Why are people attracted to 2d cartoons? What causes us to want to splurge juices inside them...

Why are people attracted to 2d cartoons? What causes us to want to splurge juices inside them? I'm not just talking with respect to anime and weebs but even with kids and their TV cartoon crushes.

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they don't know how to draw

Humans are adept at social cues, we find "face patterns" even in nature, so of course we are attracted to illustrations of humans.

people have fantasies, cartoons are literally fantasies

people idealize things, cartoons can be made to be idealized

the mind can take simplistic drawings and fill in minor details in desirable ways, it's often said that the simpler the drawing, the harder it is to make it deliberately appear ugly, conversely the more detail a drawing has, the easier it is to make it ugly

real people are hard to approach and deal with, a cartoon cannot deny or hurt you

people who emotionally escape into cartoons become emotionally invested in them and their characters

>why are people attracted to beauty?

minimalism + exaggerated features + idealism

> Why are people attracted to 2d cartoons?
Supernormal stimulus.



Madarame explains it on Genshiken

Perversion is generally a product of conditioning, or willful cultivation.

Same reason you can actually masturbate without porn, just your imagination.

But still - what causes us to be attracted to something we know isn't fundamentally human?

What am I looking at?

Because it doesn't need to be human for you to want to fuck it.

Says the man with no psychology background.

because it looks like one

This is the best video I have seen this month.

Doesn't psychology suggest using sex changes to treat gender identity disorder these days?



In extreme instances yes, but only when the other option is the person saying they will kill themselves.
GDD/GID is still a mental disorder

Not considered a disorder post-op, now is it?

Because anime fans are ultimately nihilist.

Those people are either disgusted or simply bored by the reality surrounding them, so they reject the "human" which exists in actual reality and endorse "humanity" as it appears in fictional media. If /a/ were given the opportunity to have their brain removed and put in a jar with wires so they'd experience their anime fantasies in their fullest, most of them would agree on the offer.

You can trick the birdlings to peck bright stick instead their mother beak or other imitations for food. Basically, 1d is very popular with birds.

And what's exactly wrong with having a mental disorder in the first place.

Is there a general line that average humans have that dictate when something is attractive or not? You talk about it looking enough like a human to warrant attraction but how much is enough?

Beat it, Foucault.

I am not even /a/ and would agree with this shit.

The first step to feel attracted to it is to humanize it. That's why the 2d>3rd meme exists, it erases the dilemma of liking drawings instead of woman by changing it to liking better a diferent kind of "woman".


>The first step to feel attracted to it is to humanize it
How do you explain zoophilia?


I'm going to have to listen to a lot of hymns to get over the depression regarding the implications that has for our younger generations.


/a/non here. I would do it.

Beauty is subjective.
Some people won't even jack off to a woman if the nipples don't fit their standards,other people can have floor tile fetishes.

It beats claiming it's a result of demons, you fucking loony.

Nope, still considered a disorder then.

And what's wrong with having a disorder?

It means you're fucked in the head you dumb thai prostitute

Wouldn't it result in a similar state where they would be sick of anime like how they are sick of the real world given enough time?

I find it weird though that humanizing something causes attraction as you would expect a being to be attracted to similar beings and not things which behave like them or have the potential to behave like them.

Also, humanizing seems like a weird concept that seems hard to define as is. I'm trying to grasp my head around as to why humanizing and not just making something fundamentally human causes attraction.

I'm talking about average people user. Ignore outliers such as those guro fetishists.

It's a result of giving into demons, as all sin is.

Nope, not unless the person is unhappy. Psychology uses hedonism as the sole criteria for mental illness.

There's nothing inherently wrong with having a mental disorder, they're quite common. But it's helpful to treat disorders that cause the subject distress (to alleviate said distress) or that cause the subject to be a threat to others (to protect others).

What's wrong with being fucked in the head?


Isn't that less of a problem with the person with the disorder, than ourselves for how we handle it, societally?

>It's a result of giving into demons, as all sin is.

Prove it.

>Nope, not unless the person is unhappy. Psychology uses hedonism as the sole criteria for mental illness.

First off, no. Abnormality from typical development is considered a criteria as well. Second, what precisely is wrong with valuing happiness? Hedonism being a primary focus of society has provided us with a more stable and prosperous society than any of the medieval societies you idolize.

Have you seen the phenomenon called "the furries?"

Sometimes. That's why there are many initiatives to destigmatize certain disorders, since much of their distress does often come from social reactions. But for the time being, it's easier to treat their distress than to change society itself. As for the threat to others, there's not much that can done on that at a social level as it's typically a result of truly irrational or delusional behaviour.

>Prove it.
I can't materially, Spiritual sense is something that can't be utilized without cultivation, but if you do cultivate it, it's not very difficult to prove.

