Historical fashion thread

What historical clothing do you like the most?

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germanic tribal core is most effay



I liked when all the dudes where wearing yoga pants and high heels

Agreed. Men were so manly in the past, maybe because their culture wasn't influenced by feminist sjw and they didn't overodose on soy

superb analysis m'lord

a fitting critique sire

Who is this bitchy lady on the pic?

american education

Men aren't what the used to be. The jews have cucked the western male.

>numales will never be this manly

>nu males will never be this feminine
Nu males can't even do their own thing right.

The Romans were THE most Veeky Forums society in all of pre-industrial history.


Don't forget the Late Empire as well

>Implying this guy wasn't infinitely more powerful, wealthy, Chad, and got laid more times than you've jerked off
I know you think you're cleverly lampooning the Alt Right but try and say that working class whites deserve protection, identity and a homeland and you'll go to jail across Europe. Bury your head in the sand all you want.

pic related, dis is me in europe after I spoke out about my desperate need for an ethnostate booo

Without a doubt the Romans were the GOAT



Prewar civilian soldiers

A thing of beauty, a relic from a golden age.

I really miss the days when men could wear elaborately patterned fabrics without it looking gay.

I'm partial to SS or Slavic-medieval stuff but i think sparta was probably peak aesthetic

Lol. All these armours. Renaissance italy was the most fa




To miss something, you had to have experienced it. Are u a time traveler?

You lol at armor, but Angelo Bronzino is wearing a gambeson here, which is armor.

He may also be wearing a gambeson here.

He basically is a numale.

Lol, you're making fun of him for being overweight? You know how society worked back then, right?

Those are doublets. There's a difference in clothing made to be worn every day, and combat armour.


Totally, but numales are balding, overweight, etc., so were he alive today...except the cognitive dissonance is so lousy here, someone would argue he wasn't (sorta like how Trump is somehow not the king of soy).

The latter two are probably doublets, I agree. I still think that first photo looks more like a gambeson, but I suppose it's unlikely.

>The Portrait of a Young Man with a Book is a c.1530s oil on board painting by Agnolo Bronzino. It likely depicts a literary friend of the artist holding open a collection of poetry.
Yeah, no.




I wouldn't be wearing it of course, but for chicks.

late ottoman empire was pretty cool ey?


and fucking samurai obviously

northern African nomads were also cool as fuck

You posted a monk that would've fought the samurai to protect the peasantry.

jazz golden age



>socks and sandals

I want surcotes to make a comeback for women. I suppose its not far off from a pinafore dress but I'd like to see intricate topstitching and embroidery.

the Tuareg still have it goin on

*tips fedora*


We need to bring back practical stuff like Cloaks, Dusters, and Gambesons.


Byzantine blue gambesons were peak aesthetic

For this guy

god damn.

Lol literally advocating for your right to exist as a white European person in Europe is illegal. How did the Europeans become so cuckolded that they relish in being subjugated and raped?

If you are born caucasian/a "white European" in a European country I don't think anyone is denying you your right to exist or forcing you to marry outside what seems to be a caucasian preference.

I think it is fair for Europeans to want their culture preserved, it is reasonable for them to want more controlled immigration and of course immigrants should be expected to assimilate to an extent . What you need to realise is that multiculturalism is a reality and perhaps you should consider how Europe's grand culture (as much as I admire it) is built on the centuries-long exploitation of others.

But you clearly aren't European yourself, it seems like you're just another cloistered alt-right tard American espousing some unbalanced shite ya learnt from the echo chamber ... speaking of which, fuk off back to /pol/

