Mahayana Vows are nonsensical

Aren't the Boddhisattva vows of Mahayana sort of ridiculous? The vows state that the individual in question who strives to become a Boddhisattva will postpone his own Buddhahood and paranirvana until the sentient beings in all the worlds and realms have been 'liberated'. And yet, I thought that in the Dharmic religions, there was the concept that the universe is eternal and unending: that is, even if one were to liberate all beings in a certain kalpa (which is being generous), the next kalpa and the new universe would again be filled with uncountable sentient beings. That is, the Dharmic religions - in contrast to the Abrahamic religions - time is circular, rather than linear.

So, in effect, Mahayana practitioners are vowing to never reach Buddhahood and to forever remain in Samsara?

On one hand, you could see this as the ultimate act of compassion

On the other, it reminds you that Mahayana Buddhists are a bunch of heretical Ching chongs

It's all mental masturbation.

Most Mahayana vows are for something like 10,000 people, not everyone.

Samsara is Nirvana you troglodyte!

Could someone who has taken Boddhisatva vows simply say 'fuck it' after getting tired and just ascend to paranirvana?

Can water flow upwards suddenly for no reason?

Sure it can with right conditions.


You buddhistfags are pretty strange. It seems like you're trying to imitate the "banter" between christian sects that is endemic in this board. But unlike the christian ones, this threads are always pretty one-sided. I've never seen the Mahayanas coming to defend themselves against [introduce the name of the other here].

What's the deal with screaming alone in the desert?

You Christfags are pretty strange. It seems that you think any legitimate question regarding a groups' odd or vague belief is equivalent to wanting to criticize or put down.

Perhaps I'm just curious about the doctrine, from a historical point of view?

Same reason whites love ragging on indians despite hardly any actually being here to defend themselves

But the real reason there's no Mahayanas is that Korean are nearly half christian and shitpost on their own section of the internet, the Vietnamese are too poor, Japanese people can't speak English, and the Chinese are blocked (and can't speak english)

First, I'm not christian.

Second, it's always the same bodhistava thing you ask about, what the fuck, if you're so interested how have you not find a book that explains it or something? Are there no books about the boddhistavas?

There are books about everything. If people actually read all those books, there would be no Veeky Forums board.

Veeky Forums is thus created, for the people that havent read.

>it's always the same bodhistava thing you ask about

Because the Boddhisattva idea is one of the most striking and significant differences between Mahayana and Thervada Buddhism. Why not go complain about Christcucks always talking about the same thing too? They never shut up concerning "literal vs. symbolic eucharist" and "sola fide vs. faith & works": it's always those two things.

Go away.

Fair enough. I still wish this threads would be more varied.

You're not really clear on how trees grow, huh.

>why not complain

My post was explicitly complaining about it by doing the comparison between both.

I am, thats why I put the second part of the post.

You should read fully before posting.

That's some pretty duelistic thinking your doing there

Hmm this is a very interesting topic infact, and i think that yeah it does mean Mahayana practitioners never reach Buddha hood in the end cause its a loop hole in order to save every sentient being means every thing right?? So this means that you wouldn't be able to benefit all sentient beings. So in a way the whole thing seems vague. I mean if they said it was sentient beings we could help then that would make sense... not all beings plus the whole idea seems off cause isnt there that balance of some sort that has to be there...

I did.

I noted the word "suddenly".

How dumb do you feel right now, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being you?

It's bullshit to cover for the fact that not one single person EVER has achieved "enlightenment".

Shakyamuni did.


You're a gullible idiot, you know?

In China it only blocks the captcha but if you have a Veeky Forums gold account where you don't need to go through the captcha you can post, China-posters pop up on /pol/ occasionally and Japanese and South Korean posters are not uncommon there either.

basically, worldly attachments being no big deal and whatnot.

>whites love ragging on indians despite hardly any actually being here to defend themselves

you've never even been to /pol/ have you? The poo in loo threads there were filled with dank indian autism.