>Abnormality from typical development is considered a criteria as well.
Then homosexuality would still be considered a disorder.

Because cartoons emphasis the traits of a hypothetical woman that are the most pleasing.

people who think that looks pleasing have a disorder

Ultimately a drawing of a character is no more "real" to the viewer than a photograph of a model or porn star, as they'll never actually interact with either of the latter. It's a representation of something we find attractive that triggers our instinctive responses to such stimuli. The fact is our brains are much dumber than we give them credit for.

Why you are so upset by this one, Constantine? Goal of Christianity is the same, to abandon the material world to escape to some sort of heaven beyond that.

post the full image, op

I can't say because I didn't have any contact with zoophiles, but if forced to opine my first guess would be that it's a completely different and unrelated phenomenon. Maybe they do it for dominance and not for being attracted to the actual animal form? Maybe they don't consider it an actual sexual act that can be compared with sex with humans. I don't really know.

Or maybe it's the opposite, they lower and/or animalize themselves to the point where during a small amount of time it's acceptable to have intercourse with animals.


> Psychology uses hedonism as the sole criteria
Bullshit. There is also exist a direct harm for other humans as criteria, for example.

You're conflating Christianity with Gnosticism.

I mean people who want to fuck actual animals

> Then homosexuality would still be considered a disorder.
Turns out there is no abnormality from typical development in homosexuality.

>I can't materially, Spiritual sense is something that can't be utilized without cultivation, but if you do cultivate it, it's not very difficult to prove.

So you can't prove it? Good to know, now shut up with your idiotic bullshit that does nothing to actually alleviate any suffering.

>Then homosexuality would still be considered a disorder.

Being uncommon isn't the same as being abnormal. Homosexuality also carries with it no dysfunction or difficulty interacting with society itself, that isn't a direct result of the social behaviour of others.

You also dodged the rest of my post. To hear you say it, we should be back in the middle ages trying to pray demons out of people for disagreeing with orthodox Christianity and this would be just fucking ideal to you.

In my honest opinion, zoophilia has less to do with seeing things as human than it does with power.

You're not realizing how much power relations have to do with the act of coitus itself. They take advantage of animals because simply, they are easily taken advantage of.

It's felicific calculus

It's pretty abnormal compared to normal sexuality.

Are you implying that Heaven doesn't exist in Christianity?

There isn't really. There is no real problem with a woman loving a woman or a man loving a man. In all honesty it should be encouraged to curb population growth we can't handle.

>as you would expect a being to be attracted to similar beings and not things which behave like them or have the potential to behave like them

What's the difference? How do you define "similar being", if not "things which behave like them or have the potential to behave like them"?

There is difference between Hedonistic and Utilitarian.


>DSM-IV precedes the definition with caveats, stating that, as in the case with many medical terms, mental disorder "lacks a consistent operational definition that covers all situations", noting that different levels of abstraction can be used for medical definitions, including pathology, symptomology, deviance from a normal range, or etiology, and that the same is true for mental disorders, so that sometimes one type of definition is appropriate, and sometimes another, depending on the situation.

Can we shut the fuck up now? It's not just hedonism, and it's not exactly a clear-cut definition they have to operate on. Alleviating suffering, increasing personal autonomy, and preventing harm to others are the primary aim. If you have a problem with any of these, Constantine, you're a fucking cunt.

And being smart is pretty abnormal compared to normal average intellect.

I have to disagree mainly because I think that if you are to treat their disorders you must treat society first, you must make it move on and then in time those who are able to move on will move on with society. And you will be left with those that require treatment. To become better we must leave behind those that refuse to better themselves and then we will go back to help them. Either that or I'm dead wrong...

It is normal sexuality. Even otherwise heterosexual people are known to experience attraction to the same gender periodically.

I'm stating that it is not some real exclusive from earth, it is more an intersecting dimension. You don't have to be "out-of-body" to experience heaven, heaven is to be in God's presence. In fact, we are all in heaven, but sin makes it imperceptible to us.

Heaven (and hell) is somewhat different in Orthodox Christianity than with the Latins or Protestants.

Right, so it's really not something that can be used as a criterion. And it's not either.


Also what people finds attractive in and outside porn can and probably will vary.

Hetero guys seldom get boners from other guys.

>To become better we must leave behind those that refuse to better themselves and then we will go back to help them

So in other words, let's adopt the readability of the Somalian government and tell the mentally ill to fuck themselves harder than Reagan did by demanding we release millions of incare patients to become homeless and suffered.

Bloody horrible idea.

>You're not realizing how much power relations have to do with the act of coitus itself.

Mate, dominance (ie power) is literally the first thing I proposed and my cast of possible awnsers for a reason.

It is a criterion. It's just one of many potential criteria. There's a reason any classification of a mental disorder is surrounded by research and debate, because it's not exactly a clear cut thing.

