigarettes fucking suck.

I think it goes without saying that if you smoke anything in public you're looked down upon, this is why when I smoked cigarettes I only did it in private. Now that I've stopped smoking cigarettes, part of me wants to get back into smoking a pipe (for all the same reasons you listed). I just wanted to know why people shit on them so much. It's literally a tool to inhale tobacco smoke. Why so much hate?


At home after work or down by the water hole. Just don't do it at a bar or coffee shop. It isn't social in the way cigs are so don't try to force it to be.

Cultivate a genuine aura of masculinity then add in pipe smoking. Don't expect pipe smoking to ever look good on a 19 year old twink that can't grow a beard


>"I have an addiction and want to sate it"
>"I have an addiction but have the cash to sate it in a way where it looks and tastes good, even if it's technically contraband"
>"I have an addiction yet can't figure out why elaborate mustaches, fedoras and beating women went out of style"
>"I have an addiction, and I have this addiction because it's as close as I could get to LARPing as a 300-lb Rick Deckard without shooting up a public place"
>"I have an addiction and this method of sating it keeps my Klan outfit free of unsavory smells"
>"I have an addiction and I sate it between drinking mouthwash, running a casino and insisting all white people are evil"

You sound fun at parties, guy.

just do the opposite of a neckbeard and dont smoke in public
exaggerate the fact that you are trying to hide yourself and they will understand

>1. It's not as bad for you (still bad, of course, but at least it's less damaging to the lungs).
Doesn't it have a greater chance of causing mouth/throat cancer, though?

I’m 25 and I end up having great conversations with people when I’m out clubbing or bar hopping.

People want to try it or talk about their memories with a pipe from an old family member. Or they call you Sherlock. Or they just want to talk.

If you have the look and the confidence. Fucking do it.

If you’re in a hoodie and streetwear smoking a pipe it looks cringey.

Pipe smoking is a hobby, you sillygoose.

You should be informed about a topic before you post about it otherwise you’ll look silly.

If you consider putting smoke in your lungs a hobby, you have a sad life.

>pipe smoking
I’ll repeat my advice from my last comment to make it a point how uninformed you are
>You should be informed about a topic before you post about it otherwise you’ll look silly.

>Not realizing that there's no correct way to get nicotine into your bloodstream.

Maybe it's time you get off the internet today, son. Your mother will be home soon.

Why would you smoke a pipe in pubic?

Please show me where in my post I wrote "publicly". I'll wait.

looking effay is something people worry about when they go out typically. If no one sees you do it then no one is gonna judge you for something they don't fucking know about.
So what's your problem? Do you need to wear special clothes or have an attitude to smoke?

and no; nowhere did you say publicly. I just assumed that you were too insecure to do it in public so I asked the question.

You implied pipe smokers inhale into their lungs. Which is not the case. You then resort to personal logical fallacies instead of refuting any of my points explicitly, I’ll give my mom a call. And you should get through Freshman Socratic seminar.

For your next assignment I’d like you demonstrate any knowledge whatsoever about pipe smoking before trying to criticize it. Due by the end of the quarter.

I love smoking on my pipe but its only in private. It just looks like you're trying too hard if you're out in public other than a cigar lounge. I wish it wasn't that way but it is. Sometimes I'll bust it out if I'm in the field with my marines and they get a kick out of it but they are literally retarded and are impressed by anything other than a vape or newports.

is right. Nicotine is absorbed better through the lining of your lungs than it is your mouth.

durr am OP wher did I right?that in public
I hav to wade

I’ve never seen a pipe smoker inhale, nor rushing to extract more nicotine . There’s no filter man, you’ll be coughing your lungs out if you tried, same goes for cigars. People aren’t trying to get a super blast of nicotine like a cig and then carry on about their day.

Do you even live on your own? You post like a high school or college freshman something.

Oh yeah I know that.
I didn't read the whole argument, just the part where you guys were talking about the best way for a rush.

And you're right, people don't typically inhale cigars or pipes. But there are such things as filter less cigarettes.

Kek. One of my two friends that smoke pipes also always wears a beret to hide his balding hair. He is hugely technophobic though. Has never owned a smartphone at 27 and would have no clue whatsoever what to do with a macbook...

He really does come across like a genuine pipesmoker who isnt a hipster at all.
>not paying attention to what you wear, but not wearing anything terrible either
>confidence (like with literally any other fit...)

Use a smaller corncob pipe and nothing else, a good rule of thumb is the bigger the pipe, the dumber you look.

Is that a rule of thumb? Because I'm pretty sure if I saw a dude tooting on a stubby corn cob pipe I was assume he's retarded AND poor.

>I assumed you were too insecure to smoke in public
>Asks why I'd want to smoke in public

Holy fuck boys, we got us a tard.

>Do you live on your own
>Sound like a college freshman

Holy fuck you lived with Mommy and Daddy in college. Have you finally become a big boy and moved out?

>You implied pipe smokers inhale into their lungs. Which is not the case.

Oh holy fuck, I've never talked to every pipe smoker all at the same time. Really amazing that NONE of you inhale your tobacco smoke. Get a clue dipshit and maybe try smoking anything for once before you go off what you THINK you know.

i inhale into my lungs, i also smoke weed out of pipes so whatever. i just bring my corn cob pipe out side to smoke with friends. its never been a big deal to me

I mean, a huge fancy pipe will make you look like even more of an autist


Are you upset?

I don’t see your angle at all. Keep trying though I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon.

Are you telling me honestly and Jn good spirit that you’ve seen regular pipe smokers inhale pipe tobacco? I’m calling serious bullshit and you should be ashamed for spreading it.

You seem so fascinated with age you must be a true patriarchal elder god . You came here to a Mongolian basketweaving forum to criticize how random dudes on the internet spend their free time, good job.

Pic related it’s you compared to the rest of humanity

I smoked a pipe a lot when I was in the military/during my deployments because I was addicted to nicotine and cigs were expensive as shit and it was cheaper to buy a big ass bag of pipe tobacco. I will say this though, I always got compliments when ever I'd come back to the FOB dirty as all fuck and puffing on a pipe in full PPE (full gear and body armor for non-milfags).

What about a regular billiard pipe? You realize there's an in between, right?