TFW you get fired and they don't even tell you why

>TFW you get fired and they don't even tell you why

Happened to me too.
It's not like any of the customers would've seen the gun anyway.

Why would they purposely give you material for a lawsuit?

Right to work states
You can quit without notice if you want, but they can fire you for whatever reason and not tell you

That's not what right to work means you dingus.

>be polack
>UK software companies don't reply to your applications

its part of what it means, lack of unions=lack of protection

It's not.

Look up "at-will" employment. They can fire you for whatever reason they want, as long as it's not discrimination.

That's what you get for killing off all your unions, ameriburgers

I just applied for a job at Publix (would be my first job) and it said in one of the agreements that they can fire you without notice for no reason at all. Is this legal?


yep, but it also means you don't have to give them 2 weeks notice and can just call up one morning and say you're not coming to work (or just don't show up and don't answer their calls) not much of a deal if you ask me though

So if that wasn't in the agreement then just quitting on the spot would be illegal? Or just frowned upon?

not illegal, but most non at-will employment companies have stipulations that if you quit without notice your vacation pay and bonuses are forfeit.

Makes sense, thanks.

>Implying this isn't a good thing
Enjoy never getting hired because companies know that they will run into problems if they ever want to lay you off. (See: France)
Not even an American btw

Go back to Poland scum

why do you hate him? it's not like he wants to be a leech.

Yes they can but this is the result of business owners lobbying government to pass laws in their favor. The US/UK are known for this behavior because their populace is filled with a bunch of uneducated apes. Ironically the military in these two countries have better labor laws than the the populace do.

Go back to pol

Lucky af man that's unemployment checks every week like $600 to do nothing

Oh no, an employer can't be fickle like a woman, what ever shall we do?

Why should they have to?

Do they also have to tell everyone they don't hire why?

>Why should they have to?

Uh when you fire someone you should give a reason instead of "xD i decided to hehehee" so the person at least knows and can keep it in mind for next time or at least have an idea of what he did wrong.

But you do know why you got fired, right? Whether or not they told you.

I fucking hate that shit. It's cowardly and as insulting as it could possibly get.

At least help a man in the long run by explaining what he did wrong.

>But you do know why you got fired, right? Whether or not they told you.

No, how can you possibly know?

There's any number of reasons.
>You're a bad employee
>They wanted to make room for a manager's son or something
>They wanted to downsize
>Business is slow


I got fired from a dishwashing job in the middle of a shift basically because I sucked at my job lol. Afterwards I cried and felt worthless, but eventually I learned from the expirience and got a comfy office job.

>working for other people
>not working for you

Need to make some dough until you can work on yourself m8

>. Afterwards I cried and felt worthless, but eventually I learned from the expirience and got a comfy office job.

>Crying over a min wage dishwashing job

Cmon man, are you at least a girl? Minimum wage jobs are a plenty, you can get fired and find a replacement job in the same hour, they're fuckin everywhere

Well I was 18, it was my second job and I cried because I thought that if I couldn't hold a dishwashing job then I'd be an unemployed loser for literally the rest of my life. I thought I'd never recover, especially because at the time I was getting my jobs by walking in and asking for a job at dozens of restaraunts and I hated it. Turns out I like cooking at home but despise working in the food service industry.

is this some kind of joke? anybody anywhere can quit jobs whenever they want


you're confusing "right to work" (i.e. no mandatory unions) with "at will" (fire/quite without cause)

two sides of the same coin, there is no such thing as an at will union shop

well, the world is a large place
in my country it is four weeks notice for both sides
and we dont have unions either