The fact is, you just don't like psychology because it overturns your notions of personal responsibility and serves as a fly in the ointment for your bundle of aesthetic hangups (as my continued interactions with you have lead me to believe that everything from your religion on down is just a fetishization of the aesthetics of the middle ages).

I'm not well read in metaphysics but there is without a doubt something fundamentally different between a 2d drawing of a woman and an actual woman. That could be the distinction I draw there in that 2d is more of an adaptation of the original being conpared to the actual woman who just is.

Pic related. Its from Sweet Guy at YoManga.

Yeah I know how our brains are attracted to cartoons but why these cause such kinds of stimuli.

>It is a criterion
Not it's not, how is the criterion defined?

>wunder woman's cammie
no woman's vagina is that big.

The same reason really people have long fantasized about any fictional character, or before that mythological heroes I guess. Maybe even deities. At a distance - time, plane of existence, or experience - you can idolize the concept of this person. Lewd cartoons and models with Photoshop editing let you do this with their pronounced sexual characteristics.

Aren't you transgendered? I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to imply ideologically here

I think you're forgetting the fact that your sexual desires are driven mostly by your fallible five senses, in this case vision and maybe sound. Or at least you're not giving it the importance it deserves.

Yeah I get that but why does that idolatry happen or better yet why does the need to idolize happen?

Read the manga mate ;)

Surely the brain can "tell" that person that the object of desire isn't actually a human due to similar fundamental flaws that our senses can see.



>Moreover, although this manual provides a classification for mental disorders, it must be admitted that no definition adequately specifies precise boundaries for the concept of "mental disorder." The concept of a mental disorder, like many other concepts in medicine and science, lacks a consistent operational definition that covers all situations. All medical conditions are defined on various levels of abstraction--for example, structural pathology (e.g. ulcerative colitis), symptom presentation (e.g. migraine), deviance from physiological norm (e.g. hypertension), and etiology (e.g. pneumococcal pneumonia). Mental disorders have also been defined by a variety of concepts (e.g. distress, dyscontrol, disadvantage, disability, inflexibility, irrationality, syndromal pattern, etiology, and statistical deviation). Each is a useful indicator of a mental disorder, but none is equivalent to the concept, and different situations call for different definitions.

>Introduction, xxi, DSM-IV


>Yeah I get that but why does that idolatry happen or better yet why does the need to idolize happen?

I don't know if you'd call it a need, just a reaction. Like when you see a car bumper and headlights that look like the car is making an angry face, you start to anthropomorphize the car to be an angry thing. So when you see a drawn girl with tits and plush lips, you apply those characteristics to the character of the character itself I guess. I don't think this is limited to just sex appeal.

>Surely the brain can "tell" that person that the object of desire isn't actually a human due to similar fundamental flaws that our senses can see.

Not the brain, reason can tell. But try to remember and analyze yourself the last time you fell to your sexual desires. Reason is put aside, and other parts of your brain take control. Either this or the sexual desire is killed. This is why people sometimes feels bad after having sex with someone, but not before. This is also why some people feels guilty after masturbation.

I still find it odd why humans always try to humanize stuff

It's hard to understand others. We're human and humanize things, just like people (specially those with difficulties for abstraction) prefers or even needs examples they can relate to when listening to an explanation.

Humans know humans best and you see what you know in everything on what you look.

Giving things human characteristics is one way to define humanization, but another that's maybe not too far from the phenomenon is to make something for human use and understanding.

We humanize chairs not only because we call those sticks that help it balance itself "legs" and the flat part that stands upright the "back" but also because it was purposely crafted to suit a human being interacting with it.

And that's why space alien babes are just hot girls with body paint and funny cosplay.

I wanted to use the word reason but I don't know why I went with brain. Oh well.

So we're nothing more than primitive pigs who throw reason out the window at a hint of desire despite how much we champion it. I guess we still have a long, long way to go. It seems like the regret after sex people have is due to the fact that they see a glimpse, if you will, of a truly rational human in the future and that engaging in that activity holds them back. Curious to know if you think the feeling of regret after sex due to the foregoing of reason is societal or somewhat fundamental.

Do you think a highly evolved species (at least in terms of capability to process abstraction as stated) would have no need to self-identify themselves with foreign objects?

>Do you think a highly evolved species (at least in terms of capability to process abstraction as stated) would have no need to self-identify themselves with foreign objects?

Yes. Our cognition relies heavily on our emotional capabilities.

> self-identify themselves with foreign objects
Well, maybe. Depends on how useful such self-identification is for them.

An abstraction of Beauty without the messy "imperfections" of reality.

What is beauty? Sense of touch is more pleasing than sense of vision and sense of hearing.

It's all based on vibration. All of it.

The Form of Beauty exists in 2D space.