Are anti trump t-shirts Veeky Forums?

are anti trump t-shirts Veeky Forums?

>doesn't know Trump personally
>hates him as if he killed your whole family
You liberals need new devil boogeyman

>but it was her turn!

I wish retards would die. You're the sort of people who actually listen to Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson and think they're intelligent people. I fucking loathe the human race, how gullible and stupid they are. I'm not saying that I would ever openly advocate or commit an act of violence towards another person, but I wish in my fantasies that Antifa would stomp your face in when you show up to a white nationalist rally.

What even is this? Are MAGA fags actually into fashion? This is so strange.. You know how many gays and lefties are in this industry right?

>Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson
You better have good reason to say when someone asks you why you are against him while wearing that shirt

Sure If your bodily fluids are 99% soy

You have issues, you literally proved his point you autistic projecting cuck. OP said nothing incorrect or "white nationalistic" an hero you LARPer

You don't even know what projecting means. If you openly support Donald Trump you should accept that people will expect you to be a fascist. Oh and by the way, pic related.

I don't think fascist means what you think it means. Believe it or not, Donald Trump was elected through voting. We're a republic if you forgot.

Absolutely not.

Well constructed bait user

Holy shit you're a moron. Probably a huge pussy as well.

Donald Trump has openly equivocated between Nazis and the general public, seeing no difference in character. He has no problem with nazi protesters maching in the street yelling "blood and soil", but he sharply condemns an NFL player for taking a knee for the cause of raising awareness for police violence. He's also generally enacting every view that aligns with the Ku Klux Klan. You are a fascist.

There's nothing wrong with fascism, and it's stupid to take offense to being called one.
Communists, on the other hand, should be killed.

>There is nothing wrong with being a fascist
If there's nothing wrong with being a fascist then there's truly nothing wrong with anything at all in this world, and morality is just a subjective social construct. Fascism is at it's core an anti-human position. As long as fascism exists, it will be a cancer upon the human race. Diversity will always exist, and as long as there are fascists there will be war on this planet, because fascism's end goal will always be to wipe out those they feel are inferior. You are an absolute cancer of this planet, and I can't say anything to you which would get through your head, because you are wired to be cancer, but I will tell you what you are for no other reason than because it is true.

There's nothing wrong with cleansing society of people who are inferior.

The paradox of tolerance is that if you tolerate the intolerant, then the tolerant will be wiped out. The ultimate goal of any war to end all wars is to end fascism. Fascists deserve to be killed. I'm not saying I would kill them personally, but that is what they deserve.

>I'm not saying I would kill them personally
it's really great for fascists that soyboys like yourself are such gigantic pussies and wouldn't do shit in a real life situation.

It's a good thing Antifa is waiting to kick your ass at every white nationalist rally you go to.


Made me reply.

oh no, not the legions of dindus and white suburban kids with daddy's money! what will I do when 20 of them gang up on me because they're too scared to go one on one?

This could be interpreted in a pro-Trump manner.