Fat fucks. Why don't you just fast? I haven't eaten anything for 14 days straight and I'm just fine...

Fat fucks. Why don't you just fast? I haven't eaten anything for 14 days straight and I'm just fine. I drink water all day and take some salt and Mg and K supplements and I feel great. I've lost 15 lbs already.

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Enjoy your starvation, let us know what the afterlife is like

You know there are legitimate ways to lose weight right? You don’t have to fucking go without food. Just don’t overeat like a pig and avoid unhealthy options, bit of exercise here and there. Dad diets and fasting are goofy ass shit.

>how to kill yourself

fasting is actually good for you though.

I'm not even OP but I fast a lot.

Actually easy when you do it more. I can fast no problem for 7 days just straight water. It allows your body to rest and repair itself. Its not even about losing weight for me, considering I've always been skinny and I'm only 22. Also saves me shit ton of money being in college. My favorite part for me was it cleared up my skin. My acne literally fell off my skin and healed itself within a week. Accutane never worked for me. Ever since Ive been a huge promoter of fasting. Eating mostly raw helps too, but I still eat meat and dairy every once in a while, I try not too though because it can cause spots/pimples for me.

Hi OP congrats on your fast. Remember to work up and be safe about it.
you guys are out of the know. Fasting doesn't harm the body when done properly, and it can be very good for you.

This. Fasting slows down the basal metabolic rate which is, long term, really the only way to increase a mammals life expectancy.

>tfw eating good food and still losing weight because i'm eating less calories than i exhume

feels good

my bmi is too high to be pretty, chinese image board website told me to starve myself, am gonna do.

found dead two weeks later.

I thought having a slower metabolism made it harder to lose weight?

It does. These retards are going to react like the contestants on biggest loser and balloon after trying to go back to a normal diet.

Did you not read that I eat mostly raw now? Also when you fast you learn humans eat consume too much food, especially americans. I live in the US and go to college, and whenever I go to the dining hall and see people plates stacked with garbage food it disgusts me. No wonder why my country is obese af. I eat much lighter/healthier now. Never did before fasting.

But I highly you research fasting and its benefits before talking shit

then again, Veeky Forums is full of retards, so i wouldnt be surprised if Veeky Forums user would fuck it up by binging with garbage after their fasts and fuckign themselves. I at least know what I'm doing, follow procedures, stay strict with it. I trust myself. I don't trust any of you desu

somewhat related but I have thicc thighs from playing hockey all my life and I want thin legs for that SLP aesthetic. Would doing an intermitent fasting diet and walking 5-6 miles a day on a treadmill slim that shit down or am I just fucked?

>t. mentally ill, EDNOS

you know nothing about hemodynamics retard

your heart is still under immense strain, in fact it's size is reduced proportionally to the skeletal muscle loss

btw u have the highest mortality rate out of all mental illness

can't wait for retards to follow this blindly and balloon after ending their fast and wanting to kill themselves


Oh user...

Kek you people really don't have a clue. Fasting is absolutely great for your body and has no downsides whatsoever.
Keep being mad at strong willed people who know what's good for their health.

Second hand embarrassment

I have the same problem mate. Had been doing heavy squats a couple of years ago and my legs and ass grew like twice in size.
I've read that walking and low intensity running on flat surfaces should help.

there is less muscle reduction with fasting than eating less. Fasting is better for losing fat, cognitive ability and many other health benefits. Please look into stuff before spouting incoherent and flat out wrong statements.

>not exuming your calories
shigdig sempai

>Fasting is better for losing cognitive ability

Are you unable to parse from context what is meant in the post?

I've been playing basketball in my teenage years and had nice ass with skinny legs. Every day I thank myself.

Now I just need to stop being lazy and burn this small belly.

>parse from context
the expression is "parse from content" bucko
you're the same guy from earlier in the thread who talked about exhuming his calories aren't you
the fasting's must be getting to your cognitive abilities m8

your heart is a muscle that requires protein, it begins to atrophy when starved, also insufficient b vitamins causes encephalopathy, killing your brain function

surely you jest



Also there is a difference between fasting and starving. Starving is when you have no energy reserves left/vital nutrients for your body to feed off of. Trust me, if you don't live in some shit third world country starving or aren't one of those thinspo Veeky Forumsggots, you have plenty of fat reserves for your body to feed off of. Once you deplete those, it becomes starvation rather than fasting.

How many supplements do you take (mg-wise) and what is your weight? Or where can I find recommendations on how much to take? I want to try fasting, but even when I do it for a day I get horribly sick because my electrolytes get messed up.

>just fast
>fasting is good for your body
idk if asll of you guys that believe this are memeing or being serious. Are you mentally challenged or something? Who told you this pseudoscience shit and you believed them like some braindead faggots?
In order to be healthy and lose weight just eat healthy shit, have variety in your diet, don't eat like a fucking pig and exrcise. Otherwise you're just killing yourself from within, (maybe not so) slowly and (surely in the future) painfully.

Don't cry like a bitch when you regret the damage you've done to yourself.

>not actually doing any research and making assumptions. Fasting helps detox the body. You can eat healthy shit, fast, and exercise. I do all three. I fast at least once a week for 36 hours. I do a few 7 day fasts a few times a year. Well I did last year. This year I plan to fast more.

