Ok guys, what are my options to start investing

ok guys, what are my options to start investing.

I'm a neet thirld worlder, so I only have 130euros.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0105RZKZC/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?qid=1466287388&sr=8-7&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=foam carpet pad&dpPl=1&dpID=51vV9CRk6GL&ref=plSrch

kneepads and lube

I was thinking kneepads and one of these:
amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0105RZKZC/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?qid=1466287388&sr=8-7&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=foam carpet pad&dpPl=1&dpID=51vV9CRk6GL&ref=plSrch

Lube is good too

Breath mints, too. I'm just saying. Whew lad!

buy monero

fellow third wolder here. we're all gonna make it bro

Earthling here. I don't think we're going to make guys. :(

It's even possible I can hire a broker with 100 dollars?

i have no idea. i don't know shit about money

Buy penny stocks at the very bottom .0001-.0009 range and hope it goes up and sell

Good luck OP

How can people be this retarded? By living in a third world country you have investment advantages the developed nations don't.

>wife lives in third world nation. We use her citizenship to invest into things foreigners can't. They offer great rates of return as without FDI they are incredibly strapped for cash.

>How can people be this retarded?
we live in the third world for a reason

it sounds like what you and your lady are doing is something that people that are making money in developed countries can do, not thirld-worlders. can you expand on that?

go money-lending at crazy interest rates.. since every one is broke there, they will sell their kidney as colateral if they have to..

Always get an expensive colateral they can never re-pay

that sounds like a good way to end up getting shot or end up shooting someone

Interest rates are usually higher. Any local credit unions? What about govt bonds? Real estate usually does well in developing nations.

Not sure what country your in but is there a stock exchange or do any of the local firms issue shares/debentures to the public directly?

Most third world nations have investment opportunities that foreigners don't have access to or don't know enough about it. Most peoples portfolios are in their home country (home country bias) and they don't care to learn about yours. Foreigners will also deem most investments out side of there own country to risky. This produces unique opportunities for you if you have some capital saved up to take advantage of it.

>mfw there are poor third worlders on your Veeky Forums

you're like the digital equivalent of homeless bums

Buy TRUMP mate

It will take us to the moon

this guy get's it, Brasil is paying 15% a year in gov. bonds with a 3% taxon your wins only in the moment of withdrawal, and the risk is virtually non existent

>the risk is virtually non existent

ok guys, it's there a place where I can learn about how to invest?

Buy pic related and be the kang of your village.

even if you knew all the 100% profit investment secrets, what yields do you think your 130 Euros would make?

I'd gamble it on Crypto if i was you

>poor fuck whos too stupid to google basic investing tips
>lol gamble all your shit on a meme crypto

Seriously tho, with such a small amount of starting capital, you basically need to gamble with it. Something like Trumpcoins have the possibility of increasing it by 25x, and even if it doesn't, you can cash out.

i would say that the risk of brazillian economy completely breaking down and it's refusal to pay any and all investors is quite an unlikely scenario

just giving useful advice, goyim

or he can just make a healthy $10 a year from his $130 in normal investing.

his choice

The dudes too dumb to use google and you want him to buy and later sell fucking Trumpcoin from some third world shithole.

Thats like asking a 5 year old to drive a car, hes incapable of following your advice.
So its not useful.

ok guys, what's a good book about investing?

Principles of KNPD Management

i never told him to buy trumpcoin.. i just said cryptos

what else is he gonna buy with 130?

Id tell him to buy nothing most likely, depending on the average wage and fees.

There are index fund ETFs at maybe 20€ if he really wants to invest what little he has for some stupid reason, which is still much better than risking everything on a crypto.

at least he has a chance to get rich on crypto

He'll be a skeleton before he can make bank on his 130euro ETF.

not forcing him, just giving some options. its up to him

can you guys keep talking more, like what other options do I have.

I'm really new to this, I'm hoping to keep investing my savings, but I want more info.

>at least he has a chance to get rich on crypto

He can go to a casino if thats your logic.

OP probably has no real safety net if he loses his job/gets sick/accident/something breaks down.
People in such a situation shouldnt invest the tiny amount they have into volatile as fuck cryptos.

First worlders who dont mind losing their full investment can have fun with cryptos.

im sure he's a pampered individual, if he can afford to post on the internet and be a NEET. He's clearly getting monetary support and a modest allowance. Surely it wont hurt him.

A real third worlder would be digging ditches by hand somewhere


Wew lad

Which 3rd world country? Because that is important

i probably have been coming here for much longer than you son
but you need to have a lot of money to do that to begin with. i'm making 120$ a month and that's like 3 times more what most people here make

Literally your only option is cryptos, and they are extremely easy to lose money on, and very hard to make money on

You can hold BTC and sell it off as it spikes, which will net you decent gains and be pretty safe and stable. Or you can margin short eth RIGHT NOW or something like that, which is extremely risky and extremely profitable.

Any other type of investing is out of your budget for now.

I thought brokers work on a flat fee plus commission in what is being traded? So.. if you have hundred and some change.. what's he going to make commission on? The couple bucks that will take hours to even fruit?

I'm not even Brazillian but that is like saying the US economy will collapse due to Detroit going bankrupt.


I want to be an investor, not an speculator.
I'm not looking for super extreme profits.

BTC is your only option with so little money

buy as much cocaine as you can for 130 euros (why are you using euros if you're in Colombia), stuff it up your ass, and sell it for a huge profit in the US.

Does it really?
I would bet one of the countries in Eastern Europe, since he mentioned euros and not $. Romania, Bulgaria or the Baltic States.


Lol, i've missed. Why have you mentioned euros then?

Better odds than crypto-currency

because I was checking the price of gold and silver and the page was in euros.

Wew lad. Is Rio really equivalent to detroit in how much it contributes to brazilian economy? Have you ever expirienced an economic collapse of a country? Because it seems like it would never happen only untill it happens.