Don't know where to ask but I figured Veeky Forums would be the most fitting

Don't know where to ask but I figured Veeky Forums would be the most fitting.
My gf is coming home from a trip and want to make my bedroom look romantic. Any ideas of how to achieve this? All I can think of are candles and roses. Thanks in advance.

Attached: bed-of-roses.jpg (550x412, 33K)

wear a cape

sounds gay desu

Some sort of lowkey music like Death Grips would help

Candles. Just practice safety fire cautions and don’t catch your bed sheets on fire.

Any non virgins

Attached: bc3.jpg (863x640, 78K)

this. make the lightning sort of dim

This board should be renamed Style or some shit, it is truly the best place for housekeeping/home design threads
OP forget the roses meme but definitely do the candles or something similar. My gf had some little paper lanterns on a string in her bedroom, added top macking atmosphere. If it's cold where you live, pile on some extra blankets and pillows, build a little nest. Make her some tea, take her coat off, etc.

Romantic decoration is pretty cringey, desu senpai.

When she comes home, stay in the bedroom and call to her to come on up. When she enters the room, be lying on the bed, but be wearing full rick instead of your usual clothes.

Nice, cheers bro. Lantern and tea sounds dope

Just make sure your bedroom is clean lmao

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t. Peterson

Don't be that guy.
Outside of movies and tv women find that shit at best annoying/tryhard at worst seriously creepy.

You speaking from experience?

You sound like a virgin who never had a gf

why do virgins always say shit like this

Didn't think I needed to say but I'm a woman.
From personal experience very few women I know find this type of shit remotely charming.


t. rans

Same here. The gf has come home from a trip. She probably just wants to relax for a bit and doesn't want all the fuss of roses and candles. OP should just clean the place and make sure he has whatever food she wants in.

Why not make your kitchen look romantic?

This. Sorry guys but shit like this is more creepy than romantic.

t. have never been in a relationship.

Pee on her to show dominance

t. bull dyke

How about just running a hot bath for her and making some hearty and comforting food?

soft dark coloured bedsheets, clean room, maybe 2 candles max.
consider red satin or silk although this is obviously expensive

>girlfriend goes on a trip alone
>gets railed by a bull
>cuck boyfriend puts rose petals on bed

The absolute state of white bois.

Attached: Made you look.jpg (600x593, 48K)


marry her as soon as she gets back, have mad sex then devorce her the next day because you know she was with tyrone on the trip

came here to post this
women who travel alone or with friends are being dicked down 24/7