$750 living wage for everyone not working

so I propose world wide $750 or amount to people not working.

so students, unemployed get something to live on with dignity without cons, camwhoring, etc.

everybody should be entitled to money to live on.

if you say / worried about prices going up. This is stupid.

- farmers throw away food, as do supermarkets.

-people want to work, it's too boring not doing anything.

- humans are compassionate, empathic and help in work of life.

Other urls found in this thread:


breaking news. the world is plunged into depression due to everyone whos not working being paid $750pw

>everybody should be entitled to money to live on.
What does that even mean? I "should" have a nine inch cock, but I don't. Everyone "should" have blue eyes and a cut jaw, but they don't. Who the hell decides what you should and should not have?

It's stuff like this that worries me, I'm all fine with helping the poor and stuff but when you start to talk about people having a fundamental right to something that someone else has to produce, it opens the door to a whole flood of stupid ideas.

What next, everyone should be entitled to a house? Everyone should be entitled to a wife? Everyone should be entitled to a car? Jeeze. If you can make an economic case for it do it, but don't give me this "should" shit, it's literally just your opinion.

insert dumbcut.

9 inch cock = no women would want you except other faggots like you

other have their relative amount

whose gonna pay for all that shiet? Id rather not work then, if i got 700$ PW

Ugh can't remember the name of the informational movie, well I can't but the spelling is never going to come to me but it sounds like zicegice, except more German looking or something.
Talks about how we can support free living right now in a utopia

>brand name clothing (Nike, etc)
>smartphone to play with
>gold chain, bracelets, watch, ring
why doesn't the government ever think of the future generation???! they are our future, they should get life easier....

You have no economic knowledge and i feel like youre a white young male still in school.
>b..bbut muh famers throw away food
I hooe you start a country and implement this, just so that i can watch every liberal in the world cry when they realise how stupid all their ideas turn out to be when implemented.

Fucking stupid socialists

I refuse to give you reasons for it not working as you havent given any real reasons jt would

Nice try, Bernie.

Also, this picture is awkward as fuck. Little west coast wigga is about to get rekt by mellow yellow and black mamba.


>be homeless
>Receive $750
>Put it in a didvident paying stock
>Only 5 more years till mansion

$750 won't mean shit if there's nothing to buy

>everybody should be entitled to money to live on.

Why should they be entitled to it?

Btw what if rent prices jumped up $750 across the board to account for this?

Exactly, is it so hard to understand?

Another gimme free everything motherfucker.

Are you talking about 750 a month? After a year that's like half the salary of someone on minimum wage. How the hell does anyone have more dignity with only $9000 a year?

Not going to argue about entitlements but what do you think the effects on the economy will be from this? While the middle and lower classes have higher MPC surely the prices will go up as everyone now has $9000 and that $9000 will be the baseline from $0 (what we receive every year)

counter idea:
companies are not allowed make a profit of more than $1m per employee
apple's hoarding like what $40bn? that's money that could be CIRCULATING AROUND THE GOD DAMN FUCKING ECONOMY

i agree

universal basic income would make everyone on planet happy. No more terrorism!

Mind telling me how the fuck you intent to accurately quantify that?

We can't even properly enforce taxes without the money going overseas.

Retard detected for not giving a frequency for $750 payments

>upper management becomes "contracted consultant"

>management compensated in Stock options which have variable valuations

>management gets to live I company housing and use company cars instead

The fact that Apple has 40 billion in cash means the business environment is absolutely fucked, not that it's apples fault. Plus they don't give a fuck about their shareholders

This guy has something only I have a counter proposal. $750 a month for life if you volunteer for castration so will not be able to pass your imperfect genes on. I don't want my grandkids supporting your grandkids.

Thank you for making money worthless.

>Not just giving everyone $1000/day

We have enough to afford that! Stop being greedy!

>everyone should get paid to not work

lol. bernie sanders was a lie kid. get a fucking job.

If you're gonna have weekly wages to help people not fucking starve, you should keep them down to $100, and if they need rent, they should be put in shithole projects where they can live until they get their shit together.

Some people are against the idea of ANY welfare at all, but honestly, if we can move all non-Asian minorities out of America or sacrifice one of our own states to be a pure densely populated Black colony. (I'd be willing to give up Texas and the surrounding states, but feel free to chime in with any problems this idea has and any variations that might work better).

If we had a white-ish society (some black halfsies and mestizos sneaking into our society would be less then ideal, but it'd probably be okay) then all these complicated financial arguments would kind of fade away, because a little welfare here and there for dumbies who need it, is okay. A little bit of minimum wage at a certain level really won't ruin most businesses, and will help society at large if done sensibly.

>Everyone should be entitled to a wife?
Yes, desu, senpai.

Not that guy, but we could quantify that by locking down overseas trade and requiring a randomly assigned government employee to hang around all of the business HQ's. In order prevent collusion, the gov employee in each HQ should be replaced every 2 weeks (or another amount of time that is fairly reasonable) so there's no chance of buddy-buddy collusion.

