What core is Connor?

What core is Connor?

non-white core

Please god in my next lifetime make me reborn as GSP of this timeline

>mick core

Nu-money manlet faggot -core.


too tight core

new money wigger core

leave your wife in the dust core

CTE core

Don't give a fuck about anything core

It's baked into his persona. Just look at how he showed up to court to pay a speeding ticket.

nouveau riche

came into a lot of money-core

this pretty much. he just wears whatever the fuck he wants

He's hiphop-core


more money than sense

dresses sort of like a chav lel

He's a chav with too much money.

i love how the absolute worst racial "insult" for white irish people is potato eater. like damn im so ashamed that my ancestors famously ate a cheap nutritious food

shut the fuck up potato eater