Bitcoin: sorry it's a mini bubble

a friendly reminder for the moon shills that they are spouting bullshit with absolutely no basis in reality.

I think it will go up. This bubble is on hold due to the dao

Err no nocoiner, no. Buy the dip or kill yourself later.

>absolutely no basis in reality.

i would say for the next 3 years this is gonna be all downhills with a pretty sizeable bull trap.

I fixed your pic for you hombre.

anyways bot part of the chart agrees on after the bubble the price stabilizes and drops for a year or two.

not a good idea to buy now in any case.

Yes you stupid fuck

No you should wait for it to go down in value before you spend it... how fucking dumb are you

I hope it goes up god

*major upswing

in a year based on your interpretation but till then the price will visit $400 if follows the pattern even loosely. so you should sell then and re-buy at $3-400.

You're an idiot.

You are a full on retard.

Explain why the price won't go up.

Explain why you think you can predict the price with any amount of certainty.

aand we are still going down

>he missed to buy at 600 dollars now back at 645
nocoiner suicide watch checked

i sold at 640 i bought at 400 muh nigga
i'm out you can cry rivers it's gonna go down from here.

hey guys im a newb of the bitcoin but i want to get some before the halving bu it say it can take a couple of day before i get em with coinbase
is there a way i can buy and receive now ?

>a whole $45
or to the average butter buy in, 45 cents.


yeah i can see the similarities... oh wait wrong there is none.

OP is right.

I got scared two nights ago looking at how little volume there was and converted about 2/3 of my btc to fiat. It dropped like an hour later. Now I'm even more spooked and am selling my last third.

There is buy support around 600 but it might not be enough if a whale really dumps hard. We could easily go back to 300-400. Literally none of the fundamental problems of bitcoin that led to the big sell off this winter have been resolved, only masked by halving hype.

The only positive is ethereum got brutally ass fucked so theres no fear of bitcoin losing its #1 crypto spot.

I'll jump back in in a few weeks if volume picks up or if price hits 450.

Let me help you out

>halving hype
indeed it's not only a hype it's a false hype.
halving presents a challenge to bitcoin it is not a price support it is not a scarcity event it's a problem.

your delusions are magnificent at least.

I think the idea is less miners selling their coins on exchanges (less supply) will drive up price.

But is there enough demand? If demand falls off just as fast then price falls anyway.

Probably a big dump then when LN starts making news people will buy again. Bitcoin is still finding it's way it's pretty bizarre it's priced as high as it is desu.

That's honestly the strongest pattern I see. Couple that with Europe about to collapse and the halving, it seems totally plausible to me. Didn't bitcoin spike when Cyprus had bail ins? What's going to happen when Italy has bail ins?

>I think the idea is less miners selling their coins on exchanges (less supply) will drive up price.
can be easily proven false, mined bitcoins 1800 per day versus exchanged millions of coins.

>But is there enough demand? If demand falls off just as fast then price falls anyway.
indeed demand is way more important than supply. demand for bitcoin rises when countries experience great financial trouble and money tries to flee.

i think bitcoin has serious challenges development wise ahead if it solves them and global use becomes more widespread and there is some fuckhuge worldwide monetary trouble. we can see this: but chances are none of us will be happy with a cataclysmic event in the global monetary system. for one measuring anything in usd might become a futile exercise then.

>some fuckhuge worldwide monetary trouble
This is guaranteed, the only question is what the new world order will be. Bitcoins, Monero, or IMF SDR.

bitcoin failed at what it tried to do, so i don't believe in it anymore i did like 6-7 years ago not anymore. now i'm just watching it all go to shit sitting on my gold and silver. some crypto might rise and take bitcoins place but i think bitcoin will drag even solid good coins with it when it goes to shit. people will be vary of them all.

No one knows its gone to shit but those paying attention. In the medium term I expect it is something people will still want to buy if it looks like their bank is about to collapse or their country's about to take 20% of their savings.

yeah as a speculative asset it's alright.
i don't see the eurozone collapsing or uk getting hurt much tho.
chinks are perfectly capable to weather their entire stock market collapsing. it's a joke anyways.
so what's next? if the usd collapses under the debt then it's ww3 and general apocalypse. so no fun in that.

maybe russia. if russia gets rekt economically cause of sanctions and oil prices and military spending maybe we see some rise. but they have a pretty big internal market. and the russians don't do collapse like the rest of the world. it's much less hysterical.


Weapons companies?
idk I genuinely expect a ww3 type situation. I've bought into the Strasse-Howe generational theory 4th turning thing. Then you've got RayDalio's debt cycle. Martin Armstrong's magic computer says war. Syria is more of a geo-political battle than a civil war. ISIS is changing the way wars are fought.
idk fuck I'm tired. I'm off to bed.

Russia distrusts anything that comes out of the US. I dont see them falling for bitcoin anytime soon. They have other vehicles to hedge with.

Explain please?

You arent factoring in the global economy crashing. Money will flood into BTC.

Being a britbong and having most of my savings in BTC has worked out great for me.

Another pipe dream. You'll be on your deathbed still waiting for the crash..

Crashes have happened every ~7-8 years for the past 100 years. The economy is looking horribly sick. It's happening soon.

Sure crashes will happen. Just not the one that you're waiting for.

I'll profit either way. I'm very well diversified.

Ahyes, you'll profit I'm sure. But will you grow as a human being?

It's pretty hard not to age.

So your life here on Earth is just accumulating material wealth and years, eh?

Not even close. I plan to die with $0.

That sounds like a good plan, but how do you plan to spend your time here, which is far more valuable than any gold?

I plan to spend my time happy. So far, so good.

What will you do with the time you have? That's the question. Watch candles?

Experience all the things the world has to offer, while keeping an open mind.

Fair enough. But I urge you to start now, because time is one thing you can't get any more of. You can always get more of anything else.

the rich fucks yes the oligarchs, but the almost nonexistent upper and middle class will have little other options. especially when they clamp down on the market.