>I survived this with no apparent effects for now, so it's always going to be good :DD
I can see the limit of your intellect from your post. That explains why you see this stupid fad as something reasonable.

Oh well, who am I to tell you not to kill yourself as you wish, I guess. At least don't recommend it to other people. You're free to destroy your own life, but at least don't destroy other people's too.

you are losing muscle because your body burns everything else before fat

you're going to end up skinnyfat


I highly suggest you research it yourself before telling me not to recommend it to others :)

it's already recommended not to eat 4 hours before bed and sleep 8 hours which means not eating for 12 hours is normal, therefore I would not call that fasting, more like they are just skipping breakfast

there are many other studies about skipping breakfast

fasting past the point of skipping breakfast (which would be more than 16 hours) is required to induce starvation state, there is a big difference between the two in terms of body changes

t. buzzfeed

I play sports, lift and fuck my girlfriend hard. Im not gonna fast for 14 days because im already a healthy toned sportsman who needs 3k cals a day to function.

Dumb skeletons lol post pics of your bodies so we can all laugh at it

Theres a difference between fasting now and then and fasting every week you dumbass retard. The best you can do is intermittent fast everyday. But going for two weeks without food is literal mental illness.

>inb4 some retard says it cleared their acne
Yeah why dont you just ask any doctor why your body stopped producing sebum and hormones (such as testosterone) and stop wondering why your dick stopped working lol

>putting your body under immense amounts of stress
>taking non bio available supplements that your already strained organs will have to filter out your system with no available enzymes

Yeah keep at it retard. Intermittent fasting is good. But you’re literally killing yourself. In fact thats a good thing. Nobody wants a retard like you around anyway lmao

can you post any studies? is fasting really bad?

I'd like to lose just the fat and not all the muscle and shit with it and look like a holocaust survivor, thanks. Also not eating shit just slows your metabolism to a crawl and makes you feel like shit, gotta eat a few hundred cals less a day and lose it gradually.
Dumbass, lol.

>Also not eating shit just slows your metabolism
is that true? I thought that was just momscience

>just stop eating for weeks bro its great

No. Intermittent fasting (12-18 hours fasting with 4-8 hour meal window) is proven to be good for you. What OP and the rest of the retards is telling is to stop eating for weeks. Which is literally what kills people in real life. Which is great since that kills off retards like OP

newfags not knowing this, kek


This. These faggots can keep not eating for a week if they want. It's natural selection.

Fasting rocks ass, I'm cruisin at about 4 and a half days and not even hungies. Going for a week. Dropped a good amount of water weight, hopefully gonna start roasting gut butter soon, 13 pounds so far. Only downside is the physical fatigue but that ain't nothin with coffee and ephedrine. If you're over 10 percent bf, you can live off your tummy goo.

keep trying maybe you can hit the fasting high score


So many retards in here not knowing what they're talking about.

Try it sometime, see how freezing cold your hands and feet get when it happens.

>if youre a lardass not eating will make you lose weight
>therefore everyone should go for weeks without eating

This is how retarded you sound. But keep killing yourself. Maybe one day you’ll finally fit in those waist 24 pants you pathetic retard lol

>believing some youtube gamer who's whole channel is built off of fake videos and clickbait

>mountains of medical and physiological evidence that not eating for extended periods of time is unhealthy and many cases lethal

God youre a fucking retard just kill yourself already lol nobody wants someone as stupid as you walking around. Infact give me your address so me and my normal functional sports friends can beat you up and save you the hassle lol

Why has this thread sparked such a vitriolic reaction? I suspect that there way more fatties that have no self control and are addicted to food that lurk daily on Veeky Forums than we originally thought.

Pretty fucking simple: Eat when your hungry. Dont eat out of boredom. Why is it so hard to understand ?

>if you have common sense you must be fat

Post a picture of your disgusting body user. We all wanna see your disgustingly crippled skinnyfat frame

Not eating for weeks really worked for these guys!

>some guy is literally telling people to kill themselves
>g-gee! Why are you all so mad! Haha you must be fatties!

Shut up you dumb nigger lol

Yeah that's like a year of starvation. If you have anything over 15% BF, your body can sustain a fast up to probably 30 days no problem.

Yeah but look at that guy's jawline. Absolute perfection.

Those guys are from Treblinka and they died of Typhus after the British "liberated" them

These threads are always retarded. You'd lose almost as much by eating high protein to sustain your muscles and doing cardio with lower carbs to lose fat.

BY eating nothing, your body heads straight to the muscles and cannibalizes them. You'll end up a scrawny fat blob. Lol morons.

>sustain a fast
>or you can just eat and exercise like a non mentally ill adult

you obviously don't understand. Fasting allows your body to repair itself along with lose body fat while cleaning yourself from inside out. Even eating healthy you cant do that. You literally have to fast in order to do this. Its literally a full body detox.

Right. ThAts why intermittent fasting (something medically PROVEN to be beneficial) exists. Not starving yourself for weeks.

How stupid are you seriousy? I intermittent fast everyday, lift, work and go to uni. Not eating for weeks is just plain unhealthy

Dropping redpills

>tfw 8% bodyfat and browsing this thread while enjoying a big stack of pancakes

Must suck being mentally ill


That’s a lifelong caloric deficiency. Technically you’re correct but it’s a lot of weeks.

Ignore my stupid post, thought I was looking at Ethiopians.

>thought I was looking at Ethiopians.