Remember that time Gawker got cucked in court and had to pay Hulk Hogan 140 million US dollars...

Remember that time Gawker got cucked in court and had to pay Hulk Hogan 140 million US dollars? Has there been a bigger business fail in recent history?

Pic related. The bitch from the sex tape.

In case you're unaware. Hulk hogan had a sex tape filmed and leaked without his consent. Gawker posted it. Gawker got sued. Rest is history.

If I was running gawker I would have kept the 140,000,000 and just went to another country and lived until death

Yeah, that'll totes work

Nice video, should've had more of the bitch with big titties.

Well Microsoft's gunna buy Linkedin for 26 billion. I'd call that a pretty big fail.

they didn't have 140 mil it has cause them to go bankrup which means whatever they did have won't be paid to Hogan anyway. sneaky jews

>Pay 20k for a private jet ride to other country
>Pay for things in cash

Don't media companies carry insurance for this type of thing? Why would they not have insurance?

I am enjoying laughing at Gawker's failure, though.

idk senpai


>Has there been a bigger business fail in recent history?

That's a good point


Everyone but 1 person on their energy trading/marketing/financial staff was a gigantic asshole. They even sucked the life out of each other due to their black hole of black heartedness. Financial and personal failures. Invested in their own company and their own leaders fucked them like a tied goat.

This. Fraud resulted in one of the biggest bankruptcies ever as a well as a suicide.

Oh geez, devastating

The suit was setup specifically to avoid a possible insurance coverage. It was designed to ruin Gawker. They have insurance, but Thiel isn't after money.

This begs the question if Thiel was also backing the rise of GamerGate and its Cultural Libertarian offspring (Milo, Sargon, Based Mom, Lauren Southern, etc)


My guess is they're unrelated and just groups of people pissed off by the same shitty practices.

GamerGate was only "successful" because Thiel was simultaneously crusading against Gawker. I'd honestly be surprised if GamerGate was a result of Thiel.

Bernie Madoff

People throwing billions at him just because he was a jew

Well whole Enron Scandal is cool story of doing illegal acts and hoping that no one notices. Like the whole EU/EMU shit. But I think that upcoming storm is more even more epic.

Two things about the $140 million number:

Hogan settled with the guy who made and leaked the tape for $500

And if you died tomorrow in a wrongful death situation, your family may not even get ONE PERCENT of hogan's sex tape money.


>bigger business fail?