Would it be cool to wear my racial breakdown printed on a shirt?

Would it be cool to wear my racial breakdown printed on a shirt?


I'm thinking like this

Proof link provided upon request. Now accepting baby mama candidates.

>99.9% European
nigger detected

if i see you wearing this in the metro im gonna kick your fucking ass you stupid kike

I really doubt that lmfao

Wait a second...computer enhance

>Ashkenazi Jewish 99%

Fuck off, kike

Wear it to a party. Great icebreaker

Get the national crime rate by ethnicity printed on a t-shirt instead. Big conversation starter.

Didn't you heebs view that as oppressive the first time around?

got you covered

no wonder you shoplifted a $5 retro windbreaker from a thrift store and then tried to sell it on grailed for $50 with the same pics you used on an Veeky Forums thread. you suck faggot.



completely Veeky Forums

In all honesty, no. It's just begging for attention and looks tacky as shit since it's about the same as putting your face on a shirt and wearing that. A nutritional infographic would be better but only marginally.

>just 2 colors and 2 components

EXTREMELY RARE igor. impressive as fuck. outstanding racial hygiene of ancestors

I am extremely rare, it's true. You would have hard time finding people on /pol/ with my level of racial purity.

But hey it's not my own achievement. No need to bow down to me.

btw, my parents are not related

What about some isolated people like japs? Don't they also have a high racial purity? Don't they come in 2 color/2 component?

fuck off kike

sage for kike thread

back to krautchan creatura

Dude THAT is actually pretty impressive rat blood. He's a chosen one

better rat than germ

Why Purity? Always purity. I see this a lot with so-called "nice guys" and incels that haven't quite gotten completely insane yet. It's certainly a central narrative for the OP.
Even if one was to ignore the rather pedophiliac aspects of alt/incel/megabeta behaviors, such as leering at underage girls & extolling their "uncorrupted" nature, one would still see a sizable amount of prattling and whining about "degeneracy" and the loss of "morality" in Western societies.
For a long time, I wondered where exactly this came from. While some of them were surely raised in ultra conservative / religious families, a large majority of them were not. A significant minority of incels are likely under 18, as well.

Some seem to only apply their archaic views to women, while others claim to believe that anyone of either gender who sleeps around, has casual sex, does drugs, drinks alcohol, or otherwise enjoys themselves in social settings, is immoral, corrupt, a whore (if female).
They rail against those they've deemed "degenerate", and a man or woman who can routinely access experiences they themselves can't seem to access are - naturally - their go to example of "moral decay" in western society.
It's not as if they themselves are "pure" according to the guidelines posited on effay, and of course, the people who would post this garbage thread have no problem with pornography, even though actual real-world sex is apparently crossing some line. Nor do they dissuade the consumption of violent media.
It's not easy to ignore the differences one finds along the spectrum of weakness the incel inhabits. It clearly separates the relatively sane (if there is such a thing) incels and so-called "nice guys" from the virulent everything-phobic hypocrites spouting Nazi fanfare and going so far as to try to 'dress alt-right'.
I get an air of sexual and social repression in these threads, combined with hatred for the socially & sexually experienced, or simply those who seem to be having fun.

Diagnosis: graphomania, also schizophrenia.

Also stop projecting

I used to wonder how people like you came to be the empty shells they are today. I found the answer when I imagined a person who was the only victim in all of society.
This person ought to be a very happy, outgoing person... were it not for the societal makeup of the world, were it not for the 'impurity' of our ideologies & races or the 'moral decay' a sleeping public had been force-fed by mass media.
Poor OP. Why, if only earning money did not require hard work, if only the Chads weren't 'stealing' women from them.
Imagine someone who, deep inside, is one of the elite. He is among the beautiful, the charming. Why, if it weren't for all those chem trails, which are somehow turning the frogs gay & destroying their hope of finding love? Why, then he would be the definition of Chad.
...And If it weren't for the fact that social skills demand exposure and practice, he would surely be every woman's dream. With his oceans of personal beauty and charm at hand, he would almost automatically be rich. It's certainly no fault of his own that he is stuck in a low-income household, doomed to isolation. It's not on him, because whatever chance he had at living a fulfilling and constructive life was destroyed, taken from him by interchangeable 'others' while he was still too young to enjoy it.
In reality, he imposes misery on himself. Do we all know what goes well with misery?

Yes. Misery loves company. Incel betas and their alt right larping teams possess an infinite need for others feel their pain, quite literally.

It's the only release.


Imagine being this triggered

Go back to your safe space

Despite of the rumors that incels are ugly looking people, the real problem is very different. Some may have had bad parents, some got bullied by girls as a child. Some just have bad luck with girls.
Despite all of this, no one just becomes an Incel, because having bad experiences with others is part of life. There is another factor in all of this -
Why are becoming some people Incels and other ones not then?
I know that a lot of people haven't had sex until their twenties, but this was hard to believe back when having a girlfriend was pretty natural in most circles and amongst healthily socialized men.
However, when they have been part of a place like /pol/ for a time, they always double down on desperation, anger and begin to slowly radicalize.
"Finally!" they think, people I can relate with! They agree with you about how hopeless everything is, how it's all the fault of society / women / tyrone.
This goes on until they believe. It's their new reality. A reality that "makes sense".
Being part of communities like /pol/ is in my opinion the main reason why these boys lose their minds.
What is going through an Incel's head? I think the main reason why Incels are so hateful towards women is one thing: They want to feel like a victim. To not be aware that they always were the masters of their own destinies.

But they failed. Hard.

What does this have to do with incels? I was kicked out of my last year in high school for bullying. Didn't go to school the last months, just went to exams and got my hs diploma.

I'm not incel, rather bpd, i like cumming, but not the physical contact with other people. Also, i lost my virginity at 14yo.

why is all the map in europe and not Israel if you're full jew.

Jews werent big n isreal until Hitler sent a shitload there prior to ww2

are you copy pasting this from somewhere?
holy crap dude get a life haha
>implying you're not incel and all of this isnt projection

Get STI results on there too lad

I'm not convinced your heart isn't racing a you read those posts. I can almost smell your stale sweat and despair, and see it clearly between the lines of your weak attempts to reply.

You should leave. Your alt incel delusions are quickly reaching meme status here. Once that line is crossed there will be no returning, and you will collectively wonder what might have been had you and your ilk stayed where you belong, i.e. somewhere else.

You're becoming a running gag, your whole alt incel behavior loop, your beliefs and contradictions, all of it is becoming meme fodder.

>it's about the same as putting your face on a shirt and wearing that.
I hope someone's actually done this