
Is it a part of Europe?

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In my opinion, only the Western portion belongs to it. As for the Eastern portion, that belongs to Southwest Asia.

its actually its own continent.

Agreed. Like including the eastern portion would be like including Africa because of the north part.

>Is Texas part of China?


Why is this even a debate? A small part of it is, the rest is in Asia.

So the north part of Africa is a part of Europe?

Disclaimer: I'm a roach.

Although Geographically a small part is in europe, demographically almost 20 million people live there, Istanbul alone is 18 million, nevermind the surrounding cities in thrace

Turkey and Asia Minor would be considered European if it was Christian. It would be as European as Russia, although It might alienated her self and have a seperate "non european" identity while being Christian also, kinda like armenians.

In reality Turkey is stucked between european-secular-western minded people and middle eastern-conservative-religious minded people, with latter being the majority and ruling the country for a decade, after overthrowing the secular elite. The latter group is also the one that migrates (mostly) to europe and people see on tv (Erdoğan etc) so I can't blame people for juding us based on the turkish migrants they recieve, interestingly they tend to be even more conservative and religious than the natives.

I don't believe we will ever be totally "westernized" or ever be totally "islamofied" as in the last 50-60 years, we will go back and forth, stucked in between.

I don't consider turkey to be european and I don't consider Turkey to be completely middle eastern either its one twisted amalgamation with people leaning on whatever side they want to

Brilliant, thanks user

t.random lurker


Well done senpai.
Tbh though I have an irrational dislike of Muslims, not because I'm afraid or that I think they're stinky smelling kebabs, but because the Quran (the bible isn't that different) is such bullshit.
At least Jesus was a good dude. Muhammad (admittedly fought wars of defense at first) was a goddamn warlord who manipulates his peers and built a (p based) empire.


How difficult is it to live in a country with so many AKP supporters? I understand you're not of that kind, hence my question.

Muhammad was sincere. Whether he was schizophrenic or really commanded by God is another matter. He was fighting a defensive war, with a just cause. The Arab tribal system (Arabs chimping out) that he tried to weaken actually came back and rekt the Caliphate later on. In that regards, he failed to get rid of the real toxic behind all the mess there (aside from the idolatry). Even now, it's still a problem with Arabs.

I argue the failure is because his teaching is reactionary in essence, claiming that Islam is a movement of restoration of the Abrahamic religions. Note the word 'restoration' here, basically bringing back the religion into the supposed origins/roots. The thing is, customs and habits are embodied within societies, and every society always tries to preserve its roots, regardless of whether it's a good thing or not. As such, once Islam, or rather "Islamic-based customs" takes roots, there is simply no way to make it evolve or change, without risks being branded an apostate or 'murtad'. It's straying from the True Religion, which Holy Text is directly dictated by God, using Arabic language. Starting from the exclusion of other languages, for example.

Why would it e hard to live in sich a country politics doesn't dictate everything we don't live in the 60's anymore.
Also I'm not the user you were talking to.

The term AKP supporters is used in this context as a by-word for "backwards people", their attitudes obviously extend to things beyond politics.

To illustrate: In my own country, the usual joke when two Muslims are arguing with each others over interpretations, and one of them is beginning to lose the debate, that one guy then immediately asks "do you Islam or not?" to the winning one, as the ultimate desperate attempt to win the argument. It's quite ironic that a supposedly clear and rational beliefs, ending up in obscurantism and blind faith/finality.

Only part of it. The rest is on the Asian continent. In the most technical sense, most of Turkey is in Asia.

I mean, Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia are considered European, albeit irrelevant.


your cool

no its not in europe
>some people call it the gateway to europe but its not realypart
>they live up to the gateway thing by being 1/2 civilized and 1/2 barbaric
they really dont deserve respect or to be our ally

Yes, but Turks themselves aren't.

my idea has always been that before the advent of airplanes, the turkish peninsula has always been a mass of land too desirable to not constantly be trading hands:
> access to the Mediterranean & black sea = trade kingpin
> fertile inland plains = tons of exports
> surrounding mountains form natural walls

everyone inside and out wants the whole pie, not just a slice, but no one's powerful enough to hold onto it for long. as a result you get a country that everyone hates and has no real heritage other than war, mass invasions and in-fighting

places like Switzerland and the Netherlands are mostly-undesirable places where the people fulfilled a niche and were able to grow a strong, unified identity over time.

forgot to attach image

Hittites controlled most of it in theory.

Persians held it for about 300 years.

Rome and the ERE held Anatolia in more or less it's entirety for like an even thousand years.

The Ottomans held it for ~500 shortly after.

Turkey turns 100 soon....

So it's really just ~1200-600BC that it was changing hands and stuff for the most part. Maybe Hittite control wasn't that total, too. But the point is, Anatolia is usually under single rule.

It is part of Asia

Wow Western Europe really wants it but Russia just can't get it up!

It is neither European nor Middle Eastern
Its Central Asian

I won't shit on you today Mehmet

>Practices Islam
>Writes in Latin script
>Is located in the Middle East

Forget about it it's mong territory

They are all completely surrounded by Christian nations.