>first suck up with 'it's ok to be white in Europe' bullshit
>multiculturalism is reality just deal with it
I don't know what does that even mean
>only West Europe was build on exploitation of others [don't read about history of Arabs, Chinese or about any middle eastern civilization tho, it goes against the narrative]
>Some Europeans had slaves 200 years ago, so now you must import bunch of immigrants to compensate, sins of your fathers are your sins
>third of post spent on name calling
stay on 4+4 chan and quit with the white savor complex, other races are not your pets

samurai waifu :3

slp inspo right here lads

idk if you're the same guy

1. The crux of my argument is why do white people need to advocate their right to exist? As a white person, personally no one is denying me my right to exist, no one is persecuting me for my ethnicity. Opposed to advocating that we are so imperilled and must fight for our right to exist, perhaps a more reasonable course is that we should acknowledge that the people of a certain area should have the right to maintain their cultural heritage and outsiders/newcomers should generally respect that. Within that framework of an accepting broader culture and order (i.e. the European tradition of Australia), multicultural groups can co-exist quite well and thus multiculturalism is indeed a reality. I think it is natural for Europeans to want to preserve their culture in the face of a large influx of immigrants, yes, but I don't think fucked far-right white nationalism or left-leaning blindness to reality are the solutions to the issue at hand. Of course if the roles were reversed and Europeans were the minority migrants arriving in Arab countries things would be very different and so I understand the potential worries some Europeans may hold over a shift to towards a more discriminatory culture brought by some newcomers. But alt-right shite isn't the answer, and I was being genuine in my opinions thanks.

2. Thanks for the automatic assumption, of course most societies and "great" civilisations have used the exploitation of others to attain their position. I guess my poorly explained point here is that Europe has historically taken a lot from others and had a hand in recent geopolitical destabilisation so perhaps they shouldn't be so dumbfounded/hostile when it comes to the large influx of immigrants. Of course people shouldn't inherit the sins of their fathers

4. soz for using bad language if it really offended you mate

5. I don't think other races are my pets, honestly in my day to day life I don't think much about race at all hmmm

(but actually Thomas-Alexandre Dumas was aesthetic as fuck, and a hero of the napoleonic struggle.)

>white European
>in a European country

Europe is white. It has been for 20,000 years. It will be again. Europeans built their prosperity themselves, we would still have gone to the moon without some coolies or Haitians butchering the French for trying to get them to stop practising voodoo child sex magic

There is zero evidence that multiculturalism is good for anyone (inb4 muh kebabs and tacoes), There is mountains of evidence that a people make a nation, therefore when Mexicans enter America they end up creating barrios that are just as violent as back across the border, and when Afghanis enter England they make enclaves with strict religious practices, halal slaughter and rape gangs, and their women and neighbours happily shelter rapists and terrorists and hide them from the police, because, unlike you, they haven't been programmed to hate their race or prize individualism as some divine virtue - they defend their own people, even when their people are acting like subhumans.

Multiculturalism is a project designed to benefit an elite few and keep the masses squabbling and drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator. It is fueled by capitalist interests, from cheap workers to more citizens that will vote for your party, and if you knew the first thing about the progenitors of multiculturalist theory you would understand that they didn't propose it to help or benefit Europeans or the migrants they bring in, that instead the goal is to damage both of them and benefit the elite. You are perfectly free to read Praktischer Idealismus or the sessions of the early European Union, which you should do if you are going to campaign or advocate for multiculturalism (just like a communist should read Das Kapital or a National Socialist should read Nietszche or Mein Kampf).

Also you're a faggot.

Sparta was quite obviously not peak aesthetic. They were practical, probably wouldn't have bothered with 90% of those design features in that pic you have, and their only difference from typical Greek armies was their crimson capes, which were practical because they could intimidate the enemy and hide bloodloss.

When not in battle, they dressed in completely plain clothes 24/7 because they didn't care for frilly things.

>When not in battle, they dressed in completely plain clothes 24/7 because they didn't care for frilly things.
like all greeks.

