
Feminism is really about equality?


Old feminism yes, or at least kind of.
Today's feminism no.

"Feminism" is not one thing. It's an umbrella term for many different ideas, many of which are contradictory. Virtually everyone is a "feminist" under some definition of the term.

sure man

This shit right here.

There are countless ideological splits over individual rights, agency issues, sexual rights, parental rights, what patriarchy even is, trans, more radical sects, and so on...

If somebody says they're a feminist, the best thing you can do for the both of you in that situation is to ask them to elaborate.

1st and 2nd wave feminism were, 3rd most certainly isn't and just hate men for being men.

Not anymore

They dont hate men, they hate woman.

No. Feminism, by definition, is a care for women's issues.

I used to talk to feminists back when I was posting on the Escapist, and by God was that a grind. You can't get through to these people.

Feminism never was about equality. It was always about liberty.

Equality on its own has no value. Being equally oppressed is still equality.

Suffragettes demanded voting rights for women, not equality.
And the rest of the feminist movement also demanded improvements for women and not equality. And it was justified.

A woman who wants to be equal to men shows a serious lack of ambition.

But men are great

define equality because it does conform to one understanding of it.

>"Equality is related to the direct interest of individuals who are bent on escaping certain inequalities not in their favor, and setting up new inequalities that will be in their favor, this latter being their chief concern.”

– Vilfredo Pareto

I'm a third wave feminist - though that label is next to meaningless as it identifies a diverse set of reactions in theory in the 1990s.

The feminism I hold to is the idea that first and second waves largely achieved their goals but their problem was that they created a women vs men them vs us mentality.

What has to be understood is that many men are also victims of male-sexist societies. And perpetraters are not just men and not all men.

As for the name feminism not being about equality, that's like saying the disability movement concentrates too much on the disabled, or that the anti-fgm movement only talks about fgm and not ebola or animal abuse.

Feminism is about fighting against female mistreatment or a sexist society. It is not a political answer to everything. Which is why feminists are often also marxists, liberals, conservatives, or anarchists.

No, they're mostly mediocre. And generally mistreated and dissatisfied.

it used to be.

It is
Your definition of "equality" is probably different from theirs. Most people use equality as giving people the same starting point, but they consider it to be making everyone have the same end point.

This is where we get stuff like them wanting higher minority quota in jobs even if they're underqualified, letting cis/white/male/straight people talk less in their meetings, etc

Combine it with wanting to remove any speech they think insults a minority group and it's a perfect breeding ground for a new wave of moral police.

They also demanded other things that wound up being very bad.


>asking Veeky Forums this question

You are either a troll or a colossal newfag.

Prohibition was pushed through by suffragettes, socialists, religious loonies and KKK (immigrants had foul drinking habits unfit for WASP).

Why would wanting to become better show a lack of ambition?

If it acknowledges all sexism is wrong.