Daily reminder to hold on your BTC for 10+ years

>daily reminder to hold on your BTC for 10+ years

Daily reminder that ethereum is rising faster than bitcoin is.

Current price $17 next stop $20

>ethcucks celebrating 3 dollar increase
>BTC gods up 300 dollars in a matter of days

Lmao nice bait

Reminder that over the last 30 days

BTC $450 - $670 (48% increase)
ETH $10 - $17 (70% increase)

This means you would have made more money by holding ethereum over the last 30 days than keeping it as bitcoin.

In fact, over the year to date you have seen a 2000% increase in ETH and only a 180% increase in bitcoin.

And ethereum has much more room to grow than bitcoin does.

>a coin with 7x the market cap increased at over half the rate.

this competition mentality is stupid. the people who are REALLY getting cucked are nocoiners. For their sake, I sure hope the government doesnt make up any new rules about their savings!

btc and eth are not competitors for fucks sake you aspies

Yeah, bitcoin clearly can't compete.


This. Bitcoin btfo.

>L-Lets not fight guys!
Kek. Bitcucks.

Whatever dude.

Bitcoin is less of an investment than ETH. ETHs supremacy is pretty much guaranteed. They have a critical mass within the industry. Everyone is using the ethereum platform to build their crypto products. It provides a ready made multipurpose blockchain. And with the scaling plan it will be the cutting edge for many years to come.

>Wayne received a 10% stake in Apple but relinquished his equity for US$800 less than two weeks later, on April 12, 1976. Legally, all members of a partnership are personally responsible for any debts incurred by any partner; unlike Jobs and Wozniak, then 21 and 25, Wayne had personal assets that potential creditors could seize. The failure of a slot machine company that he had started five years earlier also contributed to his decision to exit the partnership.

>Wayne has stated that he does not regret selling the stock as he made the "best decision with the information available to me at the time".

>"best decision with the information available to me at the time".
>fast forward 40 years

It's the line I'm going to use when my kids ask me why I didn't buy bitcoins during the fiat-era.

Kids are growing up with the internet now. Some are going to figure out how to make money off it somehow. You can get a bitcoin address at any age. Steam accepts Bitcoin now right? Does twitch?


>tfw you're long btc and mining eth

mmmmm I just hit my goal of having enough to buy a house. I wasn't even planning on buying a house until next spring.

how do you purchase ethereum or bitcoins and is it still worth dropping money into them? how much money is recommended to make a decent profit and how do you sell after making that profit?

No guarantee bitcoin will still even be around in 10 years. Literally none.

At this point it might be better to keep your money safe in a bank and take the +/-.35% interest rate they offer. That way if this blockchain thing turns out to be a meme, your money has only rotted at 80% of the inflation rate.


the fuck he sold free shares for rent money? some people man I swear they're absolutely morons.


Lol, depends upon how much rent is and which stock he offered

Back then apple was on the verge of irrelevancy
Not trying to say bitcoin is worth it, though

List of altcoins that didn't fade into obscurity:

Bitcoin is digital gold, the most mature and battle tested crypto. ETH is experimental tech. Doing a crazy thing like switching to proof of stake, seriously? Nobody will risk massive wealth on that.

A government proof store of value is the killer app that will take in the greatest investment.

Have extra features is actually detrimental to this application, since it increases the possibility of bugs and makes all the game theory stuff more complicated.

Unlike you I won't shit on ETH completely: It will be interesting to watch over time and the dapps stuff are interesting and could certainly carve out a niche, perhaps even a large one. But it's nowhere near Bitcoin as a safe harbour for wealth.

Bitcoin also has a huge headstart as the payment network, and with blockchain.info etc experimenting with their Thunder network, it's almost guaranteed that it will remain the leading crypto payment network.

Stfu man ethereum will wipe bitcoin off the map

>sell 10% for $800
>later accepted $1,500 to forfeit any claims against Apple
>In the early 1990s Wayne sold the original Apple company agreement, signed in 1976 by Jobs, Wozniak and himself, for $500.
>In 2011 the contract was sold at auction for $1.6 million.

Holy fucking shit

Honestly this guy deserves a medal for not killing himself yet. It's not like he had once chance and he blew it.

He had THREE fucking shots at this this thing, and he chose to cash them in for $2,800.

Sweet fuck just how cucked can you get.

Not sure if being sarcastic or really stupid

That's probably that's what the best thing he can say at the time, but deep down he knows he fucked up big time.

hold deez nuts in your mouf for 10+ years.

>ha goteem

Stupid Questions: Is there anywhere on the darkweb that I can buy drugs, guns, or other illegal goods with ethereum?

>>tfw you're long btc and mining eth


pls be a troll

The fact that people like this exist in spite of the truth unraveling in front of them makes me even more bullish for ETH. Thank you, my liitle friends for letting me get in dirt cheap. Please keep the denial going as long as you can, maybe I'll get to lower my retirement age even further. Hope your 'thunder' network (lmao) suits you well!

Does anyone remember when biz shiled litecoin non stop for a year?

Pepperidge farm remembers

>tfw btc rises to millions of dollars
>tfw 'Satoshi' trading takes over as the new regular because btc is so high in price that referring to your total capital in terms of it would be in the low decimals
>tfw future coiners will be talking about buying cars with a few hundred Satoshi
>tfw it's literally like buying apple stock when it was worth fractions of a penny

You can still get in on the dream, folks. But hurry, you don't have long.

Does pepperridge farm also remember litecoin being a shitty clone with the only two differences from btc being Scrypt and 1 min blocks? Don't even dare bring up ltc in a discussion about eth, it just screams ignorance.

>Look guys this is the board where people shill trumpcoin
>Bitcoin must be a shitty scamcoin too!

This is literally your reasoning.