What makes you think I hate my race? Because I try to step back and evaluate a situation from a less tribalistic us v them standpoint? Woweee. Reread what I wrote, of course there are legitimate concerns about migrants and the attitudes/practices they bring with them, however you paint them all as a homogenous mass of bogeymen. Steve Jobs, the son of a Syrian immigrant, never contributed to society, hey? Implicitly you suggest that we should be like these bad monster refugees and unquestioningly and uncompromisingly defend our own - maybe you should try and find some more common ground with them haha

Multicultural societies are the product of many things, such as geopolitical destabilisation and refugee influxes, globalisation, aspirational immigration and ultimately a less prejudiced mindset adopted by Western countries in the 70s onwards. It doesn't make sense for the globalised 'elite' to destabilise the structure of laws/order/tradition that protects their status by purposely creating an unstable mestizo society - you need to properly explain how it benefits the elites, not engage in large scale generalisations. You're probably right that there is some motivation in fuelling a countries' growth or even swaying their political status quo through immigration, however I'm not convinced of a grand conspiracy. What you write sort of reads similarly to some Cultural Marxist theories I've seen.

Coudenhove-Kalergi obviously pushed a personal idealism informed by his own situation as a mixed-raced individual and of course I don't agree with his vision for a such breakdown of European identity. There seems to be a lot of anti-Semetic and openly racist theories regarding his work and influence floating around on the internet and I'm not going to buy into white nationalist dogma thanks.

I don't advocate for multiculturalism, I just think multi-ethnic societies are a tricky issue but ultimately a reality. So outrageous, kunt

Just using the same terminology as the guy I responded to, sieg heil

let me correct myself, you need to properly explain WHY the elites would push to destroy the structure of laws/order/tradition that protect their status

I like the casual bible

Bedouin with attitude

I'll wear the fuck out of a cloak or duster/oilskin, but I don't know about gambeson. If I wore gambeson it would probably be because I was wearing chainmail and either re-enacting or walking through Detroit.

>it's [current year] and so deal with it
What a nigger.

#1 "growth". Having cheap migrants to pick your fruit is not a good thing for the country OR the migrants, no matter what some autistic financialist tells you. Growth at any cost is called a cancer, especially if the "growth" comes with the benefits of rape gangs, increased racial tension and racially provoked attacks (Rotherham and countless other decade long gangs specifically targeting "white meat"), unless you're like Lily Allen and believe over a million English girls would have been raped by /someone/ anyway if we hadn't imported migrants who will always identify as a collective (e.g. BBC Asian network etc).

#2 Steve Jobs. Listen, brown people are a net drain on taxes wherever they are in the West. The unemployement rates of Muslim men and women is sky high, thanks to British law that entitles them to claim benefits on religious grounds immediately (e.g. they can quit their job for having to work alongside a woman, I'm not making this up), leaving them free to pursue more traditional activities like hanging outside school gates, selling heroin to children etc
For every Steve Jobs rocket surgeon you bring in, the rest of the migrants cost the native taxpayer billions, as well as the untold cost of, for example, 1 million white girls raped in England alone. And shouldn't these Steve Jobs be living in their countries and improving theirs? Why does the West have the right to siphon away the best and brightest minds from their countries, leaving them destitute and a shithole? Last I checked, Steve Jobs' parents didn't live in a war zone, they came to America to get more money and use American facilities. What is ethical about that? Wouldn't Syria have benefited from a Steve Jobs, or are you one of these retarded libertarians who thinks that the highest goal of society is short term Western company profits?

Also, id like very much if you can prove where and when the native populations of Europe voted to be replaced by migrants. As far as I can see, the working class was never asked if they wanted their lands filled with radically different and incompatible groups of strongly tribal peoples, again it is always the elite, the champagne socialists who proclaim the benefits of forced diversity, whilst throwing anyone in jail if they criticise it too harshly (for example a father complaining that his daughter is currently being raped by a gang of Pakistani men).

I bet you sneer at the working class as being racist and countersemitic, meanwhile the only brown people you've met are the cool guys at university or the hip young metrosexual bugmen, you probably have no idea what it's like to live on a street with 90% Muslims or Somalians, and you probably nod your head in agreement with the BBC as they sneer at the "misguided and ignorant" working class, from their gated communities.

You're still a faggot.

