The working man's a sucker... hand over a whole week of my time get $200

The working man's a sucker... hand over a whole week of my time get $200
Where do I buy drugs? How do I sell them? This has to be the only way for someone like me to make money

or, you can get a college degree.

there was some guy posting here selling fake credit/debit cards.
ive been looking into it further. you can buy just the data from him and make your ownc cards and then just take the money from random atms.

it's a very risky business but so is drug dealing. if i were to do it i would first move to a different country like russia and start there.

>buy drugs

Just grow weed. Everyone can do it and you can expect 600-1000 grams every 4 months with a small grow. Sell it for $10-$20 a gram and you made it

Get into E-Commerce. You might start making 50-100$ a month but if you get good at it, you'll make thousands.

Also, if you ever decide to quit, you'll make marketing & logistics skills so you can work in those field instead of filling McDonald's orders.

It's important to add when growing weed you only stay at a rented house (that takes cash only) for 4 months then move.

You worked a 40 hour week and only made $200? So you work for $5/hr? Entry level jobs suck but you gotta start somewhere. Start selling drugs and limit your entire future if you get a record. Have fun being a scumbag for life

Buy drugs off deep web and sell to friends. Don't expect to make a living off of it but you'll definitely have extra money to spend.

>200$ a week

Holy shit, top fucking kek. I make that in a day.

> a week
> $200

Get a better job. I make that in 1/2 a day.

What happens when you're an inmate working for $0.20 an hour?

wtf what kind of job do you have

200$ a day is only about 48-50k a year, you realize that? That's not a very good job, in fact it's a very shitty job. I just wasn't a retard, I applied myself. I learned coding and went to school for business and majored in accounting and am working towards my CPA. I got bored along the way and taught myself SQL. I didn't even go to a big school because schools are expensive. I then applied for a bunch of jobs and went to networking events and landed a job, it's not a difficult task, i've received job offers from multiple companies now but I like the place i'm at.

I make that in 1/4 of a day

Selling drugs is very limiting and high risk. Most of the drug dealers I knew growing up (18-22) fell into one of two cases
>Case 1: Claimed to be rolling in the dough dealing pot, but was always stingy, couldnt afford to go out ever or do anything fun with the rest of us, was too busy sitting in parking lots all day selling weed to people all over town. These guys claimed to be making money but no one ever saw the supposed money they made, presumably they were smoking most of their profits. Generally if selling under a pound, good chance of getting away with it, profits probably arent much better than working an entry level job. Bonus, some young girls will fuck for weed

>Case 2: Successful dealers. These guys bragged about money and actually showed that they had it. Buying drinks for everyone, driving a nice car, always going out doing fun/crazy shit.. these guys usually stopped selling weed and were making gains selling coke, ecstasy, mdma etc. Of people I knew who fell into this category, all of them got caught and stuck with a felony. Now their futures are fucked. Two of them had college degrees which are now worthless, the other two I knew did it straight out of highschool, and unfortunately their lives are still in the shitter cuz when they get out of jail they try to go back to selling.

If you go this route, I expect you'll fall into one of the two above categories

Do you want to be a criminal? First, I don't think you'll be successful in this trade cause 99% of criminals have a bad ending, either in jail or dead.

1. You have to be smart and be able to think outside the box.

2. taking advantages of illegal things that have low competition.(Because everyone is scared of the law)

3. Jumping onto low-risk trends.- for example, cyber crime has a low fucking risk, but people will tell themselves it's risky cause the law said so. This is when you come in and take advantage of it.

4. If you have to come onto Veeky Forums to ask a bunch of neet and "business professionals" for anything related to a crime I promise you can't handle this.

5. If you're the type of person that needs someone to hold his hand and won't research things on his own, you will fail.

6. I'm missing a lot more things but being a successful career criminal is about taking advantage of things with a low competition with a healthy dose of risk, but are you too paranoid to deal with the risk? That's what makes it so easy to make money. Also please disregard all real life crime.

And what are you going to do about the cameras seeing your face doing this?

Also that guy was a scammer you fucking idiot

>The working man is dumm x D
>But I'm an anime poster who wants to do illegal things but doewnt even know where to start

Shut the fuck up

>Move somewhere like Russia

What? How are you even going to get citizenship there? How are you going to move to a country whose language you don't speak?

What about when you go to prison there for this shit and get your ass absolutely blown out

Buy herion. Profit margin incredible.

Thats about right after taxes

Im a waiter and i consistently make $200 a night

>Buy herion. Profit margin incredible.

Lmao I can only imagine a NEET who watches anime trying to deal heroin.

I can only imagine even further when he goes to prison and gets his shit fucked up

your a fucking idiot if you think somebody would sell that information when getting it in the first place is risky af and they can easily clone the cards themselves

You're an idiot if you think they wouldn't.
Withdrawing funds from ATMs is much more risky than stealing some credit card numbers

But i don't sell drugs. Or watch anime. Neither am i neet. It's pretty common sense. Dope dealers make alotta money.

Ally's this way >>