Where is your god Vitalik now?

Where is your god Vitalik now?

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>inb4 btc holders talking shit

What happened?


Ether cucks on suicide whatch

and some people are saying some hack happened i dunno about that tho

Gonna be a good time to buy back in i guess


DAO -50%

There's your 'halvening'.

Polo currently locked out on trades.

Holy fuck

Do I sell? Why is it crashing?


Eth price leveled out

if my ETH isnt in the DAO its safe right?


only one thing left to do. buy TRUMP


S-so are we safe? Is this just a passing storm?

Wow dao and eth is getting hammered this could be the mtgox of ether

there will be long term implications. This is very serious. If TheDAO was compromised how can Ethereum guarantee the security of its smart contract? Very sad day.

>mfw my stop-loss still hasn't hit yet

>ethercucks trusted someone with that face

KEK doesn't quite cut it

i know your trolling but i have to call you a pussy

I wonder if the hackers are the ones that have been pumping it?

Literally the ugliest human being I have ever seen.

>tfw bought 1700 eth at 6 usd

I'm holding till eth is at 500$ you cucks

It's recovering already, boys. Nothing to worry about.

This was simply a brief rough wave on our way to the promised land.

Oh yeah, it's fine alright. Go ahead and buy. Buy the dip, motherfucker.

>eth went down literally 5 dollars

wow its fucking nothing your just a bunch of pussys

Eth down 30%, DAO down 70%. Keep talking.

So what you cuck ? Maybe eth will drop to 8usd, maybe dao will go -90%

Just hold for a month or two until it recovers. Wait for them to give statements about how this attack reinforced their security.

Eth at 90 USD end of the year, u can screenshot

Eth, DAO, and Lisk frozen on polo.

This actually works in my favour; was looking at the ETH charts and suddenly it was 21, was only 13 like a week ago.

Still need some time to clear funds, sad to see this happening though. But i still have faith in the long term future and will enter this dip! :)

Its fucking over


Yeah, this isn't going to cast serious doubt on the whole technology, is it? Time to wake up, shills.

>until it recovers

didn't bitcoin get hacked to in its early days? it recovered too right.

short short short short short

Yeah kind of ,but it took about 2 years to recover I dont think eth is going to bounce back from this

never been hacked

A centralized and mismanaged exchange got hacked. Not the protocol.

I know I just couldn't be bothered to explain ,as far as i understand ethereum hasn't been hacked just the dao so it's a similar scenario

bitcoin didn't get hack. The exchange did. Bitcoin has been proven.

Eth the new tech, dao, got hack. It'll leave some bad rep for ETH as well since ETH/DAO is a pair.
Sooo it'll take a while for this recover if it recover at all.

seems to have found a bottom atleast for now.

Talk of hard forks going around. If they do it, Ethereum is dead. Not decentralized at all.

lol @ Tual trying to get users to ddos the ethereum chain so he can mount a "counter attack". It wouldn't surprise me if that greasy fuck wasn't in on the whole thing.


>how to kill a career in 1 day

ETH might be fine but this fairy is finished


Guys in this time when Ethereum looks like it's going to crash and burn it helps to reaffirm belief by reading Vitalik's beautiful poetry regarding Ethereum

Truly we have not seen such a Renaissance man since Leonardo da Vinci


The last page is a poem about the DAO, you see all of this was part of his beautiful plan. A beautiful mind with a beautiful plan.

In this moment of chaos, I am euphoric, not because of any phoney Bitcoin's blessing, but because I am enlightened by Vitalik's poetry

How come Bitcoin is going down as well? I don't understand why they both seem to follow the same pattern

Bitcoin had a correction earlier in the night unrelated to ETH

bitcoin is a real big bubble I think
once it bursts itll stream into ethereum.

glad I sold my eth at 18,50 euros yesterday lmfao


this is why you buy BTC folks.. It hasnt been hacked ever

ethercucks on suicide watch

>stream into ethereum


CounterParty can do everything Eth can

Eth is just a meme motherfucker

The fuck is going on? Why is everything dropping?

Bitcoin has been hard forked before

The dao got hacked and as is being drained as we speak.

>It hasnt been hacked ever
What is Mt. Gox?


This is just the first stop on the pain train for eth. Once the reality that smart contracts and DAOs carry massive risk sets in people won't be so gung ho about the tech. That and just wait until all of that ill gotten eth starts getting dumped.

