Cut it or leave it? Really. I wanna cut but i dont have ideas for hairstyles. C'mon help me

Cut it or leave it? Really. I wanna cut but i dont have ideas for hairstyles. C'mon help me


Long hair is hot. Keep it.

long looks good on u

tie it back to get a better idea what it'd be like short

I dunno man. Do i have big forehead? Never think about it...

Forgot pic

You look cute as fug either way desu

it suits you, keep the long hair

I personally hate this hairstyle but do what makes you feel confident

contrary to appearances the most helpfull post.

Better cut.

keep it wisely

hit the gym get face gains
hair is not your problem, it looks good

Maaan I am 15, I cannnot into gym in my city. But I keep running and calisthenic.

Holy fuck be my boyfriend you faggot
um never mind

how do i get face gains in the gym?

>Maaan I am 15
fuck off seriously

Delete this post before you get banned

Honestly I could see a cut to just above shoulder length working on you.

underage b&

I think a young Leo haircut would suit you really well, user

No, this haircut, can suits only Leo. I have never seen anybody who was looking good in that hairstyle

Is everyone who calls someone cute on this board a guy?

u lose facial bloat and fat u dumb potato nog

you dont

Achieve the SOA style, you kinda got Jax face, not the same hair colour tough.


there are a number of actual girls who browse here. but also a lot of bi/gay guys and "straight" guys who can appreciate other peoples attractiveness

yeah this, and also you should assume that anyone is a man even if they say they're a girl

I literally cannot determinate your gender
you look both like a faggot or a ugly girl


cut it broe

would cut maybe 4 inches, not more. long hair looks good on you!

You need to lay off the soy products.


I'm in the same boat. Should I cut?

Do you want to?

Sort of. I don't know what would look good on me.

literally anything else


We didn't know your face. And thats make hard to rate "cut or not cut" beacause the face is a major in this issue. If you have good face for it: go ahead. If you don't: better not.

It looks good the way it is

Sorry dad

Thanks dude

Keep the hair, all of you. It looks cute and growing it back is a pain.

Dont take hair beyond ears, and shave this "beardo"

Dunno, I personally like this beardo, it suits him

put in man bun or just leave it hanging

get rid of that flannel and black t shirt

it makes you look poor and dirty

but you have nice facial structure and hair

I just suggest changing up your style, unless its kind of a part of you

I prefer clean cut appearances when guys have long hair

I'll post some inspo



long hair and sweaters


I tried to do your hairstyle but ma hair is too much wet and too much long


Lol I appreciate the honesty.
I like my clothes though. I live in a rural area of Canada.

Bun is the only way with that lenght. Check james clo's hair

You look grungy or like guy who started to grow hair in the college.

alright that makes sense. I guess a lot of people dress like that then, therefore girls like it?

But overall, keep the hair the same. I like it

But yeah I agree, you look grungy like said

Mean something like this?

Looks good

Here's mine in a bun

dude you look good I say keep it

yeah this looks good

looks good too but I think I like it down more on you

lose weight first

Yeah I kind of only put it up at home when I'm being lazy. I need more length for it.

Can I lose fat only from face? I dont wanna be more thin I am slim af

looks like you need to lose weight before thinking about that

Looks good but also gay as fuck

Kek too, the best part of thread .

please be gay op

reminder that op is 15. deleted post was him saying that

bootiful please keep it

But you know that was other guy? I am still posting xD

been growing it out, it's very dirty rn but I think I can pull it off

Fuck off underager

Keep on growing, it may look good in the future.

I always wanted to try having long hair. Is there supposed to be something you do as you grow it out or do you just let it grow without touching it?

Umm not so much. One day I just stopped cutting my hair at all. No barber or something. But I wash this shit, once per 2 days. And I comb it ofc.

Hello cisco

Don't you get a mullet that way? I wanna do it gracefully with no awkward phase

Go to a dermatologist and show him this bigger mole from your stomach, and no, not in the next century, but during this winter

>Don't you get a mullet that way?
> I wanna do it gracefully with no awkward phase
Evrybody wanna but this is the part of the Game. But don't be sad that "awkward phase" last only 2 months

I showed every one of these, and he said that they are "ok". But I am going next month.

>googling cisco

It appears this thread is getting more attention than the actual "hair advice" one. Could I get a pointer here?

You can pull of a buzzcut, but if I were You I will grow more.

That pic is from the day I came back from the barber, I used it because it was easier to see the shape of my head. Currently it's starting to look bad

Try buzzcut, it may be very good!

Not I'm not. I am straight as fuck

pls cut

should i cut it or let it grow?

You should change your hairstyle, but yes keep on grow.

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of having long hair for a guy? Don't understand why people like it. Not hating, just curious

Leave it. Definitely

Also what do you guys suggest about my hair ? I have a frizzy, coarse jewfro and if I cut it slightly shorter I just look like a algerian

>if I cut it slightly shorter I just look like a algerian
r u tho?

Thats a nice question. One thing you must know is that long hair is older, and was much longer on the Earth than a short hair. Rich people started to cut hair just in XVII. I think that can mean something.

nah. 100% slave Phenotype

Where are you from?


you definitely should be in a hard rock / metal band

no, really. Op here, I am slav too. Not 100% but still, in most.