>As a white person
You're a cuck, a faggot, and a beta boipussi.
>But alt-right shite isn't the answer, and I was being genuine in my opinions thanks.
Your opinion isn't welcome here, and is also shite.
>no one is persecuting me for my ethnicity.
You're blind and dumb. They might not be coming for you yet, but they will, or they won't have to after they deal with the majority of the white race.
> multicultural groups can co-exist quite well and thus multiculturalism is indeed a reality.
Bullshit. Give source or example that isn't whites and asians.
> I guess my poorly explained point here is that Europe has historically taken a lot from others and had a hand in recent geopolitical destabilisation so perhaps they shouldn't be so dumbfounded/hostile when it comes to the large influx of immigrants.
You're clearly an idiot. There is no reason for whites to have the large influx of immigrants other than the naive good graces of the whites themselves, and they have paid for it with their blood.
> I don't think other races are my pets, honestly in my day to day life I don't think much about race at all hmmm
Then shut the fuck up you ignorant faggot. How the fuck would you know anything about multiculti bs if you live in a white community? Have you had to deal with niggers nigging? Ever meet a spic?

This is great
You can't even wear suita these days

>What makes you think I hate my race?
Because you so clearly do. You won't stand for them, fight for them, want to replace them with terrorists, burrito eaters and blacks because "muh less prejudiced mindset." Well guess what, they don't care about your faggotry and neither do I.
>Multicultural societies are the product of many things,
All bullshit. If it was geopolitical destabilisation, they didn't have to drowned in the Mediterranean like niggers when they could have just went to Saudi Arabia-- which refused to take them in. We could have just refused-- and would have democratically if not for that cunt Merkel.
> however I'm not convinced of a grand conspiracy
You're ignorant then. This shit is happening all over Europe, Canada and the US, and probably Australia to. And you're probably ignorant because of your foolish bias to look further into what you deign "white nationalist dogma" as if it were a slur. And you say you don't hate your race? Idiot.
>I don't advocate for multiculturalism, I just think multi-ethnic societies are a tricky issue but ultimately a reality.
Why. Are. You. Such. A. Stupid. Bastard. Why do we have to accept that reality?



What are you talking about of course you can. Wear them if you have them.

I agree that continual growth through unstemmed immigration is wrong, yes there will be subset of immigrants who will act badly (as in all human groups), struggle to integrate and will introduce regressive cultural traits. You can stop giving me all these anecdotes and statistics pulled from thin air, I'm sure some are based in fact and some are not, because it is abundantly clear to me that you and others hold particularly unforgiving, prejudiced and toxic views on immigrants.

Nice that the right wing only shows concern about women's rights/autonomy over their bodies when it involves these marauding fucken refugees

Spare me the diatribe on Jobs, I used him simply to illustrate that immigrants aren't all bogeymen and can be citizens of merit and 'success'. How dare his father create a new life for himself in America, its not like any Scottish, Irish, German, Chinese, Vietnamese, Latino etc have ever tried to do the same hey??

>Also, id like very much if you can prove where and when the native populations of Europe voted to be replaced by migrants
Keep putting words in my mouth

>I bet you sneer at the working class as being racist and countersemitic
I'm not one for generalisation... seems you are though. Fuck off with your bullshit assumptions.

> the only brown people you've met are the cool guys at university or the hip young metrosexual bugmen
Hey nice assumptions. Wow I've met nice 'brown' people etc, hey I even got in an alley fight with some indigenous cunts - guess what, I don't paint everyone with the same brush.

Maybe you should try to entertain a less extreme worldview.

>Maybe you should try to entertain a less extreme worldview.
Absolutely not, that thought is toxic.
And you still haven't explained why we have to accept these refugees and immigrants. That we did in the past when they were white is no excuse to continue now when they are no longer white.
>anecdotes and statistics pulled from thin air,
Google any of them faggot. They matter more than your laissez faire attitude and philosophy.
>hey I even got in an alley fight with some indigenous cunts - guess what, I don't paint everyone with the same brush.
Really just sounds like you're stupid then. Was in a spitting image of what you've been spinning-- the individualist, kind-hearted, mush-minded white against the ebil tribalists?

As for you two, suck my fucking dick, I really got to you, didn't I?

