Is the backlash really warranted? Humans are apes, anyway...

Is the backlash really warranted? Humans are apes, anyway. Isn't it racist to automatically see an innocuous word as a race issue, simply because the person wearing the shirt is black? Doesn't that just give more power to the word monkey as a pejorative term?

The only racist people are the ones immediately thinking this is racist because they relate black people with monkeys, had the kid been white noone would've said shit

If you are white shut up about race.

maybe you're a monkey, I'm not..

That's what I'm saying. People are only making it a race issue because he's black, which is racist.


You have no idea how much pain is behind the word "black"

Telling someone to shut up because off their skin color is pretty racist my dude.

What, is "african american" better? Not all black people are from africa. Why not just call white people "european americans" then? Good god.

How about "American American"?

The kid probably modelled like 10-20 products that day, I can see how one hoodie didn't catch the eye of any staff if you shit out as much garments H&M does. Niggers and liberals turned it into a shitfest, H&M will still make profit.

It only backlashed because niggers don't work and therefor have much more time to bitch about meaningless stuff like this.

Right, so the solution is to be blind to race then? Good luck with that. People have different skin colors. There's nothing wrong with that. If you have two american males of difference races in the same room and someone asked you to differentiate between the two, the most obvious and distinct thing is skin color.

how about instead of referring them as dark skinned, just refer to them as "skinned". Fucking retard. I doubt you are even black, and if you are, I'm pretty sure you would just be trolling then.

It's socially acceptable for hispanic people to say the word "nigga" because they are minorities, even though they aren't of African descent, despite the fact that they have no history with the word. Why should it be any different for white people?

>Is the backlash really warranted
and how amazing ironic is it, that in order to protest being refereed to as monkeys, black people, acted like monkeys

why do uptight Americans automatically think of the 'porch monkey' slur from 100 years ago when they see this image? children behave like monkeys. the comparison is an obvious one. it has nothing to do with being black.

what is the reason for this culture of outrage in modern society? it should be no surprise that corporations do not genuinely care about your feelings. they will promote themselves by appealing to the latest social trends and make earnest apologies for any miscalculation, but they will only do so out of one motivation: profit.

Unfortunately we live in a society where feelings are more important than logic. It's truly the best time for a Trump presidency. He'll continue to shatter the fragile wall of social justice.

(You) niggers are so racist.
Also stop appropriating pants!

Blacks don't really get upset they are just always watching for an excuse to riot and thieve shit because it is fun.

Once they started wearing shoes it was all over. Sad!

Nigger nigger chicken dinner


>thread trying to disprove racism
>is totally racist
So this is the power of approximate thinking.

shut the fuck up



Niggers ruin everything

i love how they didnt even realise this had no impact on the people who designed the hoodie but instead just left their fellow innocent african workers unemployed because they put them out of a job.

(for those unaware this was in south africa)

kys nigger

how many times have they done this?
LA, that BLM march, inauguration day

pictures like this prove how fucking retarded people like you are, where are the quotes from , do you actually know what a golden jackal of Eurasia looks like or do you just believe anything thats put in front of your face and did you know they separate species based on more than how things look like, go into your bathroom chop your dick off and choke on it you inbred, people who believe this shit should not be allowed to breed

damn i wish i knew what this rage was in response to

nobody cares nigger


Are you retarded, or just willfully ignorant of how bigots constantly relate black people to apes/monkeys?

So you validate their jokes and hate by causing an uproar and acting like apes over nothing

Not the user you're replying to, but humans ARE apes. If you're offended by that you need a reality check. Furthermore, people call children monkeys all the time regardless of race. The fact that people are making it a race issue because the child modeling the shirt is black /is/ racist; they're only focusing on his skin color and assuming it was deliberately set up to incite hate.

apes are not monkeys

They're related, they're both primates.

Of course humans are all apes. It's interesting that you say this because you bring this fact up because in that context it's not meant to ridicule you. No one calls white people or other races besides blacks "apes" or "monkeys" as a racial insult however, which is why black people take offense over this.

yeah and crocodiles are related to snakes, they're both vertebrate reptiles
i wouldn't go around calling the python the "coolest gator in the pond" though

>in that context it's not meant to ridicule you
Can you explain how it's meant to ridicule the child in the h&m ad? Just because the child is black? Are you implying no black child should wear a shirt with the word monkey on it because it can be used as a racial insult?
Have you never heard someone call a child a monkey? There would be no uproar over this if it was a white child modeling the shirt.

>There would be no uproar over this if it was a white child modeling the shirt.
why are niggers so easily offended?

yes, i've also heard children referred to as "honey," "kid," and "munchkin"
do none of those seem problematic to you?
maybe you should stop acting like a monkey

White people haven't been called closer to apes or monkeys than actual humans for 400 years.

>do none of those seem problematic to you?
No, they don't. What's your point?

