Finns confirmed for timetravelling Sumerians

>The object, unearthed during a dig in Austria, is allegedly a clay copy of a mobile phone with a Sumerian writing style known as cuneiform on the keys.

>YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible reported: "What is it? Is it evidence of an advanced civilisation or time travel?”

The tablet was dated to around the 13th century BCE. By that time, the Sumerian writing style – usually known as cuneiform - had already been around for a few thousand years.

>Editorial on the channel goes on to say: “Cuneiform tablets aren’t unusual – an estimated two million have been excavated. The language was a mystery until the 19th century when its code was deciphered."

>Cuneiform was one of the first systems of writing developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia around 3,500BC to 3,000 BC.
In the last thread we came discussed how Sumerian was deciphered with the help of Finnish and other Turanian languages and the lexical similarities between Finnish and Sumerian, like mother tongue; Su. eme-gi, Fi. emä kieli. Thoughts, Veeky Forums?


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Why would a time-traveler be using an outdated, shitty nokia phone?

It was top tier technology at one point

Maybe he wanted to leave a proof of time travel and these old phones look far, far more recognizable as a phone than the new ones

God that's such a hoax.

Nokia candybars were legit as fuck.

I miss those hard bastards.

you need to be 18 or older to post on Veeky Forums

Relics from the Hyper war



The legitimately superior nomenclature




It's clearly a hoax

Why woul a plastic metallic phone turn into concrete rock?

[citation needed]
You Tube channel is not an authoritative reference (Duh!)

Take this to or .
And as always, thank you for shitposting on Veeky Forums.

That's an ericsson something though and it looks way too close to the actual thing for the whole story to be true

there's even the damn snopes link

It is clearly a replica made with other material, moron.

Sounds like bullshit

I'm pretty sure those aren't even legit sumerian numbers on the keys.

Because it's nearly indestructible while modern phones break in your pockets if your fucking jeans are too tight?
