How can I legitimate my own political system nowadays? Serious question

How can I legitimate my own political system nowadays? Serious question.

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Through civic participation.

A citizenry actively involved with the affairs of state is the greatest safeguard against domestic tyranny

where do you live


Own a large personal army, have friends in high places and possess considerable wealth. Duping the masses with whatever charisma you have also helps.

sorry m8 you´re hopeless

>I can't handle all this sincerity

do you want third republic or miss a strong caudillo/king?

I actually find both of them ridiculous and simple. Both are extremist ideas focused on egoist interests, and historically both commited serious crimes.
We are not ants or bees, our intelect is not limited to totalitarianisms, and we are smart enough to understand the benefits of a society (to avoid falling into anarchism).
I plead for a wider view. We are not alone and isolated anymore. Would be great to put education as our most important pillar, because that is what will provide progress and will avoid extremist ideologies.

>inb4 broken english

Education for what? The spanish population is getting older, there isnt a generational replacement. Whatever you try to do will be clashed by the incultured civil war grandpas

>Serious Crimes

Yeah, no.

The Republican butthurt is strong with this one.

What about encouraging the responsable breeding?

>Whatever you try to do will be clashed by the incultured civil war grandpas
It might not sound democratic at all, but we could start allowing to vote only people with a guaranteed intelectual level.
I've been thinking about it recently, a system of "pre-citizens" and "citizens". After passing a certain test you will be allowed to vote, to drive a car... And if you commit a felony, you will automatically lose that status. This would replace the current terms of "childhood" and "adulthood", making it more precise.

Before dropping the idea, think of it seriously.

Theorize it and convince people to follow you.

that does sound like when lisa and his entourage of mensa boys tried to govern springfield, look how it turned out

Demonstrate it in practice at a small scale, only idiots buy into paper systems.

1. They got corrupted.
2. They didn't realised that you can't magically change human nature (especially skipping the step of "education").

Good luck finding guinea pigs.

>political system
What do you mean, academically or IRL?

Why not both?

Why do you even care? You know you won't ever achieve your dream unless you stop Veeky Forums posting right meow.

It's literally never been easier

In fact it would be interesting to test it at a small scale. Anyway... Any of the modern political systems were really tested, or just imposed?

>We are not ants or bees

Yes...yes we are.


Global Rule #3

Modern democracy begins with the dutch estates general IIRC, they and other countries had had an estates general for a long time. So the system was tested, they just didn't know they were testing a new system. The only innovation was that they gave up trying to install a new monarch after a few tries. And since then AFAIK the systems that haven't been massive failures have all been little variations on the parliament.

Hm, you seem someone with morals.

Do you mean something as in the first post of this thread? I thought I'd might say. I wouldn't feel good about it. Or not knowing this as soon as possible. I don't mean to interfere with anyone's choice to break this sort of thing.
Veeky Number 13 and 15

>inb4 broken english
What would this mean?

Cross the Rubicon

What if you want domestic tyranny though, just with the jackboot on your foot?

Yeah well buzz buzz to you too buddy

Have a big enough army.

Honestly? PhD in economics, sociology or something. Otherwise your opinion < shit.

>Hm, you seem someone with morals.
Zero morals. I have respect for life, for the real truth, for the happiness of others, because I feel it valuable, but that is all. I do not support the religious or fanatic morals, which I find quite unnatural and dangerous.

>Do you mean something as in the first post of this thread?
I think of it every day of my life.

>What would this mean?
I tried to say that my english level could be better.

Risky words. If something goes wrong, you can't run away anymore.

then you would vigorously involve yourself in the civic process while going as far out of your way as possible to dissuade others from doing it themselves, using ridicule and crowd-pleasing tactics to marginalize anybody who doesn't adopt a fatalistic, cynical attitude towards governance, and scapegoats to keep them more afraid of somebody else than they are of you.

Tie it to progressive christian religious views and start memeing online. Make cool videos. Get a following on facebook.
Work for more integration of the affairs of the state with the internet.
Voting online, more direct democracy.
Again find ways to tie this with powerful religious messages and history of spain.
Accentuate culture rather than ethnicity or race.
and meme, meme, meme.

Western states suffer from low fertility. So it has to be combatted both by creating an internal drive to breed and immigration policy based on cultural affinity.
This is where religion and history comee into the picture as great delivery service of powerful memes.
Next is the integration of the political system with the internet. There is no excuse to vote every 4 years as if we do not have instantaneous communication and personal hand held 24/7 online computers.
Think about how to keep spanish economy focused on education and charning babies while still being competetive internationaly.
Also, remember, advanced infrustructure is always a benefit in the long run.

By allowing people to distance themselves from your political system, but do it anyway.

sad but true

>and meme, meme, meme.
Actually, memes are the Blitzkrieg of the XXI century. Easily spreadable, short life-time, kept on the memory of a very specific range of population. Might be useful.

>why ISIS is at all popular