>wah you're comparing me to this inhumane thing
>oh but these other inhumane things? not offensive at all
ok faggo

Are you sure you're replying to the right person?

and yet white people don't chimp out

yep, name checks out

Obviously that wasn't the intention behind the ad, but that doesn't change the fact that it was insensitive. Bigots have been equating blacks to apes, monkeys, animals, etc for many years. I don't even see how anyone regardless of race would want to be seen as an animal in the first place. So please, don't pretend that you can't see why people are upset about it. You can argue and say "well we're all animals, right?" but the fact remains that blacks have always been seen as less than human, and treated as such. Slapping the monkey label on their clothing is just as bad.

Since you seem to be more dense than a black hole, let me spell out my argument:

I am AGAINST the backlash that the H&M ad has received, I think it's asinine. I do not think a black child wearing a shirt that says "coolest monkey in the jungle" is racist. I do not think "monkey" is an offensive term in this context.

People have called children little monkeys for eons. Why does a black child wearing the shirt suddenly make it racist? Cracker can be used as a racial slur against white people, if I modeled a shirt that said "coolest cracker in the barrel" (as a reference to cracker barrel) would that be offensive because I'm white? Would I have hoards of other white people coming to my defense?

>I don't even see how anyone regardless of race would want to be seen as an animal in the first place

I don't know about you, but I have no problem being seen as an animal because I AM one. Oh wait, is animal a derogatory term now? Let me go apologize to my dog.

>and yet white people don't chimp out
I see white people chimp out about this all the time (on this board, even).

There's also the fact that a white person gets called a cracker in the morning and can go about their day assured that one day that black will get shot by the police.

yes bigots do relate blacks to apes, but you cannot just assume that h&m is doing this. and the monkey label is not unheard of, ive seen many different shirts with this same 'monkey in the jungle' thing for children's clothing in stores ive been too and equally as much in advertisements online and in store flyers on many children of different races. for anyone to be looking at models and intentionally avoiding putting a piece of clothing that has the word monkey on it onto a person who is ironically black is racist in itself, due to you intentionally avoiding that race and not any other race which is inequality.

*who is black is *ironically* racist* is what i meant.
mistake on where the word ironically was meant to be

>by the police
i think you mean by another black
go look up statistics on black on black crime and statistics on police on black crime

though i know you won't, because you're an ideological faggot and the mods should have deleted this thread hours ago

>Since you seem to be more dense than a black hole, let me spell out my argument:
no, i just started replying without reading this cancer of a thread
i misinterpreted your argument tho carry on

>People have called children little monkeys for eons. Why does a black child wearing the shirt suddenly make it racist?
Because people have been calling black people monkeys for just as long? Are you even reading what I'm saying?
>Cracker can be used as a racial slur against white people, if I modeled a shirt that said "coolest cracker in the barrel" (as a reference to cracker barrel) would that be offensive because I'm white?
Yes that would obviously be offensive. If you choose not to be offended, thats on you, but don't be surprised if plenty of other people find it offensive. It's a slur after all.
>I don't know about you, but I have no problem being seen as an animal because I AM one. Oh wait, is animal a derogatory term now? Let me go apologize to my dog.
At this point I'm just going to have to dismiss you as a troll. You CANNOT be this ignorant to what it means to be human and be dehumanized and equated to an animal — something that is constantly valued LESS than our humanity. Your dog has nothing to do with this.

>Because people have been calling black people monkeys for just as long?
Can you seriously argue that in this context it is offensive? "Monkey" is not inherently a pejorative word. There is a huge difference between playfully calling a child a monkey and saying something along the lines of "you stupid fucking monkey nigger". The shirt, "coolest monkey in the jungle" in no way is hateful. Assuming someone made this child wear this shirt with racist intentions is ironically racist, because you're only focusing on the fact that the child is black and therefore it /must/ be set up to incite indignation.

>Yes that would obviously be offensive. It's a slur after all.
So then should we protest against cracker barrel and demand they change the name of their establishment because the word "cracker" can be used as a slur?

It's completely unwarranted. But of course South Africa had to proove that they are not okay with being called monkeys by behaving like animals.

I don't think H&M had racist intentions when making this ad, but I'm 99% sure that it didn't make it past the boardroom meetings without raising a few eyebrows. At face value, it's just bad advertising, especially regarding the history behind black people and having the word "monkey" attached to them as a means to ridicule them. If a black parent or any other parent wants their child to wear the shirt then that's their decision, but it's insensitive to have the ad up like that and not expect people to take it the wrong way. Of course no one would say anything if the kid were white, asian, hispanic, etc because no one has insulted them for years and years by calling them a monkey.
>So then should we protest against cracker barrel and demand they change the name of their establishment because the word "cracker" can be used as a slur?
If you're honestly offended by it then yes, definitely. I'm sure plenty of black people would be angry if a restaurant was named the "Nigger Barrel". Honestly if you can't understand why people are angry about this now, there's no way you could ever understand lol

>If a black parent or any other parent wants their child to wear the shirt then that's their decision, but it's insensitive to have the ad up like that and not expect people to take it the wrong way
Right, so if you saw a black child running around with this shirt would you be offended? Does your being offended revoke the child's right to wear the shirt? Are the parents being insensitive?

