>start making money
>feel embarrassed to upgrade my lifestyle or buy anything fancy because there are thousands of people in my work with more money than me
what's the fucking point
>start making money
>feel embarrassed to upgrade my lifestyle or buy anything fancy because there are thousands of people in my work with more money than me
what's the fucking point
Fuck if I know
There's no point. We are just one of the infinite possible universes that exist. An existing universe must exist because a nonexistent existing universe is a logical contradiction
try r9k
at least enjoy private stuff like pretty whores and cocaine
? what does this mean
why are you embarrassed?
People have more money than you, and you're embarrassed to show you are getting closer to their level?
Yes. I work with people with hundreds of millions and I feel tacky or uncomfortable buying a better car or moving into a bigger condo. Most of them spend their money well but I still feel weird about it like they would think less of me or that i'm trying to show off something
You sound Autistic or something, they probably wouldn't care, or maybe even slightly happy for you that you are rising out of Serfdom, if you want to buy a nicer car then buy a nicer car, its your money, enjoy it.
If it makes you feel better I have the same mental issue. It feels like I'm showing off or being wasteful or tacky. If it bothers you that much maybe you can give the money you feel you don't need to charity?
hollow, unimportant materialism is not what net worth is for
its so that you have total control over your own life at the very least
How about you focus on yourself and stop caring about others? Jesus christ millennials..
mostly caring about how others perceive me
well yeah i wasn't going to buy a rolex or gold chain just a nicer car and condo is all i care about
Why? It doesn't matter.
>oh I don't want to buy x because y has more money and could buy a z which is much better than x
nice logic
try /r9k/
Alright, you are clearly autistic as fuck. The point is that you have security. You don't have to work your whole life if you want to stick 80% of your money in investments you will have freedoms later.
It's probably smart to not want to upgrade your life, besides the fact you won't be able to attract as good of a woman, but you probably aren't that interested anyway.
How much we talking anyways?
They probably really don't care what you do at all. Don't know why they would give a shit if you bought a new shirt or moved into a new place. They'd just go on with their daily lives and keep making money and fucking their 10/10 superb models.
They don't give two shits about you user. Improve yourself to their level.
Well here's a list of things I want
>A laptop
>A sound bar for my TV
>Living room stereo/record player/speakers
>A fruit, vegetable, spice, flower, and marijuana garden
>New jeans, shorts, and shirts
>European vacation
>Road trip across USA and Canada
>Southeast Asia vacation
>New mountain and road bikes
>High end gym membership with pool and sauna
>Isolation tank
>Organic/healthnut high quality groceries
>Going out to eat
>A 40' boat
>Brand new books
>Nice, modern furniture
>Fancy skin and hair products
Conspicuous consumption is bad unless you're trying to attract a mate or you're desperate for the approval of strangers.
And even then, it tends to attract untrustworthy gold diggers.
So you're doing good, user.
I don't understand OP.
Why does having richer colleagues make you not want to spend money on nicer things?
I don't see the connection between those two things.
Is it because if you upgrade your lifestyle it would still be lesser than those people's (making them think you're a loser because your upgrade is still below them)?
I mean I'll take your money if you don't want it. I will give it the appreciation it deserves.
Serious time though? You will never be happy if you continually compare with other people. Find things that you enjoy - hobbies, sport, hookers, nice holidays to new places, hiking, fine dining, starting a business... and go do it.
Life isn't about accumulating the money, it's about using it to do things that make you happy. Those bastards with an extra digit on the end of their bank balances probably aren't happy, just wealthy.
Live your life, don't waste it wanting to live someone else's.
Wait what the fuck? You are literally autistic. How would the people at your work even know if you bought a sound bar, laptop, ps4 or Healthy food? You aren't buying books because other people have the ability to buy more books than you? I am totally perplexed by you. You are a legitimate weirdo and need to sort yourself out.
thats not the OP you retard. jesus this board has ID's and people like you still do that
yes my upgrade would still be below them and I would feel a little embarrassed i guess.
i do need to stop comparing myself that is a problem i have.
I didn't even look, I was blind with rage
Alright, a lot of people are giving you shit, but you aren't wrong for caring how others perceive you. I mean, you have a bunch of people here who don't care and that's exactly why they're here.
They do have a point, though. You're looking waaaaay to deep into this. I'm guessing you look up to your colleagues in one way or another. To you they must be great people, and if they are then they won't care. If they do care then you should congratulate yourself, you just got the attention of a guy holding millions of dollars just for buying a fancy new suit or car or whatever.
>Getting a car loan
>Thinks this is getting out of serfdom
>Being this good of a goy
>wanting to be extravagant when you're still starting
Might as well plan well on how to quadruple it within the next 6 months
God damn Veeky Forums is being invaded by some of the most innovative, envelope-pushing trolls/bait I've seen in a long, long time. I'm impressed actually.
How does buying a nicer car not elevate your socioeconomic status?