What will be considered great literary works of this century?

What will be considered great literary works of this century?
I know Harry Potter will be LOTR-tier but what else?

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Fuck this was supposed to be on Veeky Forums.


desu it makes me sad that a series of books for children may be considered one of the greatest works from this century. on a side note if this was meant for Veeky Forums can we talk about the infantilisation of western society instead? just the other day I saw characters from a childrens film advertising broadband companies. its embarrassing

>the greatest works from this century

chill out mate the century has barely begun

>ust the other day I saw characters from a childrens film advertising broadband companies. its embarrassing
how old are you

Manga and Anime is escapism to the highest degree. It's Fiction, why lie?

I mean a lot of belief/morals are practically escapism but why buy into bullshit you already know that ain't true.

If this was supposed to be on Veeky Forums then I'm obligated to tell you it's pic related

I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

But when I wrote that in a newspaper, I was denounced. I was told that children would now read only J.K. Rowling, and I was asked whether that wasn't, after all, better than reading nothing at all? If Rowling was what it took to make them pick up a book, wasn't that a good thing?

It is not. "Harry Potter" will not lead our children on to Kipling's "Just So Stories" or his "Jungle Book." It will not lead them to Thurber's "Thirteen Clocks" or Kenneth Grahame's "Wind in the Willows" or Lewis Carroll's "Alice."

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Our society and our literature and our culture are being dumbed down, and the causes are very complex. I'm 73 years old. In a lifetime of teaching English, I've seen the study of literature debased. There's very little authentic study of the humanities remaining. My research assistant came to me two years ago saying she'd been in a seminar in which the teacher spent two hours saying that Walt Whitman was a racist. This isn't even good nonsense. It's insufferable.

I wish he didn't lie about the "stretched his legs" bit, because the rest of his critique is bang on

he meant 'stetched his legs'-tier cliches

I've hoped that's what he meant but it's such a roundabout way to say it, had he mentioned cliches once before I would be convinced that he wasn't just being hyperbolic. That aside, it never ceases to amaze me how much people in the vogue """literary""" community hate him, I really hope this is just a phase.


Has historical nonfiction writing suffered after it moved out of the hands of professionals and into the hands of amateurs?

Tons of what could be considered pleb/children stuff is now called "literature"

Shakespeare was capeshit tier in the day

Not to crazy to have people studying Harry Potter in 2200

Like the work of some crazy leftie cunt that barely spent a year on each book can rival the decades of effort that went into the LOTR universe. This is truly the downfall of the west.

calm the fuck down. they're just children's books. why aren't you mad that the Cat and the Hat is more well known than LOTR?

I'd compare Shakespeare to Spielberg rather than someone like Snyder. Mainstream, but not totally shlock. Of course Shakespeare did write some purely commercial stuff, like Titus Andronicus.

Not that user, but stuff like Cat in the Hat is part of the starter package that every young child reads to get their first grasp on the very act of basic reading. That said, Seuss had more talent in his left hand than Rowling has in her entire being.

Harry Potter would be introduced in those formative years where kids start to decide for themselves what they would like to read, so I kind of see Bloom's point. However, considering how few kids read books outside of required reading at their schools, I think there's bigger things to worry about than children choosing Rowling over other authors like Roald Dahl.

21. It was the Sky broadband advert with the dogs

>Harry Potter will be LOTR-tier
Tolkien was a way better writer m8

It wasn't about autistic skill, it was about a cultural impact on the society.

>Good prose
>autistic skills

>Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
this gets me every every fucking time desu

>crazy leftie cunt
Please don't.
She's not really of the left at all. She's a Blairite apologist and a Labour-party loyalist. The epitome of a "red flag once a year"-er.


Until you've read all of these you have no right to say anything.

>Until you've read all of these you have no right to say anything.

That's not how it works.

>good prose

the way I see it Harry Potter is just part of that next step into books long enough to have chapters. personally these books were what made me begin reading more than what was just assigned in class. I doubt I ever would have read Tolkien if I hadn't first read Rowling

Harry Potter won't be considered LOTR tier lol
Harry Potter is a big franchise but it has never topped LOTR as a cultural entity. I think Hunger Games and all those other cliche dystopia books that are booming these days will have a longer lasting effect.

>what is allegory

The Legend of Zelda

true to a degree

>harry potter will be lotr tier
What did he mean by this?

Mythological truth of our times.


Maybe. It's the go-to muh storyline vidya besides Final Faggotry

Tolkien fucking invented modern high fantasy.

>thinking HP will be remembered in a century
the target demographic is getting older. new people aren't getting into it as much. why do you think rowling is so deperate for attention? A lot of popular stuff from centuries ago has been forgotton and so too will this. It has no merits to stand on and will merely be a footnote in the zeitgeist of the early 2000s

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san!

>you cant criticize this band because you cant play a guitar!

That's a terrible analogy

If videogames are truly analyzed as art in the future, then definitively. It's a landmark