How do you want to look like on your 40's

ITT: How do you want to look like on your 40's
I think Mr. Patton is effay as fuck.





As a straight female I commend your choice. Mike is 11/10 smarmy-fuckable.

I don't know about 40s, but by 50+ I hope for Jessica Lange tier.



Pretty charming woman.

Is that Pirlo, the football player?

tom wait
steve buschemi
willem dafoe
chrostpher lloyd
william h macy
jackie earl haley
desmond harrington

something along those lines
face like someone carved it with an axe
ugly features
bags under my eyes like I've never had good night of sleep
coarse skin raped by sunlight, dry air and smoking my entire life
shit ton of wrinkles deep as mariana trench

I want to look like a cute 90's mom and have frizzy hair and just wear cheap thrift sweaters and t-shirts and jeans all the time. I could not find a good photo of this but I think you guys got it.

And yes Mike Patton can get it

>Living past 20's
Are you retarded?



He looks dead inside.

I'll cut my back-long-hair to shoulder length or maybe even shorter, and will probably become flat-chested since I don't have to manage my workouts to not be too intensive to not lose fat in wrong places, aka boobs.

>mfw looking forward to finally not needing to look too feminine anymore
>mfw I'll finally be able to train distance running again and go on endless hikes
>never having to take care of impractical hair ever again

absolutely this.

you should just do all that right now desu

The perks of looking feminine are too bountiful.

I think you are underestimating the perks of doing things that are fulfilling and meaningful for you

it's kinda impressive how quickly George started looking like an old man


I think I'll settle for something easy and manly, I already do that

Guy is pushing 50 and still manages to be pretty boyish and cute


why are you all on some gay shit
why don't you want to be a real man

My friend, maybe some things that are fulfilling and meaningful for her are much, much easier to accomplish by looking feminine. Sometimes authentic ends require some means you don't necessarily care about, that's life, we're not in some idealistic vacuum here.

i want to but i didn't know about mewing till a year ago and i was mouthbreathing during childhood and puberty and my face is just not manly

Fair enough, I wasn't trying to make a point against that if it's what she feels is valuable right now, I just don't personally think you should require to do that kinda compromises. And the wording, "looking forward", "finally not", "impractical hair" just communicates some amount of unhappiness of the current state to me.


And this.