Is this the most effay series of the decade?

Is this the most effay series of the decade?

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not as long as power rangers exists

hard to argue against that

what series is this

It's a show about two retarted edgelords. Don't bother.

End of the fucking world. Watch it.


yoooooo w2c that kind of sweater?
I love that thick ropey fabric style. The shoulder pads are great too, but I'm really interested in that large-stripe patterned style of sweater.
This kid is rocking grandpa-core and I like it.

It's called ribbing, very common for sweaters

i enjoyed it but the answer is no

it's milsurp I guess

Yes, most definitely.

Thank you!
Yeah I agree, it has a bit of that rugged influence.

I like the visuals, but the edge makes it hard to watch.

It's a childish edge though. It makes sense for 17 year olds to be behaving like that. It's endearing and innocent.

it's old british army issue, used to be worn in the 70s/80s. they nick it from an ex forces bloke

it's not even edgy you soyboy

Why's there a boy dressing like a girl on the right?

God no, just because they're skinny didn't mean they're automatically Veeky Forums.

Would be pretty kino if the plot and story wasn't shit
pretty close

usually called a commando sweater that style

yeah it was pretty fashionable op i liked the grimey aesthetic

dont see how you can be an autist on this site and not like it tho. it just hits so close to home

Just finished this yesterday. Loved it. Only part that didn't add up was the way the two detectives were written.

All the actors are so painfully ugly

Hey it's that pedophile kid from Black Mirror

is that the guy from black mirror

No, both of them are ugly af.

pretty boring

she is ugly? who the fuck are you fucking

Only white people and comfy asians look good in these. Mostly comfy asians.

w2c leather jacket

A show with an inner voice/narrator = talentless writers. See:
>This garbage