Does anyone else feel utterly powerless to make an informed opinion or try to enact a useful change in the world...

Does anyone else feel utterly powerless to make an informed opinion or try to enact a useful change in the world? It feels literally impossible to know which of the myriad views and narratives in history are true. It feels impossible to know which side is right. What can or should someone strive for in such a world?

Rather than looking for what is "true", look for what is "right". What does your conscience tell you?
THEN question it (a step to never forget). Why does it feel like this or that is right? Can you rationally explain why it must be so? From what are your feelings and thoughts formed, from what context? Have you been open-minded, have you considered the perspective of others?

Also, you know, not being confused and not questioning yourself is a sign of a bad character. You're a good person for thinking in these terms, OP. It should serve more people right, especially on Veeky Forums.

This extended pattern of behavior sucks though. It is hard to accomplish anything when you could always be going down a morally false path. I'm not sure if such doubt without action and not just 'moving forward as best you can while still progressing' is considered neuroses, but either way, it is a valid question to ask and it isn't that simple.

Also, that might've been the nicest thing that has been said on Veeky Forums, user.!

Look after your brother, always. And helping him doesn't mean examining his flaws and explaining them to him. That's just pouring salt on the wound.

Encouragement, love, and compassion for when he needs it. Love your brother as you love yourself. It sounds corny, but you want to help, that's how.

The poor, the widow, and the prisoner in a cell. All could use love and compassion.

And not to do these things as rote, but from an understanding of their despondency. Don't kick people while they're down, lift them up.

Are there any specific actions/accomplishments you have in mind, or is it more abstract and general?

The one major thing I've learned from talking to others, going to university and therapy, reading, devouring culture, etc, is how that confusion is something common to all. The main thing that drives society is our never-ending struggle. The best we can do is keep struggling, and the best way to do that is by constantly being open to new ideas and keep trying to question both them and ideas of the past. I could really recommend you to read some postmodernist philosophers, I think it would interest you.


Sisters to breh

>Rather than looking for what is "true", look for what is "right". What does your conscience tell you?

This seems like the worst possible approach.

Why? Are you implying there's objective truth?

Not this rabbithole, please...

Axioms bro
If A and B go head-to head on something, and A decides to kill B and erase his ideas, isn't A more correct than B? No? Who is to say otherwise?

Powerless: I feel I can't say anything about it. This would have to be a nice personal conversation.

If all agree it should happen here, maybe a start could be made. It would mean going on about it some times

Betterment that has an interesting direct effect if done:

• Change religion

• Change fascism to something worthy

• Change how money, possessions and position is now

• ****Cant post. This item is too irreal to be true. Though no reason for disturbing emotions. Because that doesn't help. Like when something is falling off a shelve, it is caught if possible****

Posting this in this short form....I mean religion: all know something is not right about it. But here I didn't describe what.

How many schnapps did you have before posting this?

Ferrari cars, large houses. Something only a few people have. How is this acceptable to anyone?

Of course there must be this nice thing by which this is something of free choice. I mean the principles behind it. And actually be this. A brand name could vanish if all could suddenly get one. Or not too. But it wouldn't matter this much to anyone anymore...

OF COURSE this must be done. And in a safe and nice way.

Rather: how many schnapps did someone have before not thinking of this?

Honestly not guys, what is this "philosophical" shitposting? You're not even making sense in the slightest.

>brother before sister

To continue about possessions and position

I named a brand which is smuttery in a way. I mean how dishonorable

There is nothing better to do until all have everything. Before that time it is useless to do or think about anything else.

Meaning at some moments of free time. When being comfortable. Not some helter skelter thing.

Philosophy is not a monster that can simply ''''eat'''' a good idea. But this sort of idea sort of hits unexpectedly. Or feels this way.

It is a good idea to start doing this anyway. Anyone else with an idea to start doing this?

Why do you want to take a stance or have an opinion?
Is it just mindless wondering?
You take action when you have to, when you decide to and at that moment you stop thinking and make a decision.
You never feel like an expert on anything? You always feel like your thoughts and ideas are temporary or lacking?
You have to ask yourself for what purpose do you think of things? To what means do you tell them to others?
If you are here on Veeky Forums you should know Veeky Forums has its own rules. By posting here, in this system, you will never sound or be as those philsophers and thinkers you respect and who sound so confident and all encompassing.
You will sound like a 4channer and the more you post here the more convincing you will sound but based on Veeky Forums's standards of what is convincing or praiseworthy.

Since Veeky Forums posts are not respected and are anonymous you will never get recognition like those guys giving lectures.
You give them recognition precisely because they are professional philosophers surrounded by all their system(of lecturesm public appearances, book writing etc..) which you were taught deserves respect.
Philosophy is about studying in university and writing books and articles.
It is about action and production of content, not mentally masturbating while sitting in a rocking chair on your front porch.

Philosophy is a specific field with rules and structure and you can only be what you perceive as a persuasive philosopher by following those rules.
Just talking about some topic related to philosophy is not doing philosophy. Even reading philosophical books is not doing philosophy. Only producing content, writing books and articles can be called doing philosophy.

I fear your thread has fallen into a cesspool of summer and ESL, but I just thought I'd stop by and say I feel ya brah.