>This guy has something only I have a counter proposal. $750 a month for life if you volunteer for castration so will not be able to pass your imperfect genes on. I don't want my grandkids supporting your grandkids.
THIS. But to make sure we get as many losers purged as possible, I think it's worth it in the long run to up that price to maybe $50,000/yr or even $100,000/yr, but I'm open to hearing how that could be terrible.

Minimum basic income is actually not a bad idea.

IF there were no other entitlements. NONE. (No Medicaid, social security, food stamps)

The problem is that's utopian, as in "It will never work".
Namely because as soon as you give people a choice in paying for anything, a large number will elect not to, banking on the sure fact that the government won't allow them to die, starve, or be broke.
It's win-win for them.

What do you think of what I've been saying?

You can't just give people free money no. Teach a man to fish, don't give it to him etc. psychedelics, solar power, and crypto currency and "good" GMOs is what humanity needs. sorry I can't explain myself very well.

750 would barely pay rent here in switzerland

>give people a choice in paying for anything
That's stupid. Why should people with no money or ability to earn it pay for food when there are tonnes of lower-quality produce, old but-still-edible bread, etc. thrown away daily? Why should they pay for housing when they would be happy to set up tent cities in discrete locations on public land if the gubbiment didn't keep shutting them down?

This forced scarcity shit is threatening to cause massive social problems (food riots are very scary) and it simply isn't worth it. Stuff that is destined to be thrown away should be given to the people with no hope of getting a job. At the moment, the government supports businesses right to throw away huge amounts of food and prevent people from living without paying rent to enforce false scarcity, which is welfare for business at the expense of the population and a calm society. What is the point?

So all you need to make this idea work is an army of refrigeration trucks, and people to drive them, to go around collecting "edible" food and redistributing it to other people.

Who is going to pay for the trucks and people?
Who is going to pay when said "edible" food gives someone e-coli or generic food poisoning and they sue?

For every person who is paid to do nothing there is another who's money is taken because they work.

How do you morally justify stealing the labor of the working man to give to those who are able but simply refuse to work? You are making the working man a slave to those who refuse to work.

Zeitgeist also says 9/11 was an inside job.
Utopia is not possible without free eneergy, and that doesn't exist.

No, people with no jobs can move to areas close to where food is produced and live in self-made homes / tents and collect the food that would be otherwise trashed.

If they get ecoli or whatever that is part of living in the world. But why would you? Most edible food doesn't carry diseases and most people would avoid meat for that reason.

Th point I'm trying to make is there is an excess of food and space for housing. People who are forced out of the job market, should be given access to this stuff and allowed to create small communities.

>who is going to pay
Are you a teenager? Most adults (not nu male office drones, of course, but they have jobs) Are capable of scavenging materials and building. Nobody needs to pay (although sympathetic people with money like me are sure to donate many materials), the government simply needs to stop propping up businesses and landlords by refusing to allow unemployable people to do that without getting arrested.

There are not enough jobs and many people lack skills to get the jobs there are. Why should they be FORCED to continue living the lifestyle of a worker (paying rent, buying fancy food / "good-looking" produce) or living on the streets at risk of rape and murder because their tent-cities got shut down despite being located in the woods where nobody goes.

>smart young people don't want kids anyway, which is why birth rates are so low in first world countries
>can get free money and all they have to do is agree to never have children, which they don't want
>smart young people give up the ability to reproduce and in return get FREE MONEY which they then invest
>rich, successful billionaires are removed from the gene pool because you didn't account for the recklessness of youth
>meanwhile, retards who have no hope of achieving anything continue to breed
Nice plan

Top kek. So the world would be made up only of the most boring, servile of drones who are willing to humiliate themselves and give up all free time to earn a living? What a nightmare scenario, a whole world made up of boring uncreative worker-bees. It would be then end of Veeky Forums and everything interesting.

> 666
> That Idea

I think a basic income would strive in canada if it had these policies:

- 1k for everyone over 18, 300 for everyone under it (still keep child benefits

- 75/25 health care covered. Anyone 18 under gets free and 50 over gets free

- Remove 30 percent student grant and put grants/scholarships on in demand programs and trades

- Remove welfare, EI, and other social assistance programs except for disability

Honestly I support universal basic income and I'd get behind this.

>sorry I can't explain myself very well.
Yeah no shit, get off this board.

>That's stupid
Yeah, that's stupid.
Why should you address the point when you can just substitute one that's easier to argue?

You are too stupid to bother arguing with.

I am fairly certain you are really high, or have an IQ somewhere around 80.

How can you possibly hope to pay for this without raising taxes to the point of just enslaving your own citizens? Also good luck getting rid of "free" healthcare.

>So all you need to make this idea work is an army of refrigeration trucks, and people to drive them, to go around collecting "edible" food and redistributing it to other people.

Sounds almost like jobs. Job creation! That means from the start less people need the handouts being proposed.

The alternative is the current "fuck you I got mine" mentality of folks like you, which isn't working at all. You'll realize that only when you no longer got yours, because someone richer has taken it from you.

