Part 1:

Part 1:
Can we talk about European jews?
I am half ashkenazi Jew but unfortunately i dont know that much about jewish history.
In general I know this:
1)Jews emerged as a people in the levant and created a country(that later split) roughly where israel is now.
2)They were massacred/got their asses kicked by romans as a result of several jewish revolts which drastically reduced jewish population throughout the roman empire(several million jews died overall).
3)The result of the jewish wars was a clearer split between judiasm and early christians.
4)as a result of the temple getting destroyed rabbinical judiasm gained strength.
5)some jews through different immigration patters eventually ended up in different parts of europe.
6)some jews because they were not muslim or christian traded between christendom and muslim states.
7)Jews were kicked out of different countries and massacred throughout europe.
8)With secularization Jews started slowly assimilating but were eventually genocided as a result of of of pseudo scientific racial theories adopted by Hitler's populist movement.

Now, as i see it the split between Judaism and Christianity created a dynamic of animosity and mistrust between the two groups and jews being a small minority suffered whenever exclusionist ideas won out or when different elite groups in christian countries thought it was in their favor to damage or expel jews.
Jews on the other hand bunched up in their own small communities and tried to better their own and had a narrower tribal perspective since a larger identity was not possible both internally and externally.

What I find interesting is that Christianity worships jesus who was a jew and sacrificed himself for the sins of others and distanced himself while creating his own community.
The christian jewish dynamic in europe is in many ways similar with jews being used as scapegoats during tribulations, used as a means of achieving social harmony and resolving inner tensions in nations.

Other urls found in this thread:

Part 2:

Now what I want to know is what were the actual bad things European jews did?
Yes they were usurers because they were not allowed to own land or take up certain vocations and also because they were only forbidden from giving interest loans to other jews but not to non jews but were there cases of serious betrayed by jewish communities?

How come so many jews are rich? For example as the soviet union was dismantled a lot of very rich jews emerged and they make up a huge % of russia's richest now.
Why is it so? Sure you can say that because of the way jews are (genetically or culturally) they are more intelligent but why does that mean they are so overwhelmingly rich? Why not great artists for example?

everyone needs a scapegoat

>half ashkenazi Jew

No. If your mother is a Jew, you are 100% Jewish. If she isn't you are 0% Jewish.

You know what he means you fucking autist

>how come so many Jews are rich?
You may find this interesting

Its compelling but very reductionist.

>european jew
no such thing. you interbred with europeans to the point calling yourselves jewish is like me calling myself an african or a neanderthal.
A ridiculous rule that doesn't reflect reality in the slightest.

>you can't hold a set of beliefs because of genealogy

That's why French can't be monarchists, Spanish can't be conservatives, Poles can't be communists, and Italians can't be classical liberals, amirite?

When those beliefs deny basic reality? You can try, but it puts you on the same tier as the retards who self-identify as furries or otherkin or whatever.

Could be he means he follows the jewish faith, in which case I don't know what is weirder. A european who identifies himself by his religion or a european who bothered to convert to judaism.

What sort of denial of basic reality is involved. You quite literally have conversion mentioned and attested to in the Old Testament. Judaism isn't a nationality you utter retard.

I can't tell if you're that dense or trolling.
Let's see what I wrote in the original comment:
>you interbred with europeans to the point calling yourselves jewish is like me calling myself an african or a neanderthal.
You wrote
>you can't hold a set of beliefs because of genealogy
I wrote
>When those beliefs deny basic reality?

I want you to take a pause and think about this conversation before you post again and if you still don't get why what you just posted is inane then I'll help you out.

Yep, total retard.

There are no Chinese Communists, since neither Maoism nor Marxism are beleifs validated by reality. There are no American neo-cons, since those beliefs aren't validated by reality. There are no Islamic fundamentalists, because their ideas deny reality. There are no Indian Hindus, since their ideas aren't validated by reality.


There are only really like a few hundred thousand people on the planet, since everyone who subscribes to a group belief that denies reality isn't actually there because user defines groups like that.

