Help me Veeky Forums...

Help me Veeky Forums, I swear to god early today I read that the Jerusalem Cross was tattood on Crusading knights as a way to say "If I fall in battle, bury me as a Christian"

But now I can't find any source saying that and I think I'm having a stroke. Is it some other symbol that was used for that? Pease help me out

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I always wondered how popular were tatoos in the middle ages in general .

Tattoos were a sin.

I haven't found anything about it, but the British kings George V and Edward VII both got Jerusalem cross tattoos when they visited the city.

no they weren't
this practice comes from the same root.after crusades that tattoo lost it's practical use and became just a memento or proof that you have visited the holy city.

Weren't tattoos a lost art until the 1700's?

In Europe and Kebab Middle East.

Gonna need a source friend.

The only important parts t.b.h.

Found this slide on Google images, can't find the source or anything though

This practice is still common among the christians of the middle east.

This makes me want to get a tattoo of the Jerusalem cross. Where should I get one? On my wrist? My bicep? Chest?

You don't need to source it. Nobody with a tattoo is buried in Jewish cemeteries. Not even Jews with tattoos.



Why not wrist? Or maybe chest to be more discrete? That might be best.

I thought it was only cutting yourself?

In Croatia and Bosnia, women tattooed themselves with crosses so that the Ottomans wouldn't want to touch them.

forgot pic

I'm not sure whether it was practised during the middle ages, but here have a picture of 17th century tattoos.

I think the varangian Rus learned to use tattoos from the steppe people

left part of your chest so it's over your heart

>If I fall in battle, bury me as a Christian
Of course, because if you find a dead body of a white guy with a cross on his cloths dead on a battlefield of a crusader battle your first thought is to bury him as a zoroastrian

Well played m8


There were christian arabs participating in the crusades too, user


>white guy
This triggers the non European

Ahriman pls

Sky burial is still a burial

lol no the Crusaders generally killed every Native they came across, whether Muslim, Jewish, or Christian.

>no they weren't
"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD."
Leviticus 19:28 (KJV)

Didn't Leviticus also say not to eat shellfish or pork?

Yeah, I'm not denying eating that stuff is sinful either

Jesus said fuck it and allowed people to eat anything.