Would getting my Grandads haircut be acceptable? I am 26 but love his old fashioned haircut

>Loved his picture as a kid
>Thought he looked suave as fuck
>Thinking of getting it but don't wanna look too out of place in society

I live in rural area and do construction so most lads I work with have short all over or shaven haeds here.

This is a blend of both with a little on top but just looks the buisness in my opinion.

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So many people have that haircut now, of course it is acceptable. There are even those who believe it is on its way out of fashion, despite how common it still is. Do not wear the uniform, however.

Did it.

>that shaved part
jesus fuck man

Hate away I like it been. Girlfriend wanted sex after I got back. Come at me.

Congratulations, you look like a fuccboi from 2014

Damn. Was going for German National Socialist. Sorry Sempai.

>German National Socialist
>shitty beard
yeah no

>he needs to do a thing for the gf to want sex


you'll always be white trailer trash hillbilly willy

>Girlfriend wanted sex after I got back
That's just pathetic bro lol

That isn't a beard you soyboy. It's 3 days without shaving lol

we can tell that's about a week. At least a week. You just happen to grow patchy facial hair.

I shaved on Friday to go out for a meal. Nice try fag.Germans don't do hillbilly. you euromutt


Umm.. no, rabbi, that's Horst Wessel who had no children and was brutally murdered by commies.

I think it's very clear who the 'fag' is. He's the closet sub who's been telling himself he belongs to some kind of 'elite' group of pure Aryans.

you know what I mean - Aryans. The kind that never really existed and were made up entirely by a drug addicted and sexually impotent half man to fit his make believe narrative about the purity of the 'Aryan Race'?

You might know of him. He died with a gun in his mouth because he was scared to face the results of his actions?

He had African & Jewish ancestral roots?

That's the one.


Someone does not understand how to comprehend genetic clusters :D

Hitler lost after Aryans teamed up to defeat him. It wasn't the non whites who stopped hitler lol.

Also how can the Aryans not exist, we have an entire mountain of archaeological and historical evidence, from the Aryan invasion of India, the Indo-European dig sites etc.

The Aryan peoples indeed do exist.

>It wasn't the non whites who stopped hitler lol.
On the contrary is was in fact the russians that stopped hitler.

You do realise the russians are white and huge percentages of Rus stock have nordic and Germanic blood right? Like 60% of the population and the other 40% have aryan lineage all the way back to the Indo Europeans who emerged from the pontic steppe in ukraine?

You should be embarrassed right now.

lol. every fashionable econ student has that gay ass hair. looks like plastic with all that gunk in it.

The incels who make these threads and feed the collective dumpster fire are extremely sexually frustrated and their self esteems are in a very low place. Sometimes it is taken extremely too far with the hate women/kill women posts. It can be nigh impossible to see any logic to what they say.
Meanwhile, back here in 2018? Let's us non incels remember that it's not all that difficult for an unattractive guy with proper socialization to find himself a partner and a social group, with all the support systems and other benefits such companionships provide.
It's really quite sad that men (sorry, boys) like the ones in this pitiful thread are trapped in such a deep hole that no one wants to talk to them on a human to human level - their ideological and social vocabularies, the things some of them say - These failings make worthwhile interactions impossible. Even if these alt incels were not trapped in such low places, what woman would ever want to converse with or even exchange pleasantries with lost and maladjusted boys who embody the slippery, hard to define yet harder to ignore reality of being "100% Creepy".
I read posts like
and sometimes wonder if this repellent quality they all exude is even something they have control over. Maybe they did at one time, but they gone too far down the rabbit hole of self delusion with the network of lies they've been using for so long as a frame with which to justify the stream of rejection and pity that is their life (and always has been).

So you lost on the genetics argument and now you are a psychologist?

I came here to troll you boring fag.

Oh wow, the Jewish press writes another hit piece to drag hitler through the mud. Now with less evidence and citations than ever!

Gas yourself.

I used to wonder how people like you came to be the empty shells they are today. I found the answer when I imagined a person who was the only victim in all of society.
This person ought to be a very happy, outgoing person... were it not for the societal makeup of the world, were it not for the 'impurity' of our ideologies & races or the 'moral decay' a sleeping public had been force-fed by mass media.
Poor OP. Why, if only earning money did not require hard work, if only the Chads weren't 'stealing' women from them.
Imagine someone who, deep inside, is one of the elite. He is among the beautiful, the charming. Why, if it weren't for all those chem trails, which are somehow turning the frogs gay & destroying their hope of finding love? Why, then he would be the definition of Chad.
...And If it weren't for the fact that social skills demand exposure and practice, he would surely be every woman's dream. With his oceans of personal beauty and charm at hand, he would almost automatically be rich. It's certainly no fault of his own that he is stuck in a low-income household, doomed to isolation. It's not on him, because whatever chance he had at living a fulfilling and constructive life was destroyed, taken from him by interchangeable 'others' while he was still too young to enjoy it.
In reality, he imposes misery on himself. Do we all know what goes well with misery?

Yes. Misery loves company. Incel betas and their alt right larping teams possess an infinite need for others feel their pain, quite literally.

It's the only release.

not him. but nobody will read ur blog posts.

A fucking Ginger!