As one of the rare 40+ posters, I've had nearly every firmly held belief I had in my youth turned on its head, three or four times in some cases, so it's very difficult to hold any conviction regarding anything, knowing how many perfectly fine counters to it are lying in wait just around the corner. Actually acting on a conviction, in some potentially catastrophic way, especially when watching so many others do the same, only to have it turn out so horribly wrong, both among my contemporaries and throughout history, seems perilous, at best, even within the narrow scope insomuch as it is possible to act at all.

This generation does have access to a power mine could have never dreamed of though - namely social media and the internet. Before that advent, the closest thing I had to a voice for change was to whine about the world to a rich Masonic great uncle or some such, but these days, near anyone, with some luck or clever social engineering, can get their message out. Granted, that means you have to get it heard among the clamber of all the other shrilling voices, but often something will go viral entirely unintentionally, so it's not as if it's impossible to do so.

Beyond that though, I'm old, and I don't have any more answers - just more questions. C'est la vie.

yeah i feel you
i really need something to fight for, but any kind of ideology always gets degenerated by humans beings

I am the core of my thoughts
Belief is my body
And choice is my blood
I have revised over a thousand judgments
Unafraid of loss
Nor aware of gain
Have withstood pain to update many times
Waiting for truth's arrival.
This is the one uncertain path.
My whole life has been...
Unlimited Bayes Works!

Maybe that is because none of them are

Maybe the best thing for humans is to take a very careful moderate practical approach to everything, never trying to push anything to its "logical conclusion" and coexisting with other ideas.

>welcome to multiculturalism

doesnt work mate. Cause at some point some asshole is gonna come and bash you in the face or ignite his suicide vest.

Could we start organising this in threads about it? I said something. That does not have to be the reason, but I think it would be nice if I wouldn't create threads also. Or take some exaggerated position for all that matter. Which doesn't work and never has. Unless there being harmless real agreement. In real truth, that sort of thing.

Your speech is slurred even in writing, mate. Take your pills.

>Rather than looking for what is "true", look for what is "right".
This paves the way for "muh feelings" arguments, with no actual facts to backup said arguments except virtue signaling.
>What does your conscience tell you?
Everyone is born to have different perspectives on the world. We don't share the same consciousness. What I think is right for me is considered wrong for others.
A religious man consciousness tells him to always obey God and that everything that goes wrong/right with his life is god's will.
I don't have such a fatalist view of the world, therefore I'm much more pragmatic and I tend to rationalize every choice I make. There's also people whose consciousness tells them to murder or hurt others for not sharing their views.

>Does anyone else feel utterly powerless to make an informed opinion or try to enact a useful change in the world?

Overthrow our oligarchist society and bring back Neoplatonism.

Yes, and then you look better for it.

That's the principle behind martyrdom.
It's why Christianity won Rome.

The diaspora-era Jews came up with a fundamentally insurrectionist reinterpretation of their own dogma that put a Human peasant incarnation of God at the center of the universe.

It's miles ahead of the Pantheon model of worship which is basically ancient celebrity worship.

I'm sort of repeating. But it doesn't matter sometimes it is a good thing to do this. And it doesn't even miss important effects of dynamic.

Idea: start agreeing on how to start doing this.

It is something that must be done from the comfort zone. It are things that could be associated with helter skelter, so that is why I say it.

This is never right.

Conscience doesn't determine facts.


Read Foucault.

>never right.

>Your speech
It is more likely that you are mad. So stop saying pills.

>The human intellect is said to be so constituted that general ideas arise by abstraction from particular observations, and therefore come after them in point of time. If this is what actually occurs, as happens in the case of a man who has to depend solely upon his own experience for what he learns — who has no teacher and no book — such a man knows quite well which of his particular observations belong to and are represented by each of his general ideas. He has a perfect acquaintance with both sides of his experience, and accordingly, he treats everything that comes in his way from a right standpoint. This might be called the natural method of education.
Contrarily, the artificial method is to hear what other people say, to learn and to read, and so to get your head crammed full of general ideas before you have any sort of extended acquaintance with the world as it is, and as you may see it for yourself. You will be told that the particular observations which go to make these general ideas will come to you later on in the course of experience; but until that time arrives, you apply your general ideas wrongly, you judge men and things from a wrong standpoint, you see them in a wrong light, and treat them in a wrong way. So it is that education perverts the mind.
This explains why it so frequently happens that, after a long course of learning and reading, we enter upon the world in our youth, partly with an artless ignorance of things, partly with wrong notions about them; so that our demeanor savors at one moment of a nervous anxiety, at another of a mistaken confidence

Nice idea. Change the whole way how people must study.

It must be like a cool summer wind. Not like climbing a mountain in swim clothing. And having to reach the top within the shortest period of time.

How disgusting the study thing is often times.

Of course if another group doesn't want to coexist that presents a problem. This is a "who watches the watchmen" kind of thing and the goal is to reduce assholery in general, this seems to be a good way to do it all things considered.

Let's assume you go down the "it's us or them" route and decide that since you are surrounded by assholes you need to be ruthless also to defend yourself. All that would happen is after the demagogues are finished manipulating you into helping them rise to the top they will turn on you. There is no way to escape uncucked, even those best suited to the task of rising in power only have a small chance of success, betas like ourselves have no chance.

We need to be more like Guts than Griffith. We're not going to change the world. We don't have the answers. All we can do is keep swinging our sword. Another analogy might be making sensible investments rather than blowing everything on the lotto.


If you say some things that are right in some way you often get this stalker kind of guy saying this.

The holocaust denier?

What the fuck.