Why do people do this?

Why do people do this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>25 year rule

>25 years old


protection, sense of community, for the thrill of it etc. . .

Low IQ

desu it's not that bad, hitler looks so jovial. the other shit looks retarded

>Aryan Brotherhood
>established 1964



its a free country

The only time this has been the correct answer on this board

He's not free. At all.

negative attention is still attention

What does the frightening looking face behind hitler's shoulder represent? Or is there just a generic tattoo background unrelated to hitler just also there?

Unlike college hipsters and gym bros, criminals in gangs in prison just can't get tattoos that look cool; every one has a meaning.

Related; the Russians are also very intricate with their tattoos. You can read an entire mans life story with their tattooos.

Degeneracy. There's a reason tattoos are haram.

>You can read an entire mans life story with their tattooos.
maybe if you're an ant

Okay, so what does the evil grin face across from the smoking fire skull mean? I thought maybe it was a Jew or the Devil, but it doesn't have any of those features.

to survive prison

It's probably the face of some guy he stabbed to death in prison.

>that gyno

Man, by nature, strives to be part of something greater than himself.

Often, unfortunately, he joins groups that are toxic to society in that noble goal--which is where we get terrorist groups, gangs and so on.

probably life sentence, so prision as literally became his world and he will never come out so fuck all society norms and behave like a braindead retard

>uhhh blacks do crime because of culture
>racists, uuhhhhhhh low IQ

you prove exactly how low IQ works here

IQ is a bullshit way to determine intelligence and it's not this mystical thing that can explain anything other than the result the person gets on the test


Prison culture

>posts about russian tattoos
>picture isn't of russian tattoos

He doesn't have gyno, he's just obese.

Gyno is breast tissue, that's just fat.

It's useful for identifying outliers and an average, and where they lie relative to one-another on a scale defined by recorded extremes. It's shown to correlate with success in life, but this is ignorant of a lot of other factors. These include the weaknesses of the test in providing a nuanced look at a person's intelligence, whether or not it's taken in ideal circumstances, and the psychological effect that knowing these scores can have on a person. It's very vague look at intelligence. And a vague look is all it will ever provide with our current knowledge of the brain. But it doesn't mean it's not useful.

Raycissts often shill out world IQ stats (with nothing to vouch for their legitimacy, of course) but oddly enough, it is a difference of 30 to 40 points in between some of the worst and best performing populations. I find it odd that that is roughly the difference recorded in the Flynn effect. If these info-graphics that make claims that indigenous populations of Africa, Australia, and etc are true; they actually correlate with the Flynn effect in terms of development, which is one of the proposed causes for the widespread improvements in intelligence that it records. In this way, given the right context, IQ can be used to draw relationships that can be used as basis for more specific research.

But most /pol/lacks wouldn't want you to think very deeply about it.