Look, fuck the lazy. Let them starve for all I care. There are people who would like meaningful jobs. There is shit that needs doing, which would benefit everyone, and not just them. Just fucking look around you. Or do you really prefer seeing litter strewn and graffiti sprayed everywhere, and having potholes in the streets you drive down everyday? Would it really be so bad to live somewhere that looked like paradise, instead of an endless, rundown strip mall? Why can't the people who aren't doing anything better, be put to work doing that, and being paid a living wage for it? Let them earn their fucking welfare.

Universal basic income is the stupidest fuckng idea I've ever heard and I refuse to believe anyone with a job thinks it's even viable. it's the same as putting a price ceiling on products. it will cause artificial shortages and ultimately inrease the price.

that said, sterilizing blacks and mexicans is a good thing.

Putting less money in health care would decrease ER times and save more money. A system similar to France or one where you pay 25% upfront and any cost is on your card

Removing social assistance programs and student grants would save money as well

Yes it would cost more, but it's more fair than other canadian programs like ontario giving free tuition to any family making less than 50k


There are generally far to many people in large cities.

If you can't afford to live in the large cities because of the minimal supply of housing and the large demand, go else where. This in turn will lower the cost over time making it more affordable until equilibrium or over saturation again in that area or the migratory areas.

If you want to live in those large cities, work more efficiently to afford it.

Seen people in LA leave to other areas because its incredibly more affordable elsewhere. Yea you lose the flare of the big city but who cares when u can start setting your life up financially elsewhere.

its not rocket science.


Bernouts BTFO.

*freezes sperm*
Ok deal

>The alternative is the current "fuck you I got mine" mentality of folks like you, which isn't working at all.
This. Sooner or later, the bread and circuses are going to run dry and we're going to have a lot of very, very unhappy people.

So we can fix it now or, you know, just wait until people start rioting and killing the rich. It's really up to them.

Well, that's essentially what taxes and welfare are anyway. OP is just proposing a different way of doing it.

Maybe something like this would work: youtube.com/watch?v=WG-btcKloSs

As I said, good luck getting anyone to elect you on a "I'm getting rid of free healthcare" platform.

>Sounds almost like jobs. Job creation!

In the same way it's job creation to have people build you a road using spoons instead of shovels. The money to pay those people must come from somewhere as they do not generate any revenue. Where are you going to get it from?


$750/ month X 12
232 billion/month X 12
Almost 3 trillion
You paying for that?

>You are too stupid to bother arguing with.
>I am fairly certain you are really high, or have an IQ somewhere around 80.
It's the truth and you know it, but complex ideas not sanctioned by professor goldbergstein scare you so you pretend it is "stupid". Funny thing is, you can't formulate a credible argument against any part of that post. "durr your le loow iq" isn't a credible argument.

eventually when enough processes are automated and jobs are not needed for everyone.. something like this might be needed. historically society has always had plenty of work that needed to be done. technology takes it to the point where that work may require only 10% of the population. realistically only 30% probably do anything productive now. (kids, old people, NEET, fake workers)

a 'living wage' is welfare state hush money

imagine millions of people completely dependent upon the government for their very survival

you think they own you now? wait until you can't feed, clothe, or house yourself without government assistance

So what would be the point of getting a job?

Many people would even quit their jobs or get purposely fired (I certainly would)
If there is no incentive to work, then no one will, thus the economy will go to absolute shit.
Not to mention the sheer amounts of money this would cost the government. They won't have any money to maintain roads or fund schools and hospitals etc.

Socialists are honestly so fucking stupid and have no understanding of economics, it's no wonder most of them are no older than 17, or just NEETs who are useless and don't want to have to work.

I wonder if this would make all these crypto-ponzies more or less prevalent.


Well imagine most production will be produced by machines and robots. There will be high number of unemployed people. They will need some income so they will just get money to live on. Most of wealth is just produced by machines anyway so its just wealth redistribution

>Able body lazy fucks wanting money and dignity for doing nothing worthy of either
>can't even donate plasma every 3 or 4 days for $400-$600 mo
>all you have to do is sit for an hour

Zeitgeist and it's just a bunch of idiots trying to scale family clan/tribe culture to millions of people without core tenets that makes it work in the first place. Besides that's not what OP wants.

Don't kid yourself, most people are more than capable of earning enough to eat they're just lazy or have delusions of grandeur. Food aren't donated anymore because you lazy fucks started suing them and bleeding heart/greedy fucks in FDA wanted their cut of taxes in the form of protecting you idiots from food born illnesses. No good deed goes unpunished, right?

I take home $650 every two weeks, I would quit my job just to get a raise of income.

>Many people would even quit their jobs or get purposely fired (I certainly would)

I like my job. Even if I were rich and never had to work again, I'd still want to do it. I'm a machinist. I get paid to play around with machinery and power tools all day, every day. I get to make useful shit, or repair them. A while back we were trying to figure out how to drive some brass bushings into a part that only had .001 clearance. What we ended up doing was sending the office manager to go buy some dry ice, to temporarily shrink them so that they would slide in easy, without damaging shit. Afterwards we had a bunch of dry ice leftover to play with the rest of the day. We had the place fogged up like a fun house. The only downside was that it wasn't liquid nitrogen instead. That shit would be a lot more fun to play with.