Did Stalin actually care about his people, or Communism, or was he just a sociopathic bastard?

Did Stalin actually care about his people, or Communism, or was he just a sociopathic bastard?

Lmao no dictator gave a flying fuck about his people.

He was mad and destroyed many chances for humanity to progress, still today as he's used by the capitalist for discrediting marxism..

Sociopath who didn't care for the Russian people.

modern capitalism is completely based on Marxism....

He's used by anyone with a lick of sense to discredit marxism or at the very least leninism

People always throw around "progress" like this, but what are you progressing towards? What is the point where "progress" ends? Such an inane phrase. I bet you think communism is a historical inevitability.

Progress is the capacity to offer decent conditions of living (where decency is a criterium specific to the society itself) to humans as their number increases. There is no potential end to progress excepted the destruction of human life.

And communism isn't a historical inevitability since it can never triumph. The alternative "socialism or barbary" is indeed the historical inevitability, and we're living the decisive period, the epoch of wars and revolutions, opened by the Commune of Paris. Will we crush capitalism ? Enlist now !

He was actually the living embodiment of dialectical materialism. The fact that he has no altruism makes him a perfect marxist materialist agent of History. Too bad the spirit of russian tzarism was far stronger and made him part of the reactionary dialectic that lead to current Russia.

He cared about himself more.


what are you even talking about

Stalin was literally the only successful communist

How can he be a communist since he killed the revolution ?

most people aren't clever enough to care about things. it's really closer to just following compulsions.

Hitler almost certainly cared about the German people up until the point where he became bitter and started to blame them for losing the war.

All of the above, obviously.

Goddamn, when the Marxist come out they always come out spewing the most bullshit humanly possible.

he was a bandit who fell in with the Communists during a chaotic period and then managed to schmooze the right people to worm his way into power. he was always a violent sociopath and i doubt he ever believed in anything besides self preservation and accumulating more power

>worst possible examples

He was the perfect Communist, ruthless in achieving aims. You bet your ass he believed what he in what he was doing. People push these care bear hypotheses because they can't accept the complexities of man, that a man can really be so terrible for reason other than base selfishness and psychopathy.

>"There was a strange contradiction which always struck me: all his thoughts and ambitions were directed towards the problem of how to help the masses, the simple, the decent but under-priveleged people with whom he identified himself - they were ever-present in his thoughts - but in actual fact he always avoided any contact with people"

Hitler and Stalin possibly had something in common in loving humanity in the abstract but not in reality. But it may have been as Stalin reportedly told his son: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili and Stalin were two different entities.

He craved power most of all, he would take care of his people so as long as it gave him power

meaningless words, both of them

so he was a schizo?

lol, someone should tell all the masses who were misled

Stalin was an idea that lived in the hearts and minds of others.

> Artyom Sergeev, Stalin's adopted son, recalled a fight between Stalin and his biological son Vasily. After Stalin found out that Vasily had used his famous last name to escape punishment for one of his drunken debauches, Stalin screamed at him. "'But I'm a Stalin too,' retorted Vasily. 'No, you're not,' said Stalin. 'You're not Stalin and I'm not Stalin. Stalin is Soviet power. Stalin is what he is in the newspapers and the portraits, not you, not even me!'"

>want to follow some edgy extinct political ideology
>too pussy go full nazi
They really are the worst.

Of course he cared. He was just wrong.