Your god Vitalik just called upon the exchanges to stop all eth trading. And thus, in one fell swoop, all the bullshit about how this tech is decentralized.. right out the window. Vitalik just sold his soul and showed his true colors right there.

What is an exchange and not the coin itself

Yeah, and ETH itself isn't compromised either. The DAO was.

Bitcoin still hasnt recovered from mt gox

I'm not saying ETH will fare any better.

isnt it being sent to a burn address?

THIS. It's like BTC all over again

idk maybe by updating their code?

Like BTC? when was the last time satoshi told exchanges to stop all trading?

Because DAO got hacked.

Until the next exploit? Turing Completeness is always going to be a security risk

with a 1 billion+ market cap and calls to halt trading on exchanges by the creator(and largest shareholder)?

>i understand ethereum hasn't been hacked just the dao so it's a similar scenario
It's true, but a great problem is that they are thinking of forking the underlying ETH to solve this "hack"... That could destroy some faith in ETH generally. Bitcoin was not forked in any way to recover Mt Gox funds.

Here's Vitalik saying soft fork, followed by a hard fork:


Glad to see Vitalik proving he is the boss of ethereum

Now we see why it was good for satoshi to call it quits when he did

obviously it's a very big deal. It's a fucking disaster and hard choices are on the table.

People buying etherm right now are out of their minds. There is no way that major selloffs are going to stop anytime soon.

>7500BTC in buy orders on poloniex

Not ETH you tard, they talking about hard forking the dao. Ffs.

This is a problem with the dao, not ETH. Do your research plebs.

He asked he didnt tell. Anyone is free to ask anything its free speech

I think you're wrong. Etherm was taken, and the fork would be to recover that.

Needs to rally more

Yep, I'm right.




Qualité le saucisson.


>In 2010, an exploit in an early bitcoin client was found that allowed large numbers of bitcoins to be created.[90] The artificially created bitcoins were removed when another chain overtook the bad chain.[91]

Wait for the western hemisphere to panic sell

It's only 6:40 here in Vegas, wait a bit for Cali to start panicking

>current crypto holdings are worth $2000
>went to bed
>wake up



no pressure, just wait it out
to the moon

The hacker was dumb as fuck. He should have recognized that there was no way he would get away with $11m in stolen crypto. He shod have sent the coins to some address like ETHIsDeadDumpNow and played the market

That wasn't his intention most likely. He wanted to demonstrate that the crash is posible while shorting Ethereum and DAO on exchanges and making money that way, Those "stolen" funds will never be actually retrieved by the hacker, but the money made from shorting will be.

Meh, still long on Ethereum.

I wish there was proof Vitalik had actually written this.

Hello, I'm back :)

I'm the infamous shill hating nocoiner, btw. I made the picture in my OP, back in February, after being bugged to no end by etherm spam. I've taken great pleasure along the way in taunting mentally helpless shills, but now I've come back to reap my harvest.

How many times did you use the most predatory and underhanded tactics to push your coin on people, only to turn around and say "you're stupid if you didn't do your research" when you took them for their money. Well now.. how could you predict this disaster? I predicted it, literally hours before it happened. I said there are a dozen ways your coins could lose all their value overnight, leaving you with no recourse, and it remains true. What happened here is only one of the uncertainties that invalidate every statement about how the moon is inevitable for etherm or any crypto.

I say with great pleasure, suck it shills.

I wonder what kind of glorious short position he had?

How does that even happen?


A smart contract on the blockchain called The Dao, is like an investment firm that people purchased a stake in for Ethereum.

Someone found in the code that you were able to continuously try to split (basically take your stake) out and that the Dao would only check at the end of the transaction. So if you kept calling for a split before the previous one ended, you could split more than your stake was worth.

Someone did this and took est 60 million worth of ETH and it is not sitting in a split Dao, since due to the code, any split takes ~30 days to finalize before anything can be done. So all the funds taken are sitting in a dormant account atm.

Ethereum Foundation is proposing (must be voted) a soft fork (basically a change in how Ethereum works) to make it so that any transactions that were sent to that account where the 60 mil is are invalid so they don't happen. Then a hard fork will be made to change the Dao which will basically kill it and return everyone's ETH back.


Note that the 'exploit' that was used was on The Dao smart contract, which is essentially a program that was made to run on the Ethereum Network.

A rough anaolgy would be if the Ethereum Network is a computer, and The Dao is a program that is made to run on that computer. People invested in The Dao, and the problem was found in The Dao program. It is only the funds that were invested in The Dao that are involved.