Attack upon attack for voicing a fairly mild contrary opinion, you're pathetic and your extremist ideology is fucked. Piss off back to /pol/

Only a dolt like you could ignore the argument for the tone. I knew you wouldn't change your opinion, your programming, so I had no reason to hold back any insult because you're a disgusting specimen. Your opinion is uninformed and worthless-- you don't have to live with these mongrels. You've been wrong about practically everything up till now, and so it's only obvious you're wrong about this.

Stay in your shithole of a country with the vegemite and the kangaroos you Aussie fuck.

>laissez faire attitude and philosophy.
Where's your reading comprehension at
> Opposed to advocating that we are so imperilled and must fight for our right to exist, perhaps a more reasonable course is that we should acknowledge that the people of a certain area should have the right to maintain their cultural heritage and outsiders/newcomers should generally respect that...

>...I think it is natural for Europeans to want to preserve their culture in the face of a large influx of immigrants, yes, but I don't think fucked far-right white nationalism or left-leaning blindness to reality are the solutions to the issue at hand. Of course if the roles were reversed and Europeans were the minority migrants arriving in Arab countries things would be very different and so I understand the potential worries some Europeans may hold over a shift to towards a more discriminatory culture brought by some newcomers.

>of course there are legitimate concerns about migrants and the attitudes/practices they bring with them...

And then this:
>Was in a spitting image of what you've been spinning-- the individualist, kind-hearted, mush-minded white against the ebil tribalists?
I bow down to your prescience, go forth on your racist crusade agains these damn non-whites!! Godspeed!

>I bow down to your prescience, go forth on your racist crusade agains these damn non-whites!! Godspeed!
The most correct thing you've said, and all that needed be said. You have a blessed day now, ya hear?

literally fuck off

Louis the XIV would definitely post here if he were in our time period

>I've seen a polar bear playing with children so I'll let millions into my country because of the exception to the rule
>Rotherham and the million children raped is pulled out of thin air
mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/child-sex-abuse-gangs-could-5114029 the "right" only cares about women's rights when it's shitskins raping white children.
Yeah, we care about our own people when they're being targeted as "kufir white meat" by whole communities that shelter their paedophiles and bombers, and no, we will always care about our women, not just when it's politically pertinent. We will always want to hang our paedophiles and rapists too, it just so happens we have a tiny fraction of them compared to the vibrant enrichers entering our countries. For instance, in 2011 in Oslo, out of the thousands of rapes, 0% were committed by native Norwegians. Very vibrant.

>I am le enlightened individualist who is so intelligent and wise I can judge every single human on their planet by individual traits, meanwhile they act as a cooperative group in their ethnic interests
Read this.

post modern roman imperial style. I want to dress inspired by roman aesthetics but not larping.


cloaks mayn
wish they would come back in style

The toga got progressively longer as time went on, but then it started to get thinner (Mind you, the Western Roman Empire dies by the time this gets to any noticeable point). This is actually a Byzantine thing, but whatever. Anyways, I can see the toga getting to be only about six or so inches in width and wrapped around the torso and left upper arm; men who want to show themselves as being luxuriant and fashionable may even have it go right down to their left hand, having to hold the end instead of tucking it in.. It might be sort of an equivalent to a vest: you wear it over another shirt and it ultimately serves no utilitarian purpose.

A lot of the robes and stuff probably won't come back into fashion any time soon. Sadly, I doubt pants are going to go away.

A lot of where fashion of the day came from was in how they could bind fabric: Buttons and brooches were the only way of attaching two fabrics together in a semi-permanent way. If brooches on men came back into style the scarf could get progressively thicker until it was effectively a cloak. Large buttons could also serve this purpose if the brooch itself doesn't work.

For whatever reason Veeky Forums doesn't want to upload the image, so google image "Byzantine Lorum" and it'll be the first picture.

I would really, really, like tweed suits to come back into fashion for working men.

I feel like the suit's becoming a costume in general, a ridiculous amount of workplaces just have people wear smart casual nowadays.