Which, of course, none of these have anything to do with your original statement, that Jews are "too intermixed with Europeans" to really be Jewish, implying it's some sort of genetic or tribal affiliation to begin with, which means that the validity of any set of beliefs isn't really relevant, only the sincerity as to which they're held. But apparently, and this is the only way I can connect your tow incoherent posts together, European Jews don't REALLY hold Jewish beliefs, because apparently that would be incompatible with being European or something, for reasons that probably make perfect sense to you and all the other double digit IQ people.

How many generations worth of incest went into making you?

Let me quote my previous post since you obviously didn't read the entire post before going full jidf
>Could be he means he follows the jewish faith, in which case I don't know what is weirder. A european who identifies himself by his religion or a european who bothered to convert to judaism.

Nice long post m8. Shame you're basically ranting to yourself and not in fact talking to me.

I am half jewish because my dad was a jew from a family of jews and my mom is a convert.

You're not really Jewish then

What the fuck is this? I don't know whether you're from Reddit or /pol/ or fucking tumblr, but wherever you're from you should go back there.

There's Judaism as a religion. There's blood. You aren't really telling us anything if you don't specify which you mean and where you are from.

who are all you guys itt and what are you doing jere?

Let me teach you about a language called "English", the most commonly spoken language here.

When you separate two statements, as you did in post 1372846, in

>When those beliefs deny basic reality? You can try, but it puts you on the same tier as the retards who self-identify as furries or otherkin or whatever.


>Could be he means he follows the jewish faith, in which case I don't know what is weirder. A european who identifies himself by his religion or a european who bothered to convert to judaism.
You imply that they speak about two separate things. Namely Jews (who deny basic reality) and "people who follow the Jewish faith" are again, 2 different things.

Now, I don't know how you came to that conclusion, or how you went to such a failure of an educational system that you're unaware of common English parlance, but let me spell something out for you.

In most circles, "Jews" and "People who adhere to the Jewish religion" are the same group.

Oh, and by the way, you do know that France has the third highest Jewish population of any country today, right? And that France is a nation state located in the continent of Europe, which according to some definitions (but not all) makes it a "European nation".

This might be educational.

If the orthodox jews accept me as jewish im jewish and they do.

>In most circles, "Jews" and "People who adhere to the Jewish religion" are the same group.
Exact opposite in my experience. I've yet to meet a single jew who identifies as a religious jew and not as some sort of jewish descendant with 1% jew in him at most.

Anyway. Keep at it mr.jidf. Defend your jewish faith or whatever it is you're butt-hurt about. There isn't anything to really talk with you about so I'm out.

Are you stupid or something?

That sucks, they're like the shittiest sect of an already kind of shitty religion.

You are retarded but i am jewish in every possible way except that my mother wasnt ethnically jewish. My parents are both jews in terms of religion, my father is ethnicly jewish and the orthodox accept me as a jew.
I can say im half jewish perfectly fine.

Oh, so your anecdotal experience is apparently better than every single English dictionary in the world.

You've also admitted that you were in fact, talking about two different things in post which means that yes, to you, someone isn't a "Jew" because their beliefs "deny basic reality".

Therefore, there are no believers in any sort of ideology whatsoever that denies reality. The Nazi party never existed, because the racial based pseudoscientific foundations deny reality. Communist USSR never existed, since their state ideology was based in good old fashioned LTV economics, which denies reality in terms of commodity pricing. WW2 in Europe was just some kind of mass hallucination that magically left tens of millions dead, because the two biggest ideologies slugging it out in Europe were never actually there!

I'm not even JIDF, but you came up with a definition for what counts as a "real Jew" that is so staggeringly stupid that I'm still struggling to grasp how anyone could possibly come up with it and commit it to writing, even in a place as shitty as here.

>Implying there no difference between the Sephardic and Ashkenazim

You can say whatever you want, that doesn't mean people won't laugh at you. Tbh Idk why you'd want to be 'half Jewish' in the first place.

Why WOULDNT i want to be half jewish?

>fully circumized
>half circumsized

which would you prefer?

i see no problems with his preferences for half