What are the best Veeky Forumstorical movies and television shows?

What are the best Veeky Forumstorical movies and television shows?

Posting the GOAT.

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The Adventures of Asterix.

enemy at the gates and pearl harbor for ww2 movies



>Pear Harbor
>The roles the two male leads have in the attack sequence are analogous to the real historical deeds of U.S. Army Air Forces Second Lieutenants George Welch and Kenneth M. Taylor, who took to the skies in P-40 Warhawk aircraft during the Japanese attack and, together, claimed six Japanese aircraft and a few probables. Taylor, who died in November 2006, called the film adaptation "a piece of trash... over-sensationalized and distorted"

What about The Pianist and Kelly's Heroes?

Baa Baa Black Sheep? Red Tails? Letters from Iwo Jima?

>a movie most russians complained about for not being historically accurate and aMICHAEL BAY MOVIE

The two Clint Eastwood Iwo Jima movies are quite good. Also you could check out Aguirre, the Wrath of God if you're interested in conquistadores and the golden city.

>Kelly's Heroes
Not historical but pretty great.

relax I was just joking

>Kelly's Heroes
I wouldn't really consider Kelly's Heroes to be a historical movie since it has so much vietnam era anti-war and anti-establishment sentiment that feels oddly out of place in a ww2 film.

Still a great movie though

I don't know how accurate this is but it's one of my favorites of the classic 'epics'.

"Michael Kohlhass" is a very fine piece of art about a period not often used for movies.

Vikings is a p good show, although not that historically accurate. They get it relatively right for the most part, although they fucked up on the lack of bright af costumes that the vikings really wore

is this the best tv show about ancient rome ever created?

Rome for the characters, historical acccuracy and story

Spartacus for the action and sex

Probably the least Kubrick-like movie by Kubrick, but it's a really great one

>Historical accuracy

Debatable. It is better than what we are accustomed to, granted, but I will be forever triggered by their portrayal of Cicero.

yfw Kirk Douglas is still alive


I just re-watched Rome in two and a half days. It's inspired me to look into communities, and lo and behold there are a few dedicated to the reconstruction of Roman. . .stuff. But it basically looks like a bunch of historical circle-jerks.

I want authentic incense, gods for my god shelf, and maybe some good prayers to learn. If anyone has a source for this I'd appreciate it.

>tfw you realize mika and polly walker are the same age
>you're not a chubby chaser but would worship atia like the sun goddess she is

God she's beautiful.

I just found the portrayal didn't do him justice, made him look more like a solitary second class scheming politician than anything else. He should have been depicted as a flawed but popular intellectual capable of garnering popular support. And Tiro should have been shown as a Freeman and his friend, not a wimpish slave.

Given that it's based on a romanticized account it's not entirely Veeky Forums but the 2010 adaption of Romance of the Three Kingdoms was pretty damn good.

I, Claudius

Claudius is best emperor

It's still more historically accurate than Braveheart.

2nd punic wars HBO series whennnnnn

I remember actually pointing out that Vikings wear some leather BDSM bullshit instead of pic related and fantards started meming about
>lol they look like garden gnomes xD

and how badass this black shit is

this show is made for underages