>If you're honestly offended by it then yes, definitely
I'm not offended by it because in the context it's used in it's not a racial slur. Saltine crackers are not racist. It's a word. A word only holds power when it's used with the intention to cause harm. Take the word faggot, for example. Pork faggots, in the context of the british food traditionally made of minced pig organs, is not offensive. Calling someone a faggot in a hateful way e.g. "fuck you, fag" however can be offensive because it's a personal attack. But the word itself is innocuous.

Monkey is the name of an animal. Children are oft referred to as monkeys because of how rambunctious they can be. Obviously the word can be used as a racial slur, like many other words. But "monkey" is not inherently bad. "Coolest monkey in the jungle" is not a racist statement.

Meanwhile, (black) folks have been totally OK with BAPE for years, and would probably buy the crap out of a hoodie that simply has the N-word on it. Same goes for if Supreme did it.




Meanwhile, this is acceptable, sought-after fashion.

Except we are apes. We belong to the superfamily hominoidea (apes).


I won't because I don't need to. I know what the statistics are; I picked the police because I thought it was funnier (and that it would perhaps get you frothing at the mouth, which it has).

And I am certainly an ideological faggot, but so are you, and so is everyone everywhere forever. That's how ideology works shitdick.

And I agree that this thread should have been deleted.

I know this is Veeky Forums, but try a little bit.

>ape cope

He’s not the one identifying with apes...



Humans are dancer.

Is this a consequence of the American education system?
Cite one reputable source that proves we're not apes.

>if it’s in a book it must be true!

Is this the result of mental deficiency preventing critical conscious thought?

Ah okay, we'll just pretend the last hundred years of scientific research on evolution never happened because
>muh critical thinking

The problem is pseudoscience, not science, buddy. It seems that you (and countless others) can’t distinguish betwee; the two.

I'm losing brain cells talking to you. What part of the theory of evolution that ties humans to the superfamily hominoidea is psuedoscience? You still haven't cited anything that disproves it, the burden of proof is on you.

No, the burden of proof is on the pseudoscientists claiming that it is a theory based on fact. Where is the proof of truth for the Darwinian version of the theory of evolution? Nowhere, because it’s a fallacious theory.

As the tripfag said, evolution creates not species, but variations WITHIN the species.

>accepting ideology instead of working towards freeing yourself from its trappings
and that's why you'll always be an inferior being and others will rightly look down upon you

>Where is the proof of truth for the Darwinian version of the theory of evolution? Nowhere, because it’s a fallacious theory.
It's everywhere. Have you ever read anything in your life?

>As the tripfag said, evolution creates not species, but variations WITHIN the species.
What creates new species if not natural variations within species as a result of evolution? They don't just pop up out of nowhere.

When killjoying old pruny jews seem like better sports than the self-reported inventors of being cool it's time to ask where you took a wrong turn.

Pic is from 4 years ago when Zara accidently made concentration camp looking pj's and after the outrage they offered an apology, pulled the product off and everyone continued with their lives.

They didn't do that accidentally.

Except the badge isn't even accurate... they didn't have a star on their uniforms. Pic related.

Zara's pjs are horizontally striped with what is clearly a sheriff badge.

Only blacks chimp out.

> whites never chimp out at all
> middle easterners only chimp out when their religion is ridiculed. They are secure with their own ethnicity and don’t complain about racism
> east asians never chimp out despite all the racism. I would actually like them to chimpout so they can get more representation in media. Blacks are so over represnted in american media that everyone outside of america would think its 50/50 white/black. Disgusting.

Conclusion: blacks need to stop chimpinf out and should get no media representation for punishment.

the sweater on its own isn't a problem, it's the context. the word has a historically negative connotation associated with black people to the point in which it has led to discrimination which can be correlated with economic disenfranchisement. that is why people are angry.

had the model been of another race, it wouldn't have mattered because the word doesn't have the same connotation with other races. had some random black child on the street been wearing the sweater, it wouldn't matter because it's not being used as an advertisement for widespread consumption.

maybe the designers/photographer/etc don't see how this word is problematic in today's context, but the people who are in outrage are older to the point that the word was problematic in their childhood.

it's literally just context, not a matter of who "chimps" out the most.

>had some random black child on the street been wearing the sweater, it wouldn't matter because it's not being used as an advertisement for widespread consumption.

Why? If it's not offensive for a black child to wear this shirt, why is it suddenly a problem for the shirt to be advertised with a black child modeling it? This is what I'm having trouble wrapping my head around. The word monkey, while it can be used as a racial slur against black people, in this context is innocuous.

Let's say that instead of "coolest monkey in the jungle" it was just a picture of a monkey's face. Would that be wrong?

What I'm trying to get at here is "monkey" is just a word, and by making it out to be offensive when a black person is involved no matter what the context, it just gives more power to the word as an insult.