I look like a 70s porn director all the time, I dont know how this happened...

I look like a 70s porn director all the time, I dont know how this happened. I'm fucking 18 in college and I'm wearing a patterned blazer and a dress shirt button downed to my wife beater. Now that people have started mentioning it to me I feel like I either keep going down this path or shave my head and go full 2018.

Is it ok to have an old school style? I don't look like a hipster, I just look like 70s alcoholic/ coke head.

>pic is what I look like

Do you have the beard/hair/glasses?
You're still very young and it's a good thing that you're willing to experiment and do things that others might give you shit for. I say go for it, do what you want and never stop doing so. At some point something else will creep in on your pimp style and that will be your look then, perhaps this will happen again and again and at some point you will have developed your own personal style that you feel comfortable and confident in, that is aesthetic and that others will respect. Don't make it your goal to fit in, let it happen naturally and authentically - you wouldn't want to look like an Veeky Forums clone.

post pic pls

This is the usual, i have another blazer and a plethora of ugly ass Hawaiian shirts.

go full sleazecore

It worked for Stan Lee, he fucked Jack Kirby's wife.

Not that good, but why not try to improve this look instead of finding a new one. You look more like a nerd than a pimp desu.

Funny you should say that, im actually super close to fucking this babe whose 5 years older than me and has a boyfriend. She thought i was 22 when she first saw me.

Idk though, ive been to parties where a girl will start to talk to me and then one of her friends will drag her to a douchebag wearing supreme and a fade.

But what does any of that have to do with sleazecore? You're just trying to brag, aren't you?

Yeah, im just bragging, its not going to well anyways. Shes starting to feel guilty about having a bf and i dont think its gonna work out.

Perhaps you should confront her bf. Show her how assertive you are. Doesn't really matter if you beat him up or if he beats you, she will understand that you initiated the confrontation and that's really all that women want.

Little more complicated, they've been together for over 2 years. Im new in town and i started buying cigarettes at the smoke shop where she works. Next thing you know we hit it off pretty good and i ask her to coffee. She seemed really excited but then she told me that she had a boyfriend and she was deliberately trying to keep that info away from me. I told her that it was cool and i just kept it at a friend level until one day after i got back from flirting with her she texted me and told me she wanted to kiss me. I told her i wanted to kiss her too but also mentioned she had a boyfriend. Im not a sleazebag so ive decided that ill just avoid the topic in conversation until she brings it up. So now its like the cold war, we both know we like eachother, we just dont want to be assholes.

Protip: You are never close to fucking a woman. You are either fucking one or not.
She is playing you to get a rise out of her boyfriend

Nigger, just make sure your attitude fits your appearance and go full sleazy bastard on her ass. What was she expecting when you started talking? You being a nice guy gentleman? No, she liked what she saw style-wise and wanted a personality to go with it.

shitty necklace and scruff destroys this fit

you don't have any idea what you're doing

Lmao just awful

My God you're naive in the most adorable way. She could probably smell it on you a mile away.

In what way? She more or less didn't seem interested in just fucking. I didn't want to be too forward and then miss out on all the free shit she gives me.

So i should clean up the scruff or just get rid of it all?

Goddamnit you will never be sleazy at all you sound like a massively retarded pussy who's probably only 16

And btw your fit sucks donkey dick and you don't have the balls to pull of porno director/coke head core

You don't at all look like a porn director, you look like the wacky virgin sidekick from a bad teen comedy.

Have you ever actually fucked a chick with a boyfriend? Have you ever been on a coke bender? Have you ever crashed a car? Have you ever spent a night in the drunk tank? Have you ever stolen drugs from someone?

I'm not saying any of these things are good, but your aesthetic should match your personality and it seems like your aspiring to imitate a lifestyle that you know nothing about. As a result your fit is